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Wednesday 19 October 2022

Glimpses of India : 10th Class HBSE / CBSE


Glimpses of India (Xth class)

Word Meanings

Part 1- A Baker from Goa: Lucio Rodrigues

glimpses झलक
destinations स्थान,गंतव्य
influence प्रभाव
pen- portrait शब्द चित्रण
traditional परम्परागत
reminiscing  अच्छे दिनों को याद करना
nostalgically बीते समय को याद करना
Portuguese पुर्तगाली
loaves   पावरोटी
vanished  लुप्त होना
moulders मिश्रण तैयार करने वाले
furnaces भट्ठीयां
extinguished बुझ जाना (आग)
thud and jingle ठक ठक और झंकार की आवाज
heralding आने की सूचना देना
profession व्यवसाय
companion साथी
huge विशाल 
vertical लंबवत
mild rebuke हल्की झिड़की
parapet ऊंची मुंडेर आदि
typical ख़ास किस्म का
fragrance महक
plucking तोड़ना
feast उत्सव
occasion अवसर
engagement सगाई
absolutely पूरी तरह
essential  अति आवश्यक
peculiar विशेष
comment टिप्पणी
usually  प्राय
indeed वास्तव में
profitable लाभदायक
prosperous धनी , संपन्न
plump मोटा
physique शारीरिक बनावट
testimony सबूत
appearance दिखना, हाव भाव

Part 2- Coorg : Lokesh Abrol

rain forest बरसाती वन
coastal समुद्री तटीय
heaven स्वर्ग
drifted धीरे से खिसक कर आना
inhabited बसा हुआ
martial शूरवीर , लड़ाका
ever green  सदा बहार
commence शुरू होना
invigorating ऊर्जा प्रदान करने वाला
colonial अंग्रेजो के समय का, औपनिवेशिक
prime सर्वश्रेष्ठ
fiercely उग्रता से
independent स्वतंत्र
descent वंश 
impractical अव्यावहारिक
apparent स्पष्ट
distinct विशेष, सुस्पष्ट
embroidered बेल बूटेदार
hospitality आवभगत 
numerous असंख्य
tales लंबी कहानियां
valour शौर्य
firearms शस्त्र 
squirrel गिलहरी
splash छपाक
ripple छोटी लहर या तरंग 
individual व्यक्तिगत
convert बदलना
rafting रबड़ की नाव से या फट्टों से बनी बेड़ी से नौकायन 
canoeing लकड़ी की छोटी पतली नाव की सवारी
rappelling रस्सी की सहायता से सीधी पहाड़ी पर चढ़ना
region क्षेत्र
trail कच्ची पगडंडी
trekkers पहाड़ों की सैर करने वाले
slender पतला, छरहरा
canopy पेड़ की कोटर
panoramic किसी विशाल क्षेत्र का विस्तृत दृश्य
misty धुंध भरा
settlement बस्ती
ochre गेरुआ रंग

Part-3 Tea From Assam:
Arup Kumar Dutta

vacation लम्बी छुट्टियां
vendor फेरी वाले
sipped घूंट भर कर पीना
compartment रेल का डिब्बा
detective जासूस
ardent प्रबल 
paddy धान
magnificent शानदार
densely सघन रूप से, गहन
dwarfing तुलना में छोटा करना
sturdy मजबूत
concentration गहरा चिन्तन, ध्यान केन्द्रित करना
legends पौराणिक कथाएं
twigs टहनियां
delicious स्वादिष्ट
scoffed हंसी करना
ascetic अनुयायी
eyelids पलक
meditation समाधि
banished गायब होना
beverage पेय पदार्थ
clattered लोहे के टकराने की आवाज
veered अचानक तेजी से बढ़ना
pruned कटाई करना, कतरना
plucking तोड़ना
sprouted नई कोंपले फूटना
second flush दूसरा फुटाव
yields (उपज) प्रदान करना

