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Saturday 31 August 2024

Footprints Without Feet - H. G. Wells ( 10th English Core)

 Footprints without Feet by H.G. Wells 

H.G. Wells 

Textual Exercise :-

Q1 - Who was Griffin?
Ans - Griffin was a scientist. He was very intelligent , but he was a lawless person. He was an enemy of society.
Q2- How did Griffin become invisible?
Ans- Griffin was a brilliant scientist. He wanted to prove that human body could become invisible. He carried out many experiments. At last, he was able to discover a rare drug that made his body as transparent as a sheet of glass.

Q3-Why was Griffin wandering in the streets of London?
Ans- Griffin had set fire to his landlord's house . To escape from police , he became invisible. He was now cloth less and homeless. That is why , he was wandering in streets.

Q4- Why did Griffin slip into a big London store?
Ans- It was mid-winter. The air was very cold and bitter. He was without clothes and felling very cold. To save himself from the cold, he slipped into s store to get some warmth there.

Q5- How did Griffin escape from the London store?
Ans- Griffin ran out of the store. The store workers chased him. He started putting off his clothes one by one. Now he became invisible. Thus he was able to escape from the store.

Q6- Why does Mrs. Hall find the scientist (Griffin) eccentric?
Ans- The scientist has come to an inn of Iping village in winter. In this season nobody comes there to stay. He also wears bandages on his face. He never talks to anyone. That is why , Mrs. Hall thinks him to be an eccentric person.

Q7- What reasons does Griffin give to Mrs Hall for coming to Iping?
Ans- He says that he has come there to work in solitude and peace. He does not want to be disturbed. He also says that an accident has disfigured his face. So he keeps it always covered.

Q8- What curious episode occurs in the study of the clergyman?
Ans- The clergyman and his wife hear some noises in their study. They also hear the chink of coins. But the find nobody when they open the door. Also the money is missing. All that is a curious incident.
Q9- What other extraordinary things happen at the inn?
Ans- Mrs Hall can see none in the room. Yet she hears a sniff close to her ear. Then a hat leaps up and dashes on her face. After this, a chair rises up in the air. It pushes Mrs Hall and her husband out of the room.
Q10- What happened to the constable, Mr Jaffers? 
Ans- The constable, Mr  Jaffers, tried to catch the invisible scientist. The scientist was out of reach now. He started to hit the constable. The constable was unable to see him  and his blows. At last , the scientist hit him hard and the constable became unconscious.
Q11- How can you say that Griffin was a lawless person?
Ans- Griffin was a scientist. He was very intelligent , but he was a lawless person. He was an enemy of society. First of all , he set the house of his landlord in revenge. Then he stole things from a big store. After this, he broke into a theatrical shop. There he again stole many things. He also hit the shopkeeper and stole all the money from his shop. Then he went to an inn . He behaved very rudely there. He again stole the money of a clergyman and hit the constable very hard. All these shows that Griffin was a lawless person. He misused his talent and intelligence. 
Rajender Tanwar
PGT English
GGSSS Kairu ( Bhiwani) 

Friday 30 August 2024

Amanda ! :- Robin Klein ( 10th Class HBSE & CBSE)

Amanda! poem is included in class Tenth syllabus,  both in HBSE and CBSE. This poem is written by famous Australian poet Robin Klein. (Robin McMaugh Klein) She was born on 28th February 1936 in Kempsey,  Australia and now she resides near Melbourne.



Textual Exercise:-

Q1- How old do you think Amanda is?
Ans- Amanda is little school going girl. We knew this because her parents ask her to do her school homework. She seems to be around 9- 10 years. 
Q2- Who do you think speaking to her?
Ans- Perhaps her mother is speaking to her. 
Q3- Why are stanza 2,4 and 6 given in parenthesis (brackets)?
Ans- These stanzas tell us about the state of the little girl's mind. These are not spoken words but thoughts. That is why these stanzas are given in brackets. 
Q4- Who is Amanda? What could Amanda do if she were a mermaid?
Ans- Amanda is a little school going girl. She wishes that she were a mermaid. Then she could drift happily with the gentle waves of the sea. She wants to be alone in the large emerald sea.
Q5- Is Amanda an orphan? Why does she say so?
Ans- Amanda is not an orphan. She is nagged all the time by her parents. So she feels it better to be an orphan. Then she could roam freely in streets .
Q6- Who was Rapunzel? Why does Amanda want to be Rapunzel?
Ans- Rapunzel was a golden-haired princess , She had very long hair. She has been kept alone in a tower by a witch. Amanda thinks that Rapunzel's life must have been very happy and peaceful. That is why she wants to be Rapunzel.

