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Thursday 26 October 2023


''My Childhood" is an extract from the book --Wings of Fire . This book is the  autobiography of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, the 11th President of India. 

Word Meanings:-

statesman - राजनीतिज्ञ
defense- रक्षा
nuclear - परमाणु
autobiography - आत्मकथा
island - द्वीप
erstwhile - पूर्व में
wealth- धन
disadvantage -  हानि
inmate- जीवन साथी
generosity- उदारता
undistinguished- सामान्य 
ancestral- पैतृक
mosque- मस्जिद
austere- सरल, सीधा-सादा
inessential- गैर जरूरी
luxuries- सुख सुविधाएं
tamarind -इमली
erupted- बढ़ जाना
fetch- लाना
princely- उदारता से
unaffected- अप्रभावित
casualty- क्षति, नुकसान
inherited- विरासत में मिलना
characteristics- विशेषताएं
environment- वातावरण
religious- धार्मिक
upbringing- पालन पोषण
pilgrims- श्रृद्धालु
catering- खान-पान संबंधी
idols- मुर्तियां
Prophet- पैगम्बर, फरिश्ता
standard- संयंत्र, कक्षा
sacred- पवित्र
thread- धागा
accordance- अनुसार
downcast- बहुत उदास
impression- छाप, प्रभाव
summoned- बुलाया गया
inequality- असमानता
communal- साम्प्रदायिक
intolerance- असहिष्णुता
innocent- मासुम
bluntly- तीखे स्वर में
apologize- माफी मांगना
quit- त्यागना, छोड़ना
regret- पछतावा होना
conviction- धारणा
reformed- सुधार देना
rigid- कठोर
segregation- अलगाव
orthodox- कटृर
conservative- पुराने विचारों का
rebel- विद्रोही
mingle- मिलाना
horrified- भयभीत
ritually- अनुष्ठान पूर्वक
perturbed- व्यथित, व्याकुल
hesitation- हिचकिचाहट
confronted- सामना करना
imminent- नजदीक
unprecedented- अभूतपूर्व
optimism- आशावाद
seagull- समुद्री पक्षी
quoted- कथन कहना
extract- अंश (पुस्तक का)

(Very Short Ans type exercise)

Q1-Who was Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam?
Ans-He was the 11th President of India and also known as "Missile Man of India".
Q2- Where was Dr. Kalam born and when?
Ans- He was born at Rameshwaram on 15 October 1931.
Q3-Who were Dr. Kalam's parents?
Ans- His father was Jainulabdeen and mother was Ashiamma.
Q4- What kind of a person his father was?
Ans- He was a simple, wise and generous person.
Q5- What does Kalam say about his mother?
Ans- She was a kind lady and an ideal helpmate of his father.
Q6- Who were Kalam's school friends?
Ans- Ramanand Sastry,  Aravindan and Sivaprakasan.
Q7- Where was his house situated?
Ans- On the Mosque Street in Rameshwaram.
Q8- What did he inherited from his parents?
Ans- Honesty, Self - Discipline, Faith in goodness and kindness.
Q9- Which annual function is described in this lesson?
And - Shri Sita Ram Kalyana.
Q10- What did Kalam's family arrange for the annual festival in the town?
Ans- They used to arrange boats having a special platform.
Q11- What was the name of newspaper referred in this lesson?
Ans- Dinamani.
Q12- Who gave Kalam a chance to earn his first wages?
Ans- His cousin Samsuddin.
Q13-The demand of which thing had been erupted during World War II?
Ans- Tamarind seeds.
Q14- What kind of childhood did Kalam had?
Ans- He had a safe and secure childhood.
Q15 - What did the new teacher do in the class?
Ans- He shifted Kalam's seat from first row to the last row. 
Q16- Who reformed the new teacher?
Ans- Lakshmana Sastry, the father of Ramanand Sastry.
Q17- What was the name of new Science Teacher?
Ans- Sivasubramania Iyer.
Q18- What kind of a person was Mr. Iyer?
Ans- He was a liberal and generous person.
Q19- What was imminent after World War II?
Ans- Freedom of India.
Q20- What did Gandhi ji declare?
Ans- He declared, " Indians will build their own India."
Q21- Where did Kalam want to study further?
Ans- Ramanathpuram .
Q22- When did he get the highest award of India " Bharat Ratna" ?
Ans- In 1997.
Q23- When did he become the 11th President of India ?
Ans- On 25th July 2002.
Q24- When did Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam died?
Ans- On 27 July 2015.
Q25- From which famous book this lesson has been taken as an extract?
Ans- "Wings of Fire" written by Dr Kalam.

Textual Exercise:-

Q1- Who were Abdul Kalam's friends? What did they became later?
Ans- Abdul Kalam's school friends were -- Ramanand Sastry, Arvindan and Sivaprakasan . Ramanand became the chief priest in the village temple. Arvindan went into the business of arranging transport. Sivaprakasan became a catering contractor in the Railways.
Q2- How did Kalam earn his first wages?
Ans- Kalam's cousin, Samsuddin, was a news paper agent. In the second World War, he had to find a helping hand for his work. Kalam helped him in distributing the news papers. He was given some money for it. Thus Kalam earned his first wages.
Q3- What characteristics does Kalam inherited from his parents?
Ans- Kalam inherited honesty and self discipline from his father. From his mother, he inherited a faith in goodness and deep kindness.
Q4- What did the new teacher say to Kalam and why? 
Ans- Kalam was sitting on the same bench with Ramanand Sastry. The new teacher didn't like a Muslim boy sitting with a Hindu boy in his class. He asked Kalam to sit on the last bench.
Q5- What happened with the new teacher later?
 Ans- He was scolded by father of Ramanand Sastry. 
Q6- Why did Abdul Kalam want to leave Rameshwaram ?
Ans- After the second World War , it was clear that India is near to her freedom. Kalam decided to go to Rameshwaram for further studies to serve his nation. He asked for his father's permission and he gave it.
Q7- What did his father say to this?
Ans- Kalam's father was very happy at this decision. He at once gave his consent. He knew that it would help Kalam to grow. His father believed that a child must have his own independent thoughts.
Q8- What does Kalam say about his science teacher?
Ans- Kalam says that his science teacher was a Brahmin. He didn't believe in social barriers. He was very liberal in his views. He once invited Kalam to dine at his house. He himself served Kalam with his own hands. He was really a good person.


Rajender Tanwar
PGT English 
GGSSS Kairu ( Bhiwani) 


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