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Thursday 13 July 2023



Time and Tense :- It is the most important topic of Grammar.

What is Tense :- Verb form that shows " the time of action " is called the Tense or change in the form of verb according to time is called the Tense .
( Verb के जिस रूप से यह पता चले कि क्रिया कब हुई है , उसे Tense कहते हैं या कार्य के समय ( Time of action ) के अनुसार क्रिया के रूप ( form of verb) में जो परिवर्तन होता है , उसे Tense कहते हैं। )

What is the relation of Time and Tense:-
Time is a universal concept but Tense is basically a grammatical term . Tense is bound with language and grammar but Time is free from this. Both are different but connected . Let's see-

There are three kinds of time in generally :- 
-1. The time is now i.e. Present time
-2. The time was then i.e. Past time
-3. The time yet to come i.e. Future time

Three kinds of Time are the three kinds of Tenses also :-
1. Present Tense -वर्तमान काल - (Action in present time)
2. Past Tense - भूतकाल - (Action in past time)
3. Future Tense -भविष्य काल - (Action in coming time )

These Tenses are further divided in four types according to the actual time of action:-
1. Indefinite / Simple- सामान्य
2. Continuous - सतत या निरंतर
3. Perfect- पूर्ण
4. Perfect Continuous - पूर्ण अपूर्ण

Draw and understand this Table-----

Now we will discuss these Tenses one by one :-


A1- Present Indefinite Tense:-सामान्य वर्तमान में किसी कार्य को दर्शाने के लिए
पहचान :- ता है , ती है , ते हैं ( वाक्य के अंत में )
Structure :- S+V1( s/es) +O.
Note :- यदि Subject {He , She, It, Any Name, Singular} हो तो Verb की First form के साथ s /es का प्रयोग होगा और यदि Subject {I, We, You, They, Plural} हो तो Verb की First form का ही प्रयोग होगा। 
( i) Aff. = S+V1(s/es) +O.
मोहित पुस्तक पढता है।
Mohit reads a book .
वे क्रिकेट खेलते हैं।
They play cricket.
किसान खेत में काम करता है।
The farmer works in the field .

(ii) Neg. = S+do not/does not + V1 +O.
Sub[He, She, It, Name, Sing.]= Does not
Sub[ I,We, You, They, Plu.] = Do not
मोहित पुस्तक नहीं पढता है।
Mohit does not read a book .
वे क्रिकेट नहीं खेलते हैं।
They do not play cricket.
किसान खेत में काम नहीं करता है।
The farmer does not work in the field .

(iii) Int. = Do/Does +S+V1 +O?
क्या मोहित पुस्तक पढता है ?
Does Mohit read a book?
क्या वे क्रिकेट खेलते है ?
Do they play cricket ?
क्या किसान खेत में काम करता है ?
Does the farmer work in the field ?

(iv) Int.Neg. = Do/Does+ S + not + V1 +O?
क्या मोहित पुस्तक नहीं पढता है ?
Does Mohit not read a book?
क्या वे क्रिकेट नहीं खेलते है ?
Do they not play cricket ?
क्या किसान खेत में काम नहीं करता है ?
Does the farmer not work in the field ?

( उपरोक्त सभी वाक्यों में Subject के अनुसार Verb के प्रयोग को ध्यान से देखिए और समझिए। अपनी Textbook आदि में भी पढ़ते हुए Present Indefinite Tense के वाक्यों की पहचान करके Sub. व Verb के सम्बन्ध को समझने का प्रयास करें। English language में इस Tense का सर्वाधिक use होता है। )

Usage of Present Ind. Tense :-

(1.) To express a habitual/ regular / repeated action (किसी आदतन , नियमित या बार बार होने वाले कार्य के लिए ) :-
My mother goes to temple every morning.
He always sits here in the class.
They buy vegetables from this shop.

(2.) To express universal truth / general truth( सनातन व सामान्य सत्य कथन ) :-
The sun rises in the east.
Two and two make four .

(3.) To express fixed event in coming future .( सामान्य भविष्य काल में पूर्व नियोजित कार्य के लिए ):-
The school begins on Monday.
The Minister comes here tomorrow.

(4.) In vivid narrative such as drama, match, function etc. / for the action that is taking place at the moment. ( वर्तमान में हो रहे किसी भी घटना , मैच , समारोह आदि के सजीव वर्णनं के लिए ):-
M.S Dhoni hits the ball for six.
Now the Principal gives a memento to the Minister .
Here comes the bus.

(5.) In newspaper headlines for the previous day's event:-
The PM launches a new scheme for the students .
India wins the match yesterday .

(6.) To express Quotation / Statement / Proverbs( कथनों , लोकोक्तियों के लिए )
Gautam Buddha says," Ahimsa parmo dharma."
Honesty is the best policy.
John Keats says," A thing of beauty is a joy forever."

