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Monday 21 November 2022

SAT -- Haryana Govt Schools


(SAT-3)-December 2021 

CLASS - 9th Subject – English 
TIME: 60 Minutes  Marks : 20  ____________________________
(i) All questions are compulsory.  
(ii) Que. numbers 1 to 9 carry 1 mark each. Que. numbers 10 to 12 carry 2 marks each. Que. no. 13 carries 5 marks. __________________________________________
(1-5) Select and write the correct answer/ option.:-

Q1- Sharapova loved reading novels of............ ( Reach for the Top)
(A) Arthur Guirdham 
(B) George Eliot 
(C) Arthur Conan Doyle 
(D) Richard Hughes
Q2- What is related to the death of roots?  ( On Killing A Tree)
(A) pulling out  (B) scorching 
(C) choking (D) All of the above
Q3- The snake has a ________. 
( The Snake Trying)
(A) thin long body   (B) thick small body   (C) huge body (D) None of the above
Q4- What will expand to a tree's fill size? ( On Killing A Tree)
(A) roots (B) green twigs 
(C) fruit  (D) flowers
Q5 - What was the effect of barium carbonate on Bruno? ( The Bond of Love)
(A) he started vomiting 
(B) he became paralyzed 
(C) he was breathing heavily
(D) all of the above

(6-9) Write 'True' for correct and ' false' for incorrect statement :-

Q6- In the chapter ' The Bond of Love' the author presented the sloth bear to his wife. ( True / False)

Q7- W. B. Yeats is the poet of the poem ' The Snake Trying'. (True / False)

(8-9) Fill in the blanks with suitable modals:-

Q8- __________ that I were a child again! 

Q9- He _________ vacate the room immediately. 

(10-12) Write answer in 20-30 words

Q10- How does Santosh describe her feelings at the summit of Everest? ( Reach for the Top)

Q11- What does the poet mean by ' the strength of the tree exposed' ? ( On Killing A Tree)

Q12- Why is the author deeply embarrassed the next day in school? ( A House is not a Home)

Write answer in 100- 120 words.

Q13- How did the toothbrush make the writer's life misery? ( Packing)
What was Johnsy's illness? Did Behrman's masterpiece cure her? What makes Sue call it  Behrman's masterpiece? ( The Last Leaf) 

(SAT-3)-December 2021 
CLASS - 10th Subject – English 
TIME: 60 Minutes Marks: 20  ____________________
(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Que. numbers 1 to 9 carry 1 mark each. Que. numbers 10 to 12 carry 2 marks each. Que. no. 13 carries 5 marks. _________________________
(1-5) Select and write the correct answer. 

Q1. ‘Kabai’ is the name of a………………… 
(A) Place  (B) dress (C) Sweet (D) person 
Q2. From which river does Coorg get water? 
(A) Krishna (B) Kaveri (C) Narmada  (D) Tapi 
Q3. Who is the writer of ‘Tea From Assam’? 
(A) Lokesh Abrol (B) Lucio Rodrigues (C) Arup Kumar Datta (D) K.A. Abbas 
Q4. Why did Bholi’s parents accept Bishamber’s marriage proposal? 
(A)  He had a big shop (B) He had a house (C) He had a good bank balance (D) All the above 
Q5. At what age did Bholi begin to speak? 
(A) Three (B) Four (C) Five (D) Six

Question (6-9) Fill in the blanks by using the proper form of Non-Finites .
Q6. He promised .................. (give) me bonus.
Q7. …………………………... (draw) is a creative activity. 
Q8. He let them.................  (go)
Q9. ……………………….. (hunt) in these forests is very dangerous.

Question (10-12) Write answer in 20-30 words. 

Q10. How is the village baker very important for special occasions in the village? 
Q11. What does the hack driver say about Oliver Lutkins and his family? 
Q12. Why is the lawyer sent to New Mullion? What does he think about the new place?
Question (13) Write answer in 100-120 words. 

Q13. Give a brief character-sketch of Bholi and describe the role the teacher played in her life? 
You propose to sell your flat as you are going abroad. Draft an advertisement for it to be published in a newspaper.