Q7- What does the girl yearn for? What does this poem tell you about Amanda?
Ans- The girl yearns for freedom and peaceful life. She is fed up by constant nagging of her parents. She wants to be alone. It is also clear from the poem that Amanda is a very imaginative girl. 
Q8- Do you think that Amanda is sulking and a moody child?
Ans- No, Amanda is neither sulking nor a moody child. She only yearns for her freedom and peace. She wants to go away and play as she likes. 
Q9- What is Amanda asked to do or not to do? 
Ans- Amanda is asked not to bite her nails, not to hunch her shoulders and not to eat chocolates. She is asked to sit up straight , to finish her homework, to tidy her room and wash her shoes. 
Q10- How is sea portrayed in the poem 'Amanda!' ?
Ans- The sea is of a beautiful green colour. Its waves are gentle and swift. And there is no other living creature than a mermaid. 
Q11- What is the central idea of the poem ' Amanda !'?
Ans- The central idea of this poem is that school going children should not be nagged constantly . They should be given some freedom to do things in their own ways. They want some freedom and peace in their life. 
Q12- What is the poem 'Amanda ! ' about?
Ans- This poem is about a little school - going girl named Amanda. She is constantly nagged by her parents. Perhaps it is her mother. She keeps asking Amanda to do this or not to do that. But poor  girl does not want to be nagged and wants to live a free life of her own. She wants freedom and peace. 

Rajender Tanwar 
PGT English
GGSSS Kairu ( Bhiwani) 

Tuesday 2 January 2024



                                            GGSSS KAIRU BHIWANI












1. THE LAST LESSON -Alphonse Daudet

1. THE THIRD LEVEL -Jack Finney

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1. The Portrait of a Lady -Khushwant Singh


1. The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse-William Saroyan

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Revise Textual Exercise





1. A Letter to God

 1. A Triumph of Surgery

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Revise Textual Exercise







1. The Fun They Had


                                  1. The Lost Child

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                                                 GGSSS KAIRU BHIWANI












2. LOST SPRING Anees Jung



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Revise Textual Exercise








 2. We’re Not Afraid to Die... if We Can All Be Together Gordon Cook and Alan East

2. The Address Marga Minco

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Revise Textual Exercise






2. Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom

2. The Thief’s Story

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 Revise Textual Exercise






 2. The Sound of Music

 2. The Adventure of Toto

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 Revise Textual Exercise

                                     R S TANWAR LECT ENGLISH GGSSS KAIRU (BHIWANI)

Friday 15 December 2023

Kathmandu : Vikram Seth Class 9th HBSE & CBSE

This lesson is included in the syllabus of Nineth class, both in HBSE & CBSE. This lesson (travelogue) is an excerpt from a famous book - HEAVEN LAKE- by  Indian writer Vikram Seth. Kathmandu is the capital of Nepal, our neighbouring country in the  East. 
Vikram Seth 
Word Meanings-
proclaims    घोषणा करना 
atmosphere   वातावरण 
devotee  श्रद्धालु 
saffron  केसरिया 
holy  पवित्र 
corpse  शव 
shrine  धार्मिक स्थल 
immense  विशाल , विस्तृत 
immigrants  प्रवासी 
haven   आसरा , शरण स्थली 
adorned  सजाया हुआ 
deities  देवता गण 
utensils  बर्तन 
stray  आवारा 
indulge  लीन होना 
marzipan एक प्रकार की मिठाई 
brazier  अंगीठी 
pavement  पटरी 
nauseating जी मितलाने वाली 
propelled  प्रेरित 
enthusiasm  उत्साह 
protrude  बाहर की और निकली हुई 
porcupine  साही , झावा 
meditatively बड़े ध्यान पूर्वक 
excessive  अधिक 
pattern  तरीका 
reed  सरकंडा 
specific  विशेष प्रकार का 
abroad  विदेश 
significance  महत्व 

