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Saturday 22 April 2023

Nelson Mandela : Long Walk to Freedom ( Tenth Class HBSE CBSE)


Long Walk to Freedom  -----                                      MCQs

 Q.1 Who was Nelson Mandela?
 Ans-He was the first Black President of South Africa.   
Q.2 Which party did Nelson Mandela join?
Ans-  African National Congress.
Q.3 How many years did Nelson Mandela remain in prison?
Ans- Thirty years.  
Q.4 Who according to Nelson Mandela is not free?
Ans- Oppressed as well as  oppressor .
Q.5 What inauguration does Mandela talk about?
Ans-  Oath taking ceremony of the new democratic government of South Africa.
Q.6 How many politicians attended ceremony?
 Ans- From more than 140 countries.
Q.7 Nelson Mandela was accompanied by---------------.
 Ans- His daughter Zenani.
Q.8- Which kind of Government was formed in South Africa?
Ans-  Democratic, non –racial government.
Q.9  What does Apartheid mean?
Ans-  Separation of people due to education and skin colour.
Q.10 How many Deputy Presidents were elected?
Ans-  two.
 Q.11 Why were two National Anthems sung?
Ans- To symbolize equality of both blacks and whites.
Q.12  What did the smoke trail of Impala jets symbolize?
Ans- The new National flag of South Africa.
Q.13- What was it that the nation needed to be freed from?
Ans- From poverty ,deprivation and  gender discrimination.  
Q.14- Which flame can be hidden but never put off?
 Ans- Man’s goodness and kindness.
Q.15- According to Nelson Mandela what is a country’s greatest wealth?
Ans- Its people.
Q.16- What is the meaning of ‘troop-carriers?
 Ans-  Vehicles carrying soldiers.
Q.17- How does Nelson Mandela define the meaning of courage?
Ans-  Triumph over fear.  
Q.18- What does Nelson Mandela mean by ‘an extraordinary human disaster’?
Ans-  It refers to inhuman practice of apartheid.  
Q.19- Why did other countries break off diplomatic relation with South Africa?
 Ans- Due to Apartheid policy.
Q.20- What colours does the new South African flag possess?
Ans-  black, red, green, blue and gold.
Q.21-Whom did Mandela want to thank, but couldn’t?
 Ans- African patriots. who no longer exist now.
Q22. What are the ‘Twin obligations’ according to Nelson Mandela?
Ans- One for the family, the other for the nation.

Rajender Tanwar 
PGT English 
GGSSS Kairu ( Bhiwani) 



Tuesday 18 April 2023

A Letter to God- G L Fuentes

This lesson is included in Tenth class course of HBSE and CBSE . This is a nice story of a simple, hardworking farmer , Lencho, who has a deep and firm faith in God. 

Q1- Who was Lencho?
Ans- Lencho was a poor farmer. He was very hard-working and simple fellow. He was a ' man of ox' . But he had a deep and firm faith in God. 
Q2- where was Lencho's house situated?
Ans- His house was situated on the top of a hill in a narrow valley. It was a lonely house in entire valley.
Q3- What did Lencho hope for?
Ans- Lencho hoped for a good shower of rain for his crop of corn. 
Q4-- Why did Lencho say that the raindrops were like ' new coins'?
Ans- Lencho hoped that there raindrops would give him a good crop and then he would have a rich store of corn for his family. It would make him rich. That was why he called the raindrops ' new coins'.
Q5- What happen to Lencho's fields?
Ans- The rain turned into hailstorm. It destroyed his crop completely. His fields were covered with a white sheet of snow. 

Footprints Without Feet - H. G. Wells ( 10th English Core)

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