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Friday 15 December 2023

Kathmandu : Vikram Seth Class 9th HBSE & CBSE

This lesson is included in the syllabus of Nineth class, both in HBSE & CBSE. This lesson (travelogue) is an excerpt from a famous book - HEAVEN LAKE- by  Indian writer Vikram Seth. Kathmandu is the capital of Nepal, our neighbouring country in the  East. 
Vikram Seth 
Word Meanings-
proclaims    घोषणा करना 
atmosphere   वातावरण 
devotee  श्रद्धालु 
saffron  केसरिया 
holy  पवित्र 
corpse  शव 
shrine  धार्मिक स्थल 
immense  विशाल , विस्तृत 
immigrants  प्रवासी 
haven   आसरा , शरण स्थली 
adorned  सजाया हुआ 
deities  देवता गण 
utensils  बर्तन 
stray  आवारा 
indulge  लीन होना 
marzipan एक प्रकार की मिठाई 
brazier  अंगीठी 
pavement  पटरी 
nauseating जी मितलाने वाली 
propelled  प्रेरित 
enthusiasm  उत्साह 
protrude  बाहर की और निकली हुई 
porcupine  साही , झावा 
meditatively बड़े ध्यान पूर्वक 
excessive  अधिक 
pattern  तरीका 
reed  सरकंडा 
specific  विशेष प्रकार का 
abroad  विदेश 
significance  महत्व 

Imp. VSA--

1. Where is Kathmandu situated?
Ans- Kathmandu is situated in Nepal and this city is also the capital of Nepal. 
2. Which two temples did the author visit in Kathmandu?
Ans- The author visited Pashupati Nath temple and Baudhnath Stupa in Kathmandu.
3. What signboard is there outside Pashupati Nath temple?
Ans- The signboard outside Pashupati Nath temple is '' Entrance for Hindus Only''.
4. Which river flows through Kathmandu?
Ans- The Bagmati river flows through Kathmandu.
5. How is the atmosphere at the Pashupati Nath temple?
Ans- The atmosphere at the  Pashupati Nath temple is full of confusion.
6. How is the atmosphere at the Baudhnath Stupa?
Ans- The atmosphere at the Baudhnath Stupa is peaceful and still. 
7. Who owned  most of the shops in Kathmandu?
Ans- The Tibetan immigrants.
8. What items are being sold outside the Buadhnath Stupa?
Ans- Felt bags, Tibetan printings and silver jewellery  . 
9. How does the author decide to to take return journey to Delhi?
Ans- He decides to come back by plane of Nepal Airlines. 
10. Who does the writer see in at the square of Kathmandu?
Ans- He sees a flute seller there.



Imp. Textual Exercise--

Q1. Name five kind of flutes.
Ans- Five different kind of flutes are :- the reed neh, the recorder, the Japanese Shakuhachi, the deep Bansuri and the high pithed Chinese flute.
Q2. What difference does the author find between the flute seller and the other hawkers?
Ans- The author hawkers were selling their wares shouting loudly. But the flute seller does not shout out for his flutes. He was standing in a corner of the square. He often played his flute slowly and meditatively.  
Q3. What did the saffron- clad westerners want?
Ans- The saffron- clad westerners wanted to go inside the temple of Pashupati Nath , but the policeman stopped them. He did not let them enter the temple because they were not Hindus. The entrance was only for the Hindus. 
Q4. Describe how the flute seller sells his flutes?
Ans- The flute seller had tied fifty or sixty flutes on a pole. He does not shout out for his flutes. From time to time, he selects a flute and plays on it. He plays it slowly and meditatively. Sometimes , he makes a sale. 
Q5. What does Vikram Seth compare to the quills of a porcupine?
Ans- He compares the pole , carried by the flute seller ,with an attachment at the top from which fifty or sixty bansuris protrude in all directions.
Q6. What is the belief at Pashupatinath about the end of Kaliyug?
Ans- The author sees a small shrine half protrudes from the stone platform on the river bank. When it emerges fully, the goddess inside will escape, and the evil period of the Kaliyug will end on earth.

Rajender Tanwar 
PGT English 


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