MCQs: Glimpses Of India Part 1

Q1- Who is the author of the chapter ‘A Baker from Goa’?
Ans- Lucio Rodrigues.
Q2- Who ruled over Goa?
Ans-The Portuguese.
Q3- What are the elders in Goa nostalgic about?
Ans- Old Portuguese days.
Q4- The Baker made his musical entry___
Ans- With the ‘Jhang - Jhang’ sound.
Q5- What are the bakers known in Goa?  
Ans- Pader.
Q6- What was called Kabai?  
Ans- Baker’s dress.
Q7- What did the author long for?  
Ans- Bread bangles.
Q8- How many times did the baker visit the village every day?
Ans- Twice.
Q9- It was a fashion in Goa to eat bread with__
Ans- Coffee.
Q10- What items were must in Goa for Christmas?
Ans- Bolinhas and cakes.
Q11- Whose presence is very essential in each village of Goa ?
Ans- Traditional baker.
Q13- Which one of the following task is done by a baker?
Ans- Baking of the loaves.
Q14- What was the baker for the people?
Ans- Friend , guide and companion .
Q15 -Which name is used for the sweet bread?
Ans- Bol.
Q16- What type of people are bakers?
Ans- Prosperous.
Q17- How were the bakers in their physiques?
Ans- Plump.
Q18- What type of profession was bread baking in Goa in those days?
Ans- Profitable.
Q19- How is the family profession of baking still carried on?
Ans- By their sons.
Q20- Where were the monthly accounts of the baker recorded?
Ans- On a wall, with a pencil.
Q21- The jingling thud of the baker’s bamboo wakes up---------
Ans- The children.
Q22- When does the baker usually collect his bills?
Ans- At the end of the month.
Q23- What does the word ’physique’ mean?
Ans- Physical structure.
Q24-  A person with a jack-fruit like appearance is compared to……….
Ans- A baker.
Q25- Who are called collectively the makers of bread?
Ans- The mixers, the moulders and the baker.
Q26-What do still exist in Goa?
Ans- The age-old, time- tested furnaces.
Q26-Who would push aside the kids?
Ans- The baker.
Q27- Why did the kids climb the bench or parapet?
Ans- To look /peep into the basket.
Q28- What did the baker have for the kids?
Ans- Bangle breads.
Q29- What did the baker have for the elders?
Ans- Loaves.
Q30-How did the author /narrator brush his teeth?
Ans- He used mango- leaf for brushing teeth.
Q31- What do you mean by jackfruit-like physical appearance?
Ans- It means a plump physical structure.


Part 1-(A Baker from Goa) Textual Exercise

Q1- What are the elders in Goa nostalgic about?
Ans- The elders in Goa are nostalgic about the old Portuguese people and their famous loaves of bread. They think of those good old days. They recall the baker who used to make delicious loaves of bread for them.
Q2- Is bread making still popular in Goa? How do you know?
Ans- Yes, bread making is still popular in Goa. The Portuguese have left. But the makers of bread are still there. The sons still carry on the profession of their fathers.
Q3- When would the baker come every day? Why did children run to the baker?
Ans- The baker would come in the morning. He came with the loaves of bread. Sometimes, he came with sweet bread of special kind. Children liked bread - bangles and sweet bread very much. So they run to him.
Q4- Why does the author call the baker  his childhood friend, companion and guide?
Ans- The baker came daily with bread - bangles for the author. He also took care for their taste. Children would wake up after his musical entry. So the baker was called a friend, companion and guide.
Q5- How did the baker make his entry in the morning?
Ans- The baker came with " thud and jingle" sound of his traditional bamboo. He carried his basket on his head with one hand. With the other hand, he would bang the bamboo on the ground.
Q6- Describe the baker's dress.
Ans- In old Portuguese days, the baker used to wear a long frock. It reached down to his knees. It was called the " Kabai" After this , the baker used to wear half pants up to his knees.
Q7- When does the baker collect his bills? How are the accounts recorded?
Ans- The baker usually collects his bills at the end of the month. The accounts are recorded on some walls. They are written in pencil.
Q8- What showed that baker were prosperous?
Ans- The baker and his family never starved. They always had money. They always looked happy and fat. They were called " jackfruit - shaped" in fun. All this showed that the bakers were prosperous.
Q9- How is the village baker very important for special occasions in the village?
Ans- Bread is indeed an important part of Goan life. It is also an important part of every important occasion ,  party and feast. Marriage gifts are meaningless without the " bol". Cakes and " bolinhas" are must for Christmas. All this shows that village baker is very important for special occasions in the village.
Q10- Give a pen - portrait of a Goan village baker?
Ans- The baker had a very important role in the Goan daily life. He is called " Pader" in local language. He would come in the morning. He came with " thud and jingle" sound of his traditional bamboo. He carried his basket on his head with one hand. With the other hand, he would bang the bamboo in the ground. He came with loaves of bread. Sometimes he came with sweet breads of special make. He used to be a good friend of children. He was a very important person of the village. He used to wear a special long frock called " Kabai".


