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Thursday 7 September 2023



यह मार्मिक और रुचिकर कहानी प्रख्यात अमेरिकन लेखिका Pearl S Buck  के द्वारा लिखी गई हैं, जिनको साहित्य के लिए नोबेल पुरस्कार से सम्मानित किया जा चुका है। द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध (1939-45) की पृष्ठभूमि में लिखी गई यह कहानी प्रत्येक मानव में मौजूद करुणा और सहानुभूति को दर्शाती है।

Textual Exercise :-Lesson -4 ' The Enemy' (XII)

 Q1-Who was Dr Sadao? Where was his house?
Ans. Dr Sadao was a famous Japanese surgeon and scientist. His house was on  a spot of the the Japanese coast where as a little boy he had often played. It was set up on rocks. It was well above a narrow beach that was outlined with bent pines.

Q2 Why was Dr. Sadao not sent abroad with the troops?
Ans. Dr. Sadao was a famous Japanese surgeon and scientist. He was working on a discovery that could make wounds entirely clean. More over, he was treating the  old General medically, and the General could need an operation also. That was why Sadao was not sent abroad with the the troops.

Q3- Who was Hana? Where had Sadao met her?
Ans. Hana was Dr. Sadao's wife. Sadao had met in America at the house of a professor where some foreign students lived. She was also a Medical student. When Sadao came to know that she was a Japanese , he decided to marry her after the completion of their study. 

Q 4.- How did the foreign students feel at Professor Harley's house?
Ans. Professor Harley and his wife were kind people . They were anxious to help the few foreign students. But the students felt bored there . The rooms were very small and the food was also not good. And the professor's wife was very talkative.

Q5- What did Dr Sadao and his wife Hana see one day?
Ans.- They saw something black come out of the mists. It was a man. He was flung out of the ocean. A breaker put him to his feet. He staggered a few steps. Then they saw him crawling on his hands and knees. Then he fell on his face and lay there .When they went near him , they found him unconscious. And he was an American soldier.

Q6-What did Dr. Sadao and his wife think at last about the wounded American soldier ?
Ans --At first , they thought of not helping the man in any way since he was a soldier of an enemy country. They wanted to push him back in the sea. But as a doctor, Dr. Sadao decided to treat him as a patient. So finally they took him to their home for an operation.

Q7-Who was Yumi ? What did she refuse to do and why ?
Ans- Yumi was a maid in Sadao's house. She refused to wash the wound of American soldier. She said that she had never washed a white man. 

Q8- Who was it that washed the wounded man before operation ?
Ans- Yumi, the maid , had refused to wash the wound. It was very urgent to clean the wound before operation. Hana , Sadao's wife, herself washed the white man. 
Q9-Will Dr. Sadao be arrested on the charge of harbouring an enemy ?
Ans.-Yes, Dr Sadao could be arrested on the charge of harbouring an enemy. But he was a patriot and devoted for his country. He did not want to give shelter to the enemy. He was merely  doing his duty as a doctor. He was a respected citizen of Japan. He told everything to the old General. 

Q10-Why Hana helps the wounded man and washes him herself ?
Ans- Hana knows her husband well. She knows that her husband is not helping an enemy , but merely doing his duty as a doctor. So she decide to help her husband. When Yumi , the maid, refuses to wash the wounded man, Hana washes him herself. 

Q11-What showed that the white man had been tortured ?
Ans- There were deep red scars on the white man's neck. It showed that he had been tortured by the Japanese soldiers. 

Q12-What did Dr Sadao and his wife do with the white man ?
Ans-After the operation , the white man seems to be out of danger. Now they decided to hand him over to the police. But the man was very weak. So they decided to keep him at their home till he recovers. 

Q13- What will Dr Sadao do to get rid of the man 
Ans-It is now clear that Sadao does not want the man to be killed after he has done so much to save his life. If he hands over him to the police, they will kill him. He decides to help him to  cross the border with a boat at night. And it was done also .

Q14-How did the old General offer to help in getting rid of the white man ?
Ans- The General said that he had his private assassins. He would send two of them any night. He said that they would kill the white man without a noise and also remove his body.

Q15-Describe the time in which the story ,'The Enemy' is set.
Ans- The story has been set in the time of the Second World War ( 1939-45) . Japan was fighting against America in this War. An American prisoner of war is washed ashore in a dying state. He is found by a Japanese doctor, Dr Sadao. The story revolves around the doctor's way of handling the enemy soldier. 

Q16-Why and how Dr Sadao help the prisoner of war to escape?
Ans- Dr Sadao has been trained not to let a man die before his eyes if he could help it. A doctor always treats his patients or case in every condition. Dr Sadao and his wife had found a man in a very serious condition. He was wounded but he was an American soldier. He was an enemy and it was a crime to help an enemy. Dr Sadao was a respected and patriot citizen of Japan but at the same time , he couldn't ignore his prime duty as a doctor. He found himself in a dilemma. He was in a fix what to do . At last , he took the man in his house and operated him. He saved his life but he never forgot that he was an enemy . He wanted to get rid of that man . After some days , he helped him to escape in a boat. Thus he got rid of the enemy without killing him. 
Rajender Tanwar
PGT English


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