(7.) To begin Imperative sentences( आदेशात्मक वाक्यों में ) :-
Do not talk in the class.
Always speak the truth.
Open your book.

(8.) To express possession / ownership (स्वामित्व दर्शाने के लिए )
We have a car.
Mr. Gupta holds a powerful post in the office.

(9.) To express situation/ existence/ position/ feelings etc.:-
She believes in God.
He is my brother.
I like this place.

(10.) To express natural quality / professional quality ( प्राकृतिक या व्यावसायिक विशेषता दर्शाने के लिए ) :-
A doctor treats the patients.
Rose smells sweet.

A2- Present Continuous Tense:- कथन के समय चल रहे किसी कार्य को दर्शाने के लिए
पहचान :- रहा है , रही है , रहें हैं ( वाक्य के अंत में )
Structure :- S+is/am/are +V4+O.
( V4= V1+ ing) i.e. making, doing, playing, writing etc.
Key Words:- Now a days , these days , at present etc.
Note :-
Sub (He , She, It, Any Name, Sing.)= Is
Sub. (I) =Am
Sub. (We, You, They, Plu. )= Are

(i) Aff. = S+is/am /are + V4+O.
रोहन पत्र लिख रहा है।
Rohan is writing a letter.
मैं कार चला रहा हूँ।
I am driving a car .
तुम फुटबॉल खेल रहे हो।
You are playing football.

(ii) Neg. = S+is/am /are +not + V4+O.
रोहन पत्र नहीं लिख रहा है।
Rohan is not writing a letter.
मैं कार नहीं चला रहा हूँ।
I am not driving a car .
तुम फुटबॉल नहीं खेल रहे हो।
You are not playing football.

(iii) Int. =Is/am /are + S + V4+O?
क्या रोहन पत्र लिख रहा है ?
Is Rohan writing a letter ?
क्या मैं कार चला रहा हूँ ?
Am I driving a car ?
क्या तुम फुटबॉल खेल रहे हो ?
Are you playing football ?

(iv) Int.Neg. =Is/am /are +S + not +V4+O?
क्या रोहन पत्र नहीं लिख रहा है ?
Is Rohan not writing a letter ?
क्या मैं कार नहीं चला रहा हूँ ?
Am I not driving a car ?
क्या तुम फुटबॉल नहीं खेल रहे हो ?
Are you not playing football ?

Usage of Present Cont. Tense :-

(1.) To express such action, which is happening at the time of speaking ( कथन के समय घटित हो रहे कार्य के लिए ):-
Nakul is playing outside.
I am helping my brother in his homework.

(2.) To express temporary action/ status in the present . ( वर्तमान में किसी अस्थाई अवस्था या कार्य को दर्शाने के लिए ):-
India is facing some problem with China these days .
I am learning to play flute now a days .

(3.) To express action in progress, but not necessarily at the time of speaking (वर्तमान में जारी किसी कार्य के लिए, परन्तु कथन में समय घटित होना जरुरी नहीं ):-
She is writing a novel on crime these days.
They are searching a new big house .

(4.) To express actions , which are definitely fixed /planned in the nearest future. (निकट भविष्य में होने वाले किसी भी पूर्व निश्चित कार्य के लिए ):-
The chief Minister is coming to the function next Monday.
We are shifting to Mumbai next month.

(5.) To express repeated habitual actions ( किसी लगातार या स्वभावगत आदत के लिए ):-
Vinesh is always asking foolish question .
She is always quarrelling with her sister.

Note:- सामान्यतया Present. Cont. Tense में निम्नलिखित Verbs का प्रयोग नहीं होता है :-
Verbs of perception( अनुभूति / समझ ) , possession (अधिकार ), emotion ( भाव ) thinking ( सोचना ) आदि :-
see , hear ,smell , taste , love , hate ,hope,wish, know, understand, remember, believe, seem , appear , think, own, contain etc.

For ex.
I am understanding that it is good for me . (X)
I understand that it is good for me . ✔️
She is owning a car. (X)
She owns a car . ✔️

A3- Present Perfect Tense:-अभी अभी पूर्ण हुए किसी कार्य को दर्शाने के लिए
पहचान :- चुका है , चुकी है , चुके हैं ( वाक्य के अंत में )
Structure :- S+has/have +V3+O.
Key words -just, just now, so far , recently , yet, as yet, already, ever , never , several times , once , twice etc.
Note :-
Sub (He , She, It, Any Name, Sing.)= has
Sub. (I,We, You, They, Plu. )= have

(i) Aff.= S+ has/have + V3+O.
वह पत्र लिख चुका है।
He has written a letter .
हमारे खिलाडी मैच जीत चुके हैं।
Our players have won the match.
तुम अपना गृहकार्य पूरा कर चुके हो।
You have completed your homework.