Imp. VSA--

1. Where is Kathmandu situated?
Ans- Kathmandu is situated in Nepal and this city is also the capital of Nepal. 
2. Which two temples did the author visit in Kathmandu?
Ans- The author visited Pashupati Nath temple and Baudhnath Stupa in Kathmandu.
3. What signboard is there outside Pashupati Nath temple?
Ans- The signboard outside Pashupati Nath temple is '' Entrance for Hindus Only''.
4. Which river flows through Kathmandu?
Ans- The Bagmati river flows through Kathmandu.
5. How is the atmosphere at the Pashupati Nath temple?
Ans- The atmosphere at the  Pashupati Nath temple is full of confusion.
6. How is the atmosphere at the Baudhnath Stupa?
Ans- The atmosphere at the Baudhnath Stupa is peaceful and still. 
7. Who owned  most of the shops in Kathmandu?
Ans- The Tibetan immigrants.
8. What items are being sold outside the Buadhnath Stupa?
Ans- Felt bags, Tibetan printings and silver jewellery  . 
9. How does the author decide to to take return journey to Delhi?
Ans- He decides to come back by plane of Nepal Airlines. 
10. Who does the writer see in at the square of Kathmandu?
Ans- He sees a flute seller there.



Imp. Textual Exercise--

Q1. Name five kind of flutes.
Ans- Five different kind of flutes are :- the reed neh, the recorder, the Japanese Shakuhachi, the deep Bansuri and the high pithed Chinese flute.
Q2. What difference does the author find between the flute seller and the other hawkers?
Ans- The author hawkers were selling their wares shouting loudly. But the flute seller does not shout out for his flutes. He was standing in a corner of the square. He often played his flute slowly and meditatively.  
Q3. What did the saffron- clad westerners want?
Ans- The saffron- clad westerners wanted to go inside the temple of Pashupati Nath , but the policeman stopped them. He did not let them enter the temple because they were not Hindus. The entrance was only for the Hindus. 
Q4. Describe how the flute seller sells his flutes?
Ans- The flute seller had tied fifty or sixty flutes on a pole. He does not shout out for his flutes. From time to time, he selects a flute and plays on it. He plays it slowly and meditatively. Sometimes , he makes a sale. 
Q5. What does Vikram Seth compare to the quills of a porcupine?
Ans- He compares the pole , carried by the flute seller ,with an attachment at the top from which fifty or sixty bansuris protrude in all directions.
Q6. What is the belief at Pashupatinath about the end of Kaliyug?
Ans- The author sees a small shrine half protrudes from the stone platform on the river bank. When it emerges fully, the goddess inside will escape, and the evil period of the Kaliyug will end on earth.

Rajender Tanwar 
PGT English 


Friday 24 November 2023



This touching story is written by famous short story writer Guy De Maupassant. 
This lesson is taken from the course of 10th class , both HBSE and CBSE. 

Matilda Loisel : A young , pretty but middle class family woman.

Mr. Loisel : Husband of Matilda, works as a clerk in Board of Education.

Mrs. Forestier : school time friend of Matilda,  Very rich lady.

And a Necklace...

