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Sunday 3 September 2023



This lesson is included in course of XIth class (CBSE. and HBSE)  and written by Nani Palkhiwala. This chapter is an eye-opener   for us , the inhabitant of Earth. Our earth is a unique planet because perhaps the earth is the only place where life is possible. Our planet provides us the best possible living condition to live on it. But we have made this planet " The Ailing Planet" - the planet which is severe ill.  
Nani Palkhiwala( 16 Jan 1920--11 Dec 2002) 

Word Meanings:-
irrevocably-अविभाजित रूप से 
mechanistic-ऐसा विचार कि संसार की सभी चीजें भौतिक व रासायनिक क्रिया का परिणाम है 
holistic-समग्र रूप  से देखना 
ecological-जीवों और पौधों का एक दूसरे व पर्यावरण के सम्बन्ध बारे 
metabolic-जीवों में भोजन की ऊर्जा में बदलने की प्रक्रिया सम्बन्धी 
stewards-सेवक , प्रबंधक 
sustainable-बनाए रखे जाने योग्य , सतत 
compromising -( संकट में डालना )
stripping-आवरण हटाना 
catalouged-सूचीबद्ध करना 
biologist-जीव -विज्ञानी 
languish-दुःख में होना 
interalia-दूसरी बातों के साथ साथ 
ecology-जीवों व पौधों का एक दूसरे व पर्यावरण के साथ समबन्ध 
impoverished-बिगड़ी हालत में 
impair-हानि पहुँचाना 
decimate-सामूहिक विनाश करना 
tropical forests-उष्ण कटिबंधीय वन 
extinction-विलुप्त होना 
precede-पहले आना 
eroding-कम होना 
endeavour-विशेष प्रयत्न करना 
catastrophic-गंभीर त्रासदी , संकट पैदा करने वाली 
designated-नियुक्त करना 
million-दस लाख 
billion-एक अरब 
condemned-बुरी परिस्थिति में ले जाना 
sterilize-उर्वरा क्षमता कम करना 
coercion-जबरदस्ती बाध्य करना 
perpetuation-स्थाई बना देना 
transcending-बढ़ती हुए 
survival-जीवित रहना 
emerging-उभरता हुआ 
era-युग, लम्बा समय 
dissociated-अलग अलग किया  हुआ 
crucial-निर्णायक , महत्वपूर्ण 
effect-प्रभाव , लागू करना 
decisively-निर्णायक रूप से 
coin-सिक्का (शब्द रचना करना )
freehold-मुक्त अधिकार 
tenancy-किरायदार की हैसियत 
lease-जमीन का पट्टा होना 
contraceptive- जन्म अवरोधक,  

Points to remember:-

A.   1972- Green Party established in New Zealand
B.   1987- Idea of Sustainable Development 
C.   Four principal biological system - 





Textual Exercise :-

Q1-When and where did the Green Party established?
Ans-The Green Party was established in New Zealand in 1972.
Q2-What are the four principal biological systems of the earth?
Ans- Fisheries, Forests, Grasslands and Croplands.
Q3-When did the idea of Sustainable Development become popular?
Ans- In 1987.
Q4-What is the present population of world now a days?
Ans-Nearly 7.8 billion( 7 Arab 80 Crore) 
Q5-What has man proved to be?
Ans-Man has proved to be the most dangerous of all animals . 
Q6- What is meant by sustainable development?
Ans- The concept of sustainable development became popular in 1987. It means development that fulfills the requirements and needs of the present, but doesn't affect the ability of future generations. 
Q7- What are the four principal biological systems of the earth? How are they useful to us?
Ans-The four principal biological systems of the earth are- Fisheries, Forests, Grasslands and Croplands. They are very useful for us . They supply food for us. They provides all the  raw materials for industries. Without them , it would be impossible to survive.
Q8-Why have several species of wildlife become extinct ?
Ans- Human beings cut down forests to meet the various needs. The destruction of forests in a large scale has harmed our wildlife. As a result, several species of wildlife have almost extinct.
Q9-What is the best contraceptive?
Ans-Development is the best contraceptive.
Q10- What is the result of the increased demand of the principal biological system ?
Ans- As a result of  the demand, our fisheries and forests are disappearing fast. Grasslands are changing into barren  and croplands have deteriorated. 
Q11- How are the earth's principal biological systems being depleted?
Ans- The earth has four principal biological systems - Fisheries, Forests, Grasslands and Croplands. They form the foundation of the world's economy.  They are very useful for us . They supply food for us. They provides all the  raw materials for industries. Without them , it would be impossible to survive. But sadly, they are being depleted badly. Forests are being cut to have firewood. Over- fishing has become very common. Dung is a good natural manure. But it is burnt by the people for their cooking. The rapid increase of population is also a big factor. All these things have depleted the earth's biological system in a serious way. 

Rajender Tanwar 
PGT English
GGSSS Kairu 


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