(ii) Neg.= S+has/have + not + V3 +O.
वह पत्र नहीं लिख चुका है।
He has not written a letter .
हमारे खिलाडी मैच नहीं जीत चुके हैं।
Our players have not won the match.
तुम अपना गृहकार्य पूरा नहीं कर चुके हो।
You have not completed your homework.

(iii) Int. = Has/have + S+ V3 +O ?
क्या वह पत्र लिख चुका है ?
Has he written a letter ?
क्या हमारे खिलाडी मैच जीत चुके हैं ?
Have our players won the match ?
क्या तुम अपना गृहकार्य पूरा कर चुके हो ?
Have you completed your homework ?

(iv) Int. Neg.= Has/have + S+ not+V3 +O ?
क्या वह पत्र नहीं लिख चुका है ?
Has he not written a letter ?
क्या हमारे खिलाडी मैच नहीं जीत चुके हैं ?
Have our players not won the match ?
क्या तुम अपना गृहकार्य पूरा नहीं कर चुके हो ?
Have you not completed your homework ?

Usage of Present Perfect Tense :-
(1.) To express actions completed recently ( अभी- अभी समाप्त हुए कार्य के लिए ) :-
The peon has just rang the bell.
They have finished their work.

(2.) To express such action that have been completed but whose effect continues at the time of speaking ( पहले समाप्त हुए किसी ऐसे कार्य के लिए, जिसका प्रभाव कथन के समय भी हो ) :-
She has lost her notebook.
I have cut my finger.

(3.) To express action completed in the past but whose time of completion is not given ( किसी ऐसे कार्य के लिए जो भूतकाल में पूर्ण हो चूका है परन्तु समय नहीं दिया गया हो ) :-
Rohan has completed his graduation .
We have been to Jaipur once.
They have purchased a new house .

A4- Present Perfect Continuous Tense:- किसी ऐसे कार्य के लिए जो Past में शुरू हो चूका है परन्तु Present में भी चल रहा है।
पहचान :- (समय ) से...... रहा है , से....... रही है , से........ रहे हैं ( वाक्य के अंत में )
(i) Structure= S+ has/have + been +V4 + O+ since/for + time .
Note :-
*For is used ,when the period of time is given. Indefinite time (अनिश्चित समय लिए):-
for one hour, for two days, for six years , for a long time , many days , last month etc.
**Since is used when point of time is given . Definite time (निश्चित समय लिए):-
since morning, since evening, since Monday , since Diwali, since 1999, since 6 AM. etc.

(i) Aff.= S+ has/have+ been +V4 +O+ since/for + time .
किसान सुबह से खेत में काम कर रहा है।
The farmer has been working in the field since morning.
वे दो घंटे से क्रिकेट खेल रहे हैं।
They have been playing cricket for two hours.
विनेश मार्च से इस कमरे में रह रहा है।
Vinesh has been living in this room since March.

(ii) Neg.= S+ has not/have not + been +V4+O+ since/for + time.
किसान सुबह से खेत में काम नहीं कर रहा है।
The farmer has not been working in the field since morning.
वे दो घंटे से क्रिकेट नहीं खेल रहे हैं।
They have not been playing cricket for two hours.
विनेश मार्च से इस कमरे में नहीं रह रहा है।
Vinesh has not been living in this room since March.

(iii) Int.= Has/have + S + been +V4+O+ since/for + time?
क्या किसान सुबह से खेत में काम कर रहा है ?
Has the farmer been working in the field since morning ?
क्या वे दो घंटे से क्रिकेट खेल रहे हैं ?
Have they been playing cricket for two hours ?
क्या विनेश मार्च से इस कमरे में रह रहा है ?
Has Vinesh been living in this room since March ?

(iv) Int.Neg.= Has/have +S + not + been +V4 + O + since /for + time?
क्या किसान सुबह से खेत में काम नहीं कर रहा है?
Has the farmer not been working in the field since morning ?
क्या वे दो घंटे से क्रिकेट नहीं खेल रहे हैं?
Have they not been playing cricket for two hours ?
क्या विनेश मार्च से इस कमरे में नहीं रह रहा है ?
Has Vinesh not been living in this room since March?

Usage of Present Perfect Cont. Tense :-

(i) To express actions started in the past and still going on and may extend into the future ( किसी ऐसे कार्य के लिए ,जो भूतकाल में शुरू हो चुका है और वर्तमान में भी चल रहा है तथा भविष्य में भी जारी रह सकता है :-
We have been living in Bhiwani since 1998.
He has been writing a story for three hours.
It has been raining since morning. 


B1- Past Indefinite Tense:-सामान्य भूतकाल में घटित हुए किसी कार्य को दर्शाने के लिए
पहचान :- था, थी, थे / क्रिया का भूतकाल में प्रयोग ( वाक्य के अंत में )
Structure :- S + V2+O.
✒ This tense is mostly used for writing REPORTS/ STORIES/ NOVELS etc.