प्रसिद्ध लेखक मोपांसा की लिखी गई सभी कहानियां अपने अद्भुत कथानक के लिए जानी जाती हैं । प्रस्तुत कहानी भी उनकी शानदार लेखन क्षमता का एक उदाहरण है। यह कहानी एक अति सुन्दर महिला मटिल्डा लॉइज़ल  के बारे में है । लॉइज़ल एक निर्धन परिवार में पैदा होने वाली एक बहुत सुंदर महिला है , जो अपनी उच्च आकांक्षाओं के कारण दुर्भाग्य के ऐसे भंवर में फंस जाती है , जो उसकी तमाम खुशियों को समाप्त कर देता है। बचपन से ही लॉइज़ल  सुख सुविधा संपन्न जीवन के सपने देखा करती थी और वह चाहती थी कि  वह एक अति धनी जीवन व्यतीत करे।  उसके पास मूल्यवान गहनों का भंडार हो और रंग बिरंगे , आकर्षक और कीमती वस्त्रों का संग्रह हो।  उसका एक विशाल मकान तथा अनेकों नौकर हों। परन्तु उसके सपने सपने ही रह जाते हैं।  

Word Meanings:-
destiny - किस्मत
dowry - दहेज
distinguished - विशेष
incessantly - लगातार
delicacies - स्वादिष्ट पकवान
luxuries - आराम विलास
tureen - गहरी प्लेट
elegant - शानदार
exquisite - अदभुत
marvellous - शानदार
elated - प्रसन्न
inscribed - छपे हुए
spitefully - ईर्ष्या से
impatiently -अधीरता पूर्वक
stupefied - मूर्खों की तरह
dismay - दुख
violent -  आक्रामक, उग्र
vexation -  पीड़ा , दुख
respond - उत्तर देना
consequently - परिणाम स्वरूप
colleague - सहकर्मी
costume - वेशभूषा
refusal - मना करना
exclamation - विस्मय
nevertheless - तथापि, फिर भी
adorn - सजावट करना 
chic - फैशन वाले वस्त्र 
humiliating - अपमान करना 
distress - दुख, पीड़ा
closet - अलमारी
workmanship - कारीगरी
ecstatic - अति आनंद प्रद
embraced - गले मिलना
passion - भावावेश,  उतेजना
gracious - गरिमा मयी
enthusiasm - उत्साह
intoxicated - मदहोश, अति प्रसन्न चित्त
detained - रोके रखना
glory - शान शौकत
bewilderment - अत्यंत आश्चर्य 
disaster -  विपदा
clasp - जोड़
dictated - निर्देशित करना
chaple -  माला
ruinous - बर्बाद करने वाला
usurers - उधार पर पैसे देने वाले
frigid - भावहीन, स्थिर
perceive - ध्यान से देखना
substitution - अदला बदली
necessary - आवश्यक
debt - कर्ज
lodging - रहने की जगह
odious - घृणित
grocer - दुकानदार
haggling - मोल भाव करना
sou - फ्रांस का सिक्का 
miserable - पीड़ादायक
crude - अति साधारण
awry - सिलवटों से भरा
astonished - चकित
familiarly - परिचित ढंग से
personage - विशिष्ट व्यक्तित्व
decently - विनम्रता पूर्वक
content - सन्तुष्ट
ruin -बर्बाद
worth - कीमत