Part 2- (Coorg) Textual Exercise

Q1- Where is Coorg situated? What is it famous for?
Ans- Coorg is the smallest district of Karnataka. It is about 250 kms. from Bengaluru. It is mid way between Mysore and Mangalore. It is famous for its spices and coffee plantation. The people of Coorg - Coorgi - are known for their bravery, beauty and hospitality.
Q2- What is the story about the Kodavu people's descent?
Ans-There are two stories about the Coorgi descent. One story says that they are descended from the Greeks. Their rituals are like those of Greeks. The other story says that they are descended from the Arabs. Their long coat called " kuppia" is same as the " kuffia" worn by the Arabs. 
Coorgi traditional dress ( with courtesy)

Q3- What does the author say about the bravery of Coorgi people?
Ans- The Coorgi people are very brave people. There are many tales about their bravery. The Coorg Regiment is one of the most decorated regiment of Indian Army. Coorgi people can carry firearms without any license. These people are very fond of adventure sports.
Q4- What is Coorg famous for? What is the best season to visit Coorg?
Ans- Coorg is famous for its spices and coffee plantation. There are a lot of adventure sports like rafting, canoeing, rappelling, rock climbing and mountain biking. We can go to Coorg from Bengaluru by road. The best season to visit Coorg is from September to March. The weather of Coorg remains very pleasant. The air breathes of refreshing coffee.
Water sports Rafting

Q5- Write a note on the climate and natural wealth of Coorg?
Ans- Coorg is the smallest district of Karnataka. Coorg is like a piece of heave on earth. It is land of rolling hills. There are heavy rains during the monsoon. Thirty percent of its land is covered with evergreen forests. Coorg is famous for its spices and coffee plantation. The river Kaveri gets its water from the hills and forests of Coorg. There are a lot of Kingfishers, squirrels, langurs and elephants. The best season to visit Coorg is from September to March. From Brahamgiri hills , we can see a large scene of the misty landscape of Coorg. 
Coorg : Panoramic view


Part 3-( Tea From Assam) Textual Exercise

Q1- Who were Pranjol and Rajvir? Where they were going?
Ans- Pranjol and Rajvir were classmates. They were studying in a school in Delhi. Pranjol's father was a manager in a tea garden in Assam. Rajvir belonged to Delhi. The two boys were going to Assam to spend their summer vacation. They were going by train. 
Q2- What happened when the train stopped at the first station of Assam?
Ans- A vendor came selling hot tea in their compartment. Pranjol and Rajvir got from him two cups of tea. They began to sip the hot tea. Soon they saw that almost everyone in the compartment was drinking tea.
Q3- Where was tea first drunk? When did it come to Europe?
Ans- Tea was first drunk in China about 5000 years ago. In fact, words like " chai" and " chini" are from China. Tea came to Europe only 400 years ago. It was at first a medicine, not a beverage.
Q4- What is the Chinese legend about the discovery of tea?
Ans- Once there was a Chinese Emperor in ancient China. He always boiled water before drinking it. One day, a few leaves of the twigs burning under the pot fell into the water. It gave water a delicious taste and flavour. It is said that those were tea leaves. This story seems to be true than Indian story.
Q5- What is the Indian legend about the discovery of tea?
Ans- There was a Buddhist monk named Bodhi Dharma. He often felt sleepy during his meditations. To stop this, he cut off his eyelids . It is said that ten tea plants grew out of these eyelids. When the leaves of this plant put in hot water and drunk , it banished sleep.
Plucking tea leaves


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