Aff. :- S + V2 +O.
मैंने कल एक पत्र लिखा।
I wrote a letter yesterday..
राधा ने एक सुन्दर पेंटिंग बनाई।
Radha made a beautiful painting .
उन्होंने पुरस्कार वितरित किए।
They distributed the prizes.

Neg. :- S + did +not +V1+O.
मैंने कल एक पत्र नहीं लिखा।
I did not write a letter yesterday.
राधा ने एक सुन्दर पेंटिंग नहीं बनाई।
Radha did not make a beautiful painting .
उन्होंने पुरस्कार वितरित नहीं किए।
They did not distribute the prizes.

Int . :- Did+ S + V1 +O?
क्या मैंने कल एक पत्र लिखा ?
Did I write a letter yesterday ?
क्या राधा ने एक सुन्दर पेंटिंग बनाई?
Did Radha make a beautiful painting ?
क्या उन्होंने पुरस्कार वितरित किए?
Did they distribute the prizes?

Int. Neg.:- Did+ S + not +V1 +O?
क्या मैंने कल एक पत्र नहीं लिखा?
Did I not write a letter yesterday?
क्या राधा ने एक सुन्दर पेंटिंग नहीं बनाई?
Did Radha not make a beautiful painting ?
क्या उन्होंने पुरस्कार वितरित नहीं किए?
Did they not distribute the prizes?

Usage of Past Ind. Tense :-
(i) To express actions completed in the past (भूतकाल में हुए किसी कार्य के लिए ):-
Aryabhatt discovered value of zero.
India got its freedom in 1947.
They purchased a new car last year.

(ii) To express Habitual actions in the past (भूतकाल की किसी आदत के लिए ):-
He never told a lie in his life.
The grandmother used to feed the sparrows.

( ऐसे वाक्यों में Adverbs of Frequency का प्रयोग होता है ,जैसे -never , always , usually, seldom , often etc. )

(iii) To express position/ possession/ situation in the past (भूतकाल में कोई स्थिति /स्वामित्व/ अवस्था दर्शाने के लिए ) :-
They were very rich once.
We had a car earlier.
He was the Chief Minister of the state in 2015.

*In sentences , having some impossible wishes ( तात्कालिक असंभव कामना ) " were" is used with I and singular subject.:-
I wish I were the Prime Minister of India.

B2- Past Continuous Tense:-भूतकाल में ही जारी रहने वाले किसी कार्य को दर्शाने के लिए
पहचान :- रहा था, रही थी, रहे थे ( वाक्य के अंत में )
Structure :- S + was /were +V4+O .
Note:-Sub.(I, He, She, It, Name, Sing).= was
Sub. (You, we, they ,plural)= were

Aff. :- S + was /were +V4 +O.
मैं कल एक पत्र लिख रहा था ।
I was writing a letter yesterday..
राधा एक सुन्दर पेंटिंग बना रही थी ।
Radha was making a beautiful painting .
वे पुरस्कार वितरित कर रहे थे।
They were distributing the prizes.

Neg. :- S + was /were +not+V4 +O.
मैं कल एक पत्र नहीं लिख रहा था ।
I was not writing a letter yesterday..
राधा एक सुन्दर पेंटिंग नहीं बना रही थी ।
Radha was not making a beautiful painting .
वे पुरस्कार वितरित नहीं कर रहे थे।

They were not distributing the prizes.

Int. :- Was /Were +S+V4 +O?
क्या मैं कल एक पत्र लिख रहा था ?
Was I writing a letter yesterday?
क्या राधा एक सुन्दर पेंटिंग बना रही थी ?
Was Radha making a beautiful painting ?
क्या वे पुरस्कार वितरित कर रहे थे ?
Were they distributing the prizes ?

Int. Neg.:- Was /Were +S+not+V4 +O?
क्या मैं कल एक पत्र नहीं लिख रहा था ?
Was I not writing a letter yesterday?
क्या राधा एक सुन्दर पेंटिंग नहीं बना रही थी ?
Was Radha not making a beautiful painting ?
क्या वे पुरस्कार वितरित नहीं कर रहे थे ?
Were they not distributing the prizes ?

Usage of Past Cont. Tense :-

(i) To express temporary action in the past ( the time of action may / may not be mentioned ) भूतकाल में हो रहे किसी अस्थाई कार्य के लिए :-
They were buying some fruits in the market.
The teacher was teaching in his class .

(ii) To express actions going on at the same time in the past , when another action takes place. ( भूतकाल में उसी समय हुए दो या अधिक कार्यों में से पहले चल रह कार्य के लिए ) :-
He was talking to his friend , when the dog bit him.
The students were making a noise , when the teacher came.