(SAT-3)-Dec. 2021  
CLASS - 11th  Subject – English (Core) 
TIME: 60 Minutes Marks: 20  ___________________________
(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Que. no. 1 to 9 carry 1 mark each. Que. no. 10 to 12 carry 2 marks each. Que. no. 13 carries 5 marks. __________________________________________
(1-5) Select and write the correct answer. 

Q1. In the chapter "The Browning Version" What type of teacher was Crocker Harris? 
 (a) Strict (b) Leniant (c) Frank (d) Jealous 
Q2. Who was Millie in the chapter "The Browning Version"? 
(a) Crocker Harris's mother (b) Crocker Harris's sister (c) Crocker Harris's wife (d) Crocker Harris's friend 
Q3. Where did Millie send Taplow in the story "The Browning Version"? 
(a) To the play ground (b) To a chemist (c) To a barber (d) To a grocer 
Q4. Who is the poet of the poem "Childhood"? 
(a) Shirley Toulson (b) Robert Frost (c) Ted Hughes (d) Markus Natten
Q5. In the poem "Childhood" according to the poet, where was the childhood gone? 
(a) To a forgotten place (b) To a known place (c) To a far away place (d) To heaven 

(6-9)Write ‘True’ for correct and ‘False’ for incorrect statement. 

Q6. According to Taplow, Crocker Harris did not like the people who liked him as mentioned in the chapter "The Browning Version". ( True/ False)

Q7. In the story "The Browning Version". Croker Harris announced the result before the result day. ( True/ False) 

Q8. In the poem "Childhood" poet has realised that Hell and Heaven could not be found in geography. ( True/ False) 

Q9. Adult talk of love and preach of love, act lovingly as per the poem "Childhood". ( True/ False)

(10-12) Write answer in 20-30 words. 

Q10. What has the poet found about his mind in the poem "Childhood"? 
Q11. Why did Crocker Harris give extra work to Taplow? 
Q12. What does Markus Natten say about hell & heaven in the chapter "The Browning Version"? 

(13) Write answer in 100-120 words
Q13. What do you gather about Crocker Harris from the play "The Browning Version"?


(SAT-3)-Dec. 2021  
CLASS - 12th  Subject – English (Core) 
TIME: 60 Minutes    Marks : 20   ____________________
 (i) All questions are compulsory.  
(ii) Que. no. 1 to 9 carry 1 mark each. Que. no. 10 to 12 carry 2 marks each. Que. no. 13 carries 5 marks. __________________________________________
(1-5) Select and write the correct answer/ option.:-

Q1- Who is the poet of the poem " A Roadside Stand"? 
(A) Robert Browning (B) John Keats (C) William Wordsworth   (D) Robert Frost
Q2- What is being sold on roadside stand in the poem " A Roadside Stand"?
(A) toys  
(B) books
(C) wild berries and crook - necked golden squash 
(D) none of the above
Q3- What do kids call Mr. Lamb in the play " On the Face of It"?
(A) Old Lamb   (B) Lamey - Lamb (C) Uncle Lamb (D) None
Q4- How is Evans popularly known in " Evans Tries An O'Level"?
(A) Evans the Lamey (B) Evans the detective (C) Evans the break
(D) Evans the brave
Q5 Who ordered Evans to take off his hat in " Evans Tries An O'Level"?
(A) Jackson (B) The Governor (C) Stephens ( D) None

(6-9) Write answers in 1-2 words or as directed :-

Q6- Who has written the play "On the Face of It"?

Q7- What was the name of the Detective Superintendent in " Evans Tries An O'Level"?

Q8- Who rang the bell? ( Change the voice)

Q9- .........boy in red shirt is my classmate. ( Put the correct article)

(10-12) Write answer in 20-30 words.

Q10- What was the plea of the folk who had put up the roadside stand in the poem " A Roadside Stand"?
Q11- Why does Derry stay away from people in the play " On the Face of It"?
Q12- What was contained in the small suitcase that McLeery carried in " Evans Tries An O'Level"?

Write answer in 100- 120 words.

Q13- How did Mr. Lamb's  meeting with Derry become  turning point in Derry's life?
Describe the character of Evans based on your understanding of the play " Evans Tries An O'Level'?