Textual Exercise
Q1- What kind of a woman was Mme Loisel?
Ans- Mme Loisel was a very pretty woman. She was born to a poor family. She was a highly ambitious lady and wanted to live a luxurious life.
Q2- Why Mme Loisel remained always unhappy?
Ans- Loisel wanted to live a luxurious life. But she was married to a clerk, whose income was very small. The poverty of her house , the common way of her living and lack of all luxuries troubled her. That is why, she remained always unhappy.
Q3- What kind of a person was Mme Loisel's husband?
Ans- Her husband was a clerk , whose income was very small. But he always tried to keep her happy. He suffered a lot because of  her wife. But he never got angry with her. He silently accepted his fate . It shows that he was a very nice person and a loving husband.
Q4- Why did her husband come in a very happy mood one day?
Ans- Her husband got a special invitation from a Minister for a dinner party. No one was invited to this party except them. So he was in a very happy mood.
Q5- What fresh problems disturbed Mme Loisel after receiving the invitation?
Ans- Mme Loisel managed to get a new dress for the party / ball, but she had not a fine jewel to wear. This was the new problem which disturbed Loisel.
Q6- What did M. and Mme Loisel do when they find the necklace missing?
Ans- They got very shocked. They looked in the folds of the dress, cloak and in the pockets. Her husband went out to find it. He also went to the cab offices and the police. They also put an advertisement in the newspapers. But all in vain. The necklace could not be found anywhere. 
Q7- How did Loisel replace the necklace?
Ans- Loisel had to pay 36000 francs for the new necklace. He had with him only 18000 francs. So, he had to borrow the rest from moneylenders at a very high rate of interest. 
Q8- What was the cause of Matilda's ruin? How could she have avoided it?
Ans- Matilda was a very pretty lady. She  had high ambitions to have things of luxuries. But she belonged to a poor family. That was the real cause of her ruin. She should have accepted his life. Also she should have known that one should cut one's coat according to one's cloth. Thus she could have avoided her ruin. 
Q9- Hoe did Matilda get the jewels to wear at the ball?
Ans- Matilda had a rich friend named Mme Jeanne Forestier. She went to her at her husband's suggestion. She asked politely  to lend a  necklace to wear at the ball. Her friend at once agreed to it. Matilda chose a lovely diamond necklace to wear at the ball. 
Q10- What is the twist at the end of the story, "The Necklace"?
Ans- The Loisels had to spend 36000 francs to replace the lost necklace. They suffered for many years to payback their debts. But at the end of the story, we come to know that the lost necklace was a false one. It was not worth more than 500 francs.
Q11- How was Mme Loisel a "mistake of destiny''?
Ans- Mme Loisel was a very pretty woman. But by an irony of the fate, she was born in a poor family. She had to marry a petty clerk, who had a very small earning. Thus we can say that Mme Loisel was a "mistake of destiny''.

Rajender Tanwar 
Lect in English  GGSSS KAIRU ( Bhiwani)  

Thursday 26 October 2023


''My Childhood" is an extract from the book --Wings of Fire . This book is the  autobiography of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, the 11th President of India. 

Word Meanings:-

statesman - राजनीतिज्ञ
defense- रक्षा
nuclear - परमाणु
autobiography - आत्मकथा
island - द्वीप
erstwhile - पूर्व में
wealth- धन
disadvantage -  हानि
inmate- जीवन साथी
generosity- उदारता
undistinguished- सामान्य 
ancestral- पैतृक
mosque- मस्जिद
austere- सरल, सीधा-सादा
inessential- गैर जरूरी
luxuries- सुख सुविधाएं
tamarind -इमली
erupted- बढ़ जाना
fetch- लाना
princely- उदारता से
unaffected- अप्रभावित
casualty- क्षति, नुकसान
inherited- विरासत में मिलना
characteristics- विशेषताएं
environment- वातावरण
religious- धार्मिक
upbringing- पालन पोषण
pilgrims- श्रृद्धालु
catering- खान-पान संबंधी
idols- मुर्तियां
Prophet- पैगम्बर, फरिश्ता
standard- संयंत्र, कक्षा
sacred- पवित्र
thread- धागा
accordance- अनुसार
downcast- बहुत उदास
impression- छाप, प्रभाव
summoned- बुलाया गया
inequality- असमानता
communal- साम्प्रदायिक
intolerance- असहिष्णुता
innocent- मासुम
bluntly- तीखे स्वर में
apologize- माफी मांगना
quit- त्यागना, छोड़ना
regret- पछतावा होना
conviction- धारणा
reformed- सुधार देना
rigid- कठोर
segregation- अलगाव
orthodox- कटृर
conservative- पुराने विचारों का
rebel- विद्रोही
mingle- मिलाना
horrified- भयभीत
ritually- अनुष्ठान पूर्वक
perturbed- व्यथित, व्याकुल
hesitation- हिचकिचाहट
confronted- सामना करना
imminent- नजदीक
unprecedented- अभूतपूर्व
optimism- आशावाद
seagull- समुद्री पक्षी
quoted- कथन कहना
extract- अंश (पुस्तक का)

(Very Short Ans type exercise)