(iii) To express actions often repeated over a period of time in the past ( भूतकाल में बार बार होने वाले / स्वभाव गत किसी कार्य के लिए ):-
He was always borrowing money from his friends.
Last year, the senior students were always complaining against each other.

(iv) To express the continuity of two or more actions simultaneously in the past . ( भूतकाल में एक ही समय पर साथ साथ होने वाले दो या अधिक कार्यों में सभी कार्यों के लिए ):-
His brother was studying while he was playing.
Some teachers were listening carefully when the principal was addressing them.

B3- Past Perfect Tense:-भूतकाल में पूर्ण हो चुके किसी कार्य को दर्शाने के लिए
पहचान :- चुका था,चुकी थी, चुके थे ( वाक्य के अंत में )
Structure :- S +had + V3 +O.

Aff. :- S +had + V3 +O .
मैं कल एक पत्र लिख चुका था।
I had written a letter yesterday..
राधा एक सुन्दर पेंटिंग बना चुकी थी।
Radha had made a beautiful painting .
वे पुरस्कार वितरित कर चुके थे।
They had distributed the prizes.

Neg . :- S +had +not+ V3 +O.
मैं कल एक पत्र नहीं लिख चुका था।
I had not written a letter yesterday..
राधा एक सुन्दर पेंटिंग नहीं बना चुकी थी।
Radha had not made a beautiful painting .
वे पुरस्कार वितरित नहीं कर चुके थे।
They had not distributed the prizes.

Int :- Had+S + V3 +O?
क्या मैं कल एक पत्र लिख चुका था ?
Had I written a letter yesterday ?
क्या राधा एक सुन्दर पेंटिंग बना चुकी थी?
Had Radha made a beautiful painting ?
क्या वे पुरस्कार वितरित कर चुके थे?
Had they distributed the prizes?

Int. Neg.:- Had+S +not+ V3 +O?
क्या मैं कल एक पत्र नहीं लिख चुका था ?
Had I not written a letter yesterday ?
क्या राधा एक सुन्दर पेंटिंग नहीं बना चुकी थी?
Had Radha not made a beautiful painting ?
क्या वे पुरस्कार वितरित नहीं कर चुके थे?
Had they not distributed the prizes?

Usage of Past Perfect Tense :-
( आमतौर पर Past Perfect Tense अकेला कभी प्रयोग नहीं होता । यह वास्तव में " the past of past " होता है। Let's see:-

(i) When two actions completed in past , then Past Perfect will be used for action completed earlier and Past Indefinite will be used for action completed later . (यदि भूतकाल में दो कार्य पूरे हुए हों तो पहले पूरे हुए कार्य के लिए Past Perfect व बाद में पूरे हुए कार्य के लिए Past Ind. का प्रयोग होगा।) :-
The patient had died before the doctor came.
(Earlier action Past Per.) Conj. (Later action Past Ind.)
They had reached the town before it started to rain .
(Earlier action Past Per.) Conj. (Later action Past Ind.)

(ii) To express any single action which had been completed by a certain moment , but the second action remains hidden/ understood . (किसी भी ऐसे Action के लिए जो भूतकाल में किसी निश्चित समय से पहले पूरा हो चुका हो परन्तु उसमे दुसरे कार्य का सन्दर्भ hidden होता है। :-
We had completed our task by evening.
We had gone to the function earlier.

( In such sentences -earlier, already, never, before, still, till , etc.- are used.)

(iii) To express unfulfilled wish or desire in past . ( भूतकाल में किसी अपूर्ण इच्छा या कामना को व्यक्त करने ):-
I wish I had worked harder.

(iv) To express any hope/ situation in past that could not be happened (भूतकाल में किसी आशा या अवस्था के लिए जो घटित ना हो सकी हो ) :-
I had hoped that he would come to see me at hospital.

(v) In Narration if the Reporting Verb is in Past tense , then Past Perfect is used in given manner :-
Direct Speech    ➝ Indirect Speech
Present Perfect ➝ Past Perfect
Past Ind.            ➝ Past Perfect

My brother said ," I have posted the letter." (D.S.- Pre. Perfect)
My brother said that he had posted the letter. (I.S.- Past Perfect)
Srikant said to me ,"I talked to him yesterday."(D.S.-Past Ind.)
Srikant told me that he had talked to him the previous day. (I.S. Past Perfect)

(vi) To express imaginary facts and fake situation in happened incidents in past . These are also described as third conditional sentences ( भूतकाल में घटित हो चुकी किसी घटना में कोई काल्पनिक स्थिति दर्शाने के लिए ) :-
If the police had arrived in time , the criminal would have caught .
Had the train driver applied the emergency break , the accident could have avoided .