Model SAT 001
CLASS - 12th Subject – English 
TIME: 60 Minutes Marks: 20
 (i) All questions are compulsory.  
(ii) Que. no. 1 to 10 carry 1 mark each. Que. no. 11 to 12 carry 2 marks each. Que. no. 13-14 carries 3 marks each. __________________________________________
(1-5) Select and write the correct answer/ option.:-

Q1- Who is the writer of "Lost Spring" ?
 (A) Anees Jung (B) Alphonse Daudet   (C) Louis Fischer   (D) Robert Frost
Q2- Which two districts of France had been captured by Germany ?
(A) Alsace           (B) Lorraine
(C) Both A & B   (D) none of the above
Q3- What is the meaning of " Saheb-e-alam" ?
(A) King of the City   (B) Lord of the Country (C) Lord of the Universe (D) None
Q4- Which city is famous for it's  glass - bangles industry ?
(A) New Delhi (B) Kolkata (C) Jaipur (D) Firozabad
Q5- Mukesh wants to become a ................... ?
(A) A motor Mechanic  (B) A tea stall owner (C) A politician ( D) A policeman 

(6-9) Write answers in 1-2 words or as directed :-

Q6- What was the name of village blacksmith?
Q7- Where did Mukesh live ?
Q8- Who is the writer of the lesson " The Tiger King"?

Q9- The old king ............................... (Die) before his son ...... (Come) ? ( Fill in the correct form of verb)

Q10- She .........  ( Complete) her project already. ( Fill in the correct form of verb)

(11-12) Write answer in 20-30 words.

Q11- What did Franz notice that was  unusual about  his school that day?
Q12- Why has been mother compared with the late winter's moon eh ?

(Write answer in 30-40 words.)

Q13- Mention the hazards of working in glass bangle industry of  Firozabad?
Q14- What does third level refer to in the lesson " The Third Level"?



 Half Yearly Assessment -September 2022 

CLASS - 9th                   Subject – English 
TIME: 90 Minutes       Marks : 40    

(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Que. no. 1 to 15 carry 1 mark each. Que. no. 16 to 18 carry 2 marks each. Que no 19 to 21 carry 3 marks each and Que. no. 22 to 23 carry 5 marks each. _______________________________
(1-10) Mark (✔) on the correct answer. 

1. Where was the mechanical teacher?
(a) in  Margie's bedroom      (b)in Margie's school
(c) in Margie's school room (d) in the County Inspector's office

2. .............................. you prosper in life! 

(a) can (b) may (c) must (d) might

3. I daily read ............... Gita. 

(a) a (b) an (c) the (d) X

4. He is ....................... engineer.  

(a) a (b) an (c) the (d) X

5. Who said these words, as mentioned in the chapter 'The Ailing Planet' - " We have not inherited this earth; we have borrowed it from our children"? 

(a) Dan Brown    (b) Michael Brown 
(c) David Brown (d) Lester Brown

6. What does 'Shanshui' literally mean as given in the chapter " Landscape of the Soul"?
(a) mountain (b) water (c) mountain-water (d) sky

7. When was Tut's tomb discovered?

(a) in 1920 (b) in 1924 (c) in 1922 (d) in 1822

8. What is the name of Rama Rao's niece in the story " Ranga's marriage" ?

(a)  Ratna (b) Reena (c) Meera (d) Rattan 

9. What was Mrs. Dorling's address in the chapter '' The Address"? 

(a) 46, Marco street     (b) 40, Marie street
(c) 46, Marconi street (d) 42, Marie street 

10. To which tribe the narrator and his cousin belonged in the story "The Summer of the Beautiful Horse"? 

(a) Armenian        (b) Hemshire 
(c) Baroghlanian (d) Garoghalanian

(11-15)Fill in the blanks. 

11. Samrat..................... (watch) football since 5'clock.
12. He always ................... (find) fault with others.
13. He said that he ................. (write) the letter.
14. ................. is the writer of the chapter "The Portrait of A Lady"?
15. The name of Albert's only friend in the chapter "Albert Einstein At School" was .............................

(16-18) Write answers in 20-30 words. 