Q1-Who was Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam?
Ans-He was the 11th President of India and also known as "Missile Man of India".
Q2- Where was Dr. Kalam born and when?
Ans- He was born at Rameshwaram on 15 October 1931.
Q3-Who were Dr. Kalam's parents?
Ans- His father was Jainulabdeen and mother was Ashiamma.
Q4- What kind of a person his father was?
Ans- He was a simple, wise and generous person.
Q5- What does Kalam say about his mother?
Ans- She was a kind lady and an ideal helpmate of his father.
Q6- Who were Kalam's school friends?
Ans- Ramanand Sastry,  Aravindan and Sivaprakasan.
Q7- Where was his house situated?
Ans- On the Mosque Street in Rameshwaram.
Q8- What did he inherited from his parents?
Ans- Honesty, Self - Discipline, Faith in goodness and kindness.
Q9- Which annual function is described in this lesson?
And - Shri Sita Ram Kalyana.
Q10- What did Kalam's family arrange for the annual festival in the town?
Ans- They used to arrange boats having a special platform.
Q11- What was the name of newspaper referred in this lesson?
Ans- Dinamani.
Q12- Who gave Kalam a chance to earn his first wages?
Ans- His cousin Samsuddin.
Q13-The demand of which thing had been erupted during World War II?
Ans- Tamarind seeds.
Q14- What kind of childhood did Kalam had?
Ans- He had a safe and secure childhood.
Q15 - What did the new teacher do in the class?
Ans- He shifted Kalam's seat from first row to the last row. 
Q16- Who reformed the new teacher?
Ans- Lakshmana Sastry, the father of Ramanand Sastry.
Q17- What was the name of new Science Teacher?
Ans- Sivasubramania Iyer.
Q18- What kind of a person was Mr. Iyer?
Ans- He was a liberal and generous person.
Q19- What was imminent after World War II?
Ans- Freedom of India.
Q20- What did Gandhi ji declare?
Ans- He declared, " Indians will build their own India."
Q21- Where did Kalam want to study further?
Ans- Ramanathpuram .
Q22- When did he get the highest award of India " Bharat Ratna" ?
Ans- In 1997.
Q23- When did he become the 11th President of India ?
Ans- On 25th July 2002.
Q24- When did Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam died?
Ans- On 27 July 2015.
Q25- From which famous book this lesson has been taken as an extract?
Ans- "Wings of Fire" written by Dr Kalam.

Textual Exercise:-

Q1- Who were Abdul Kalam's friends? What did they became later?
Ans- Abdul Kalam's school friends were -- Ramanand Sastry, Arvindan and Sivaprakasan . Ramanand became the chief priest in the village temple. Arvindan went into the business of arranging transport. Sivaprakasan became a catering contractor in the Railways.
Q2- How did Kalam earn his first wages?
Ans- Kalam's cousin, Samsuddin, was a news paper agent. In the second World War, he had to find a helping hand for his work. Kalam helped him in distributing the news papers. He was given some money for it. Thus Kalam earned his first wages.
Q3- What characteristics does Kalam inherited from his parents?
Ans- Kalam inherited honesty and self discipline from his father. From his mother, he inherited a faith in goodness and deep kindness.
Q4- What did the new teacher say to Kalam and why? 
Ans- Kalam was sitting on the same bench with Ramanand Sastry. The new teacher didn't like a Muslim boy sitting with a Hindu boy in his class. He asked Kalam to sit on the last bench.
Q5- What happened with the new teacher later?
 Ans- He was scolded by father of Ramanand Sastry. 
Q6- Why did Abdul Kalam want to leave Rameshwaram ?
Ans- After the second World War , it was clear that India is near to her freedom. Kalam decided to go to Rameshwaram for further studies to serve his nation. He asked for his father's permission and he gave it.
Q7- What did his father say to this?
Ans- Kalam's father was very happy at this decision. He at once gave his consent. He knew that it would help Kalam to grow. His father believed that a child must have his own independent thoughts.
Q8- What does Kalam say about his science teacher?
Ans- Kalam says that his science teacher was a Brahmin. He didn't believe in social barriers. He was very liberal in his views. He once invited Kalam to dine at his house. He himself served Kalam with his own hands. He was really a good person.


Rajender Tanwar
PGT English 
GGSSS Kairu ( Bhiwani) 


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