B4- Past Perfect Cont. Tense:-किसी ऐसे कार्य को दर्शाने के लिए जो भूतकाल में ही शुरू हुआ था और भूतकाल में ही किसी निश्चित समय में चल रहा था
पहचान :- (समय ) से ....... रहा था, से......... रही थी, से......... रहे थे ( वाक्य के अंत में )
Structure :- S +had +been + V4 + O + since / for + time.

Aff. :- S +had +been + V4 + O + since / for + time.
मैं दो घंटे से एक पत्र लिख रहा था।
I had been writing a letter for two hours.
राधा काफी देर से एक सुन्दर पेंटिंग बना रही थी।
Radha had been making a beautiful painting for a long time.
वे सुबह से क्रिकेट खेल रहे थे।।
They had been playing cricket since morning.

Neg. :- S +had +not + been + V4 + O + since / for +time.
मैं दो घंटे से एक पत्र नहीं लिख रहा था।
I had not been writing a letter for two hours.
राधा काफी देर से एक सुन्दर नहीं पेंटिंग बना रही थी।
Radha had not been making a beautiful painting for a long time.
वे सुबह से क्रिकेट नहीं खेल रहे थे।।
They had not been playing cricket since morning.

Int :- Had +S+been + V4 + O + since / for + time?
क्या मैं दो घंटे से एक पत्र लिख रहा था ?
Had I been writing a letter for two hours?
राधा काफी देर से एक सुन्दर पेंटिंग बना रही थी?
Had Radha been making a beautiful painting for a long time?
वे सुबह से क्रिकेट खेल रहे थे?
Had they been playing cricket since morning?

Int.Neg. :-Had +S+not+been + V4 + O + since / for + time?
क्या मैं दो घंटे से एक नहीं पत्र लिख रहा था?
Had I not been writing a letter for two hours?
राधा काफी देर से एक सुन्दर पेंटिंग नहीं बना रही थी?
Had Radha not been making a beautiful painting for a long time?
वे सुबह से क्रिकेट खेल नहीं रहे थे?
Had they not been playing cricket since morning?

Usage of Past Perfect Cont. Tense :-

(i) To express action which started in past and continued for some time in past ( more or less). (ऐसे कार्य के लिए जो भूतकाल में शुरू होकर भूतकाल में ही कुछ समय जारी था ):-
I had been working in this company since 1997.
She had been dancing on the stage for one hour.

(ii) To express an action that had been going on for sometime before another action took place in the past.( ऐसे कार्य को दर्शाने के लिए जो भूतकाल में ही किसी अन्य कार्य के घटित होने से पहले जारी था। )
They had been standing in a queue for an hour before the train arrived.
Before he came to politics, he had been working as a social worker for ten years.

(v) In Narration if the Reporting Verb is in Past tense , then Past Perfect Cont. tense is used in given manner :-
Direct Speech ➝ Indirect Speech
Present Perfect Cont. ➝ Past Perfect Cont.
Past Cont. ➝ Past Perfect Cont.

Rajan said ," I have been painting this wall for two hours".(D.S=Present Perfect Cont.)
Rajan said that he had been painting that wall for two hours. (I.S.=Past Perfect Cont. )
Vivek said," My sister was reading a book".(D.S=Past Cont.)
Vivek said that his sister had been reading a book. (I.S.=Past Perfect Cont.) 


C1- Future Ind. Tense:- सामान्य भविष्य काल में होने वाले किसी कार्य को दर्शाने के लिए
पहचान :- गा , गी , गे ( वाक्य के अंत में )
Structure :- S +will/shall+ V1+O .
Sub ( I, We)= shall
other sub=will ( but now a days, WILL is used in both cases.)
Key words :-tomorrow , next day , next month, etc.

Aff. :- S +will/shall+ V1+O.
विनय कल पुस्तक खरीदेगा।
Vinay will buy a book tomorrow.
शीतल एक कहानी लिखेगी।
Sheetal will write a story.
हम सब अगले सोमवार को जयपुर जाएंगे।
We shall go to Jaipur next Monday.

Neg. :- S +will/shall+not+ V1+O.
विनय कल पुस्तक नहीं खरीदेगा।
Vinay will not buy a book tomorrow.
शीतल एक कहानी नहीं लिखेगी।
Sheetal will not write a story.
हम सब अगले सोमवार को जयपुर नहीं जाएंगे।
We shall not go to Jaipur next Monday.

Int. :- Will/Shall+S + V1+O?
क्या विनय कल पुस्तक खरीदेगा?
Will Vinay buy a book tomorrow?
क्या शीतल एक कहानी लिखेगी ?
Will Sheetal write a story?
क्या हम सब अगले सोमवार को जयपुर जाएंगे?
Shall we go to Jaipur next Monday?