16.  List the steps taken by the captain to check the flooding of water in the ship.

17.Why was Tut's body buried along with gilded treasure?
18. How does the writer describe his village in the chapter " Ranga's Marriage"?

(19-21) Write answer in 30-40 words. 

19. What has the goldfinch compared to in the poem "The Laburnum Top" and why?
20. What has not changed over the years? Does this suggest something to you? ( Photograph)
21. What do adults usually talk and preach of? How do they differ in their actions? ( Childhood)

(22-23) Write answer in 50-60 words
22.Write down the character sketch of the grandmother. ( The Portrait of A Lady)
Compare the characters of both the women - Mrs. Pearson and Mrs. Fitzgerald. ( Mother's Day) 

23. You are Mohan Lal . living at 30, sector 29. Karnal. Write an application for the post of a manager in a bank.
Write a report on the " Annual Function of your School".

Half Yearly Assessment -September 2022
CLASS - 10th                   Subject – English 
TIME: 60 Minutes         Marks: 20   _____________________________               Instructions:-
(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Que. no. 1 to 15 carry 1 mark each. Que. no. 16 to 18 carry 2 marks each. Que no 19 to 21 carry 3 marks each and Que. no. 22 to 23 carry 5 marks each.    _________________________
(1-10) Mark (✔) on the correct answer. 

1. " Lata....................... speak English well".
(a) can (b) may (c) should (d) must

2. .............................. you prosper in life! 

(a) can (b) may (c) must (d) might

3. I daily read ............... Gita. 

(a) a (b) an (c) the (d) X

4. He is ....................... engineer.  

(a) a (b) an (c) the (d) X

5. Who said these words, as mentioned in the chapter 'The Ailing Planet' - " We have not inherited this earth; we have borrowed it from our children"? 

(a) Dan Brown    (b) Michael Brown 
(c) David Brown (d) Lester Brown

6. What does ' Shanshui' literally mean as given in the chapter " Landscape of the Soul"?
(a) mountain (b) water (c) mountain-water (d) sky

7. When was Tut's tomb discovered?

(a) in 1920 (b) in 1924 (c) in 1922 (d) in 1822

8. What is the name of Rama Rao's niece in the story " Ranga's marriage" ?

(a)  Ratna (b) Reena (c) Meera (d) Rattan 

9. What was Mrs. Dorling's address in the chapter '' The Address"? 

(a) 46, Marco street     (b) 40, Marie street
(c) 46, Marconi street (d) 42, Marie street 

10. To which tribe the narrator and his cousin belonged in the story "The Summer of the Beautiful Horse"? 

(a) Armenian        (b) Hemshire 
(c) Baroghlanian (d) Garoghalanian

(11-15)Fill in the blanks. 

11. Samrat..................... (watch) football since 5'clock.
12. He always ................... (find) fault with others.
13. He said that he ................. (write) the letter.
14. ................. is the writer of the chapter "The Portrait of A Lady"?
15. The name of Albert's only friend in the chapter "Albert Einstein At School" was .............................

(16-18) Write answers in 20-30 words. 

16.  List the steps taken by the captain to check the flooding of water in the ship.

17.Why was Tut's body buried along with gilded treasure?
18. How does the writer describe his village in the chapter " Ranga's Marriage"?

(19-21) Write answer in 30-40 words. 

19. What has the goldfinch compared to in the poem "The Laburnum Top" and why?
20. What has not changed over the years? Does this suggest something to you? ( Photograph)
21. What do adults usually talk and preach of? How do they differ in their actions? ( Childhood)

(22-23) Write answer in 50-60 words
22.Write down the character sketch of the grandmother. ( The Portrait of A Lady)
Compare the characters of both the women - Mrs. Pearson and Mrs. Fitzgerald. ( Mother's Day) 

23. You are Mohan Lal . living at 30, sector 29. Karnal. Write an application for the post of a manager in a bank.
Write a report on the " Annual Function of your School".

Rajender Tanwar 
Lect in English
GGSSS Kairu ( Bhiwani)

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Footprints Without Feet - H. G. Wells ( 10th English Core)

  Footprints without Feet by H.G. Wells  H.G. Wells  Textual Exercise :- Q1 - Who was Griffin? Ans - Griffin was a scientist. He was very in...