Int.Neg. :- Will/Shall+S +not+ V1+O?
क्या विनय कल पुस्तक नहीं खरीदेगा?
Will Vinay not buy a book tomorrow?
क्या शीतल एक कहानी नहीं लिखेगी ?
Will Sheetal not write a story?
क्या हम सब अगले सोमवार को जयपुर नहीं जाएंगे?
Shall we not go to Jaipur next Monday?

Usage of Future Ind. Tense:-
(i) To express actions to take place in near future. (निकट भविष्य में होने वाले किसी कार्य लिए )
She will give a lecture tomorrow.
The school will open on next Monday.

(ii) To express fixed rule / command/instruction/ order etc. (किसी नियत नियम , आदेश या निर्देश के लिए )
Nobody will enter in office without mask.
All students will remain in discipline.

(iii) For an offer/ invitation /suggestion/ request etc. ( as Modal) किसी आमंत्रण , सुझाव , विनती आदि के लिए -As Modal
Shall we have a lunch today?
Will you please show me the way ?

(iv) In conditional sentences , Principal clause is written in Future Ind. tense.( शर्तवाचक वाक्यों में मुख्य उपवाक्य Future Ind. Tense में लिखा जाता है:-
I shall buy a car when the prices come down.
(Principal Clause) ( Sub. Clause)
If we hire a taxi we shall reach in time.
(Sub. Clause) (Pri. Clause)

C2 - Future Continuous Tense:- भविष्य काल में किसी विशेष अवधि में जारी रहने वाले किसी कार्य को दर्शाने के लिए
पहचान :- रहा होगा ,रही होगी , रहे होंगे , ( वाक्य के अंत में )
Structure :- S +will/shall+ be +V4+O .

Aff. :- S +will/shall+be+ V4+O.
विनय कल पुस्तक खरीद रहा होगा ।
Vinay will be buying a book tomorrow.
शीतल एक कहानी लिख रही होगी ।
Sheetal will be writing a story.
हम सब अगले सोमवार को जयपुर जा होंगे ।
We shall be going to Jaipur next Monday.

Neg. :- S +will/shall+not+be+ V4+O.
विनय कल पुस्तक नहीं खरीद रहा होगा ।
Vinay will not be buying a book tomorrow.
शीतल एक कहानी नहीं लिख रही होगी ।
Sheetal will not be writing a story.
हम सब अगले सोमवार को जयपुर नहीं जा होंगे ।
We shall not be going to Jaipur next Monday.

Int. :- Will/Shall+S+be + V4+O?
क्या विनय कल पुस्तक खरीद रहा होगा ?
Will Vinay be buying a book tomorrow?
क्या शीतल एक कहानी लिख होगी ?
Will Sheetal be writing a story?
क्या हम सब अगले सोमवार को जयपुर जा रहे होंगे ?
Shall we be going to Jaipur next Monday?

Int.Neg. :- Will/Shall+S +not+ be+V4+O?
क्या विनय कल पुस्तक नहीं खरीद होगा ?
Will Vinay not be buying a book tomorrow?
क्या शीतल एक कहानी नहीं लिख रही होगी ?
Will Sheetal not be writing a story?
क्या हम सब अगले सोमवार को जयपुर नहीं जा रहे होंगे ?
Shall we not be going to Jaipur next Monday?

Usage of Future Cont. Tense:-
( i) To express almost fixed future plan and action which is certain to happen in future ( भविष्य में लगभग निश्चित कार्य के लिए) :-
She will be addressing the State Council on next month.
They will be going to Pune next week.

(ii) To express an action which will be in progress in future for a certain time . ( भविष्य में किसी विशेष अवधि में जारी रहने वाले किसी कार्य के लिए )
On next Monday, we will be celebrating your birthday.
I will be making a chart at this time tomorrow.

(iii) To express imagination or actions happening that time .( किसी कल्पना या घटित हो रहे कार्य के लिए ):-
Mahima will be singing on stage now.
He will be teaching in Tenth class.

(iv) To express repeated habitual actions :-
Karan will be committing the same mistake.
My father will be giving a lecture to my brother.

C3 - Future Perfect Tense:- भविष्य काल में किसी निश्चित अवधि से पहले पूर्ण हो चुके किसी कार्य को दर्शाने के लिए
पहचान :- चुका होगा , चुकी होगी ,चुके होंगे ( वाक्य के अंत में )
Structure :- S +will/shall+have + V3 +O .

Aff. :- S +will/shall +have + V3 +O.
विनय कल पुस्तक खरीद चुका होगा ।
Vinay will have bought a book tomorrow.
शीतल एक कहानी लिख चुकी होगी ।
Sheetal will have written a story.
हम सब अगले सोमवार को जयपुर जा चुके होंगे ।
We shall have gone to Jaipur next Monday.

Neg. :- S +will/shall+not+have+ V3+O.
विनय कल पुस्तक नहीं खरीद चुका होगा ।
Vinay will not have bought a book tomorrow.
शीतल एक कहानी नहीं लिख चुकी होगी ।
Sheetal will not have written a story.
हम सब अगले सोमवार को जयपुर नहीं जा चुके होंगे ।
We shall not have gone to Jaipur next Monday.

Int. :- Will/Shall+S+have + V3+O?
क्या विनय कल पुस्तक खरीद चुका होगा ?
Will Vinay have bought a book tomorrow ?
क्या शीतल एक कहानी लिख चुकी होगी ?
Will Sheetal have written a story ?
क्या हम सब अगले सोमवार को जयपुर जा चुके होंगे ?
Shall we have gone to Jaipur next Monday ?

Int.Neg. :- Will/Shall+S +not+have+V3+O?
क्या विनय कल पुस्तक नहीं खरीद चुका होगा ?
Will Vinay not have bought a book tomorrow ?
क्या शीतल एक कहानी नहीं लिख चुकी होगी ?
Will Sheetal not have written a story ?
क्या हम सब अगले सोमवार को जयपुर नहीं जा चुके होंगे ?
Shall we not have gone to Jaipur next Monday ?

Usage of Future Perfect Tense :-

(i) To express an action to be completed by a certain time in future.(किसी ऐसे कार्य के लिए जो भविष्य में किसी निश्चित समय पर पूरा हो चुका होगा।):-
The painter will have completed his painting before 6:00 AM.
His brother will have taken this parcel by Monday.

( Key words- by Sunday, before March, by evening , before one month etc.)

(ii) To express assumptions, inference future but related to past (किसी सम्भावना या अनुमान के लिए ,जो भूतकाल जुडी हो )
You will have heard the name of Dr. Abdul Kalam.
*for emphasis 'Must' is used before 'Have' :-
You must have learnt the basic rules of Maths in your previous class.

C4 - Future Perfect Cont. Tense:- भविष्य काल में किसी निश्चित अवधि में ही शुरू होने वाले व जारी रहने वाले किसी कार्य को दर्शाने के लिए
पहचान :- (समय) से.... रहा होगा ,से...... रही होगी , से...... रहे होंगे ,
( वाक्य के अंत में )
Structure - S +will/shall+have been +V4+O +since /for +time .

Aff. :- S +will/shall+have been +V4+O +since /for +time.
वह दो घंटे से प्रतीक्षा कर रहा होगा।
He will have been waiting for two hours.
शीतल दोपहर से एक कहानी लिख रही होगी।
Sheetal will have been writing a story since noon .
वे तीन महीनों से इस कार्यालय में काम कर रहे होंगे।
They will have been working in this office for three months.

Neg. :- S +will/shall+not +have been +V4+O +since /for +time .
वह दो घंटे से प्रतीक्षा नहीं कर रहा होगा।
He will not have been waiting for two hours.
शीतल दोपहर से एक कहानी नहीं लिख रही होगी।
Sheetal will not have been writing a story since noon .
वे तीन महीनों से इस कार्यालय में काम कर रहे होंगे।
They will not have been working in this office for three months.

Int. :- Will/ shall+S +have been +V4+O+since /for +time?
क्या वह दो घंटे से प्रतीक्षा कर रहा होगा ?
Will he have been waiting for two hours ?
क्या शीतल दोपहर से एक कहानी लिख रही होगी ?
Will Sheetal have been writing a story since noon ?
क्या वे तीन महीनों से इस कार्यालय में काम कर रहे होंगे ?
Will they have been working in this office for three months ?

Int. Neg.:- Will/ shall +S +not+have been +V4+O +since /for +time ?
क्या वह दो घंटे से प्रतीक्षा नहीं कर रहा होगा ?
Will he not have been waiting for two hours ?
क्या शीतल दोपहर से एक कहानी नहीं लिख रही होगी ?
Will Sheetal not have been writing a story since noon ?
क्या वे तीन महीनों से इस कार्यालय में काम कर रहे होंगे ?
Will they not have been working in this office for three months ?

Usage of Future Perfect Cont. Tense :-

(i) To express such action to be happened in future and is likely to be continued for a certain time.( किसी ऐसे कार्य के लिए जो भविष्य में होना है और कुछ समय तक जारी रहना हो ):-
This government will have been completing five years by the end of July.
The students will have been studying English since primary level.

(Note :- Tenses व इसके प्रयोग के बारे में बहुत विस्तृत व विशिष्ट नियम हैं परन्तु स्कूली पाठ्यक्रम के अनुसार लगभग सभी सामान्य नियमों को इस लेख में सम्मिलित करने का प्रयास किया गया है । विद्वान जनों के सुझाव सादर आमंत्रित हैं। )

Rajender Tanwar 
PGT English 
GGSSS Kairu ( Bhiwani) 

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