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Friday 24 November 2023



This touching story is written by famous short story writer Guy De Maupassant. 
This lesson is taken from the course of 10th class , both HBSE and CBSE. 

Matilda Loisel : A young , pretty but middle class family woman.

Mr. Loisel : Husband of Matilda, works as a clerk in Board of Education.

Mrs. Forestier : school time friend of Matilda,  Very rich lady.

And a Necklace...

प्रसिद्ध लेखक मोपांसा की लिखी गई सभी कहानियां अपने अद्भुत कथानक के लिए जानी जाती हैं । प्रस्तुत कहानी भी उनकी शानदार लेखन क्षमता का एक उदाहरण है। यह कहानी एक अति सुन्दर महिला मटिल्डा लॉइज़ल  के बारे में है । लॉइज़ल एक निर्धन परिवार में पैदा होने वाली एक बहुत सुंदर महिला है , जो अपनी उच्च आकांक्षाओं के कारण दुर्भाग्य के ऐसे भंवर में फंस जाती है , जो उसकी तमाम खुशियों को समाप्त कर देता है। बचपन से ही लॉइज़ल  सुख सुविधा संपन्न जीवन के सपने देखा करती थी और वह चाहती थी कि  वह एक अति धनी जीवन व्यतीत करे।  उसके पास मूल्यवान गहनों का भंडार हो और रंग बिरंगे , आकर्षक और कीमती वस्त्रों का संग्रह हो।  उसका एक विशाल मकान तथा अनेकों नौकर हों। परन्तु उसके सपने सपने ही रह जाते हैं।  

Word Meanings:-
destiny - किस्मत
dowry - दहेज
distinguished - विशेष
incessantly - लगातार
delicacies - स्वादिष्ट पकवान
luxuries - आराम विलास
tureen - गहरी प्लेट
elegant - शानदार
exquisite - अदभुत
marvellous - शानदार
elated - प्रसन्न
inscribed - छपे हुए
spitefully - ईर्ष्या से
impatiently -अधीरता पूर्वक
stupefied - मूर्खों की तरह
dismay - दुख
violent -  आक्रामक, उग्र
vexation -  पीड़ा , दुख
respond - उत्तर देना
consequently - परिणाम स्वरूप
colleague - सहकर्मी
costume - वेशभूषा
refusal - मना करना
exclamation - विस्मय
nevertheless - तथापि, फिर भी
adorn - सजावट करना 
chic - फैशन वाले वस्त्र 
humiliating - अपमान करना 
distress - दुख, पीड़ा
closet - अलमारी
workmanship - कारीगरी
ecstatic - अति आनंद प्रद
embraced - गले मिलना
passion - भावावेश,  उतेजना
gracious - गरिमा मयी
enthusiasm - उत्साह
intoxicated - मदहोश, अति प्रसन्न चित्त
detained - रोके रखना
glory - शान शौकत
bewilderment - अत्यंत आश्चर्य 
disaster -  विपदा
clasp - जोड़
dictated - निर्देशित करना
chaple -  माला
ruinous - बर्बाद करने वाला
usurers - उधार पर पैसे देने वाले
frigid - भावहीन, स्थिर
perceive - ध्यान से देखना
substitution - अदला बदली
necessary - आवश्यक
debt - कर्ज
lodging - रहने की जगह
odious - घृणित
grocer - दुकानदार
haggling - मोल भाव करना
sou - फ्रांस का सिक्का 
miserable - पीड़ादायक
crude - अति साधारण
awry - सिलवटों से भरा
astonished - चकित
familiarly - परिचित ढंग से
personage - विशिष्ट व्यक्तित्व
decently - विनम्रता पूर्वक
content - सन्तुष्ट
ruin -बर्बाद
worth - कीमत

Textual Exercise
Q1- What kind of a woman was Mme Loisel?
Ans- Mme Loisel was a very pretty woman. She was born to a poor family. She was a highly ambitious lady and wanted to live a luxurious life.
Q2- Why Mme Loisel remained always unhappy?
Ans- Loisel wanted to live a luxurious life. But she was married to a clerk, whose income was very small. The poverty of her house , the common way of her living and lack of all luxuries troubled her. That is why, she remained always unhappy.
Q3- What kind of a person was Mme Loisel's husband?
Ans- Her husband was a clerk , whose income was very small. But he always tried to keep her happy. He suffered a lot because of  her wife. But he never got angry with her. He silently accepted his fate . It shows that he was a very nice person and a loving husband.
Q4- Why did her husband come in a very happy mood one day?
Ans- Her husband got a special invitation from a Minister for a dinner party. No one was invited to this party except them. So he was in a very happy mood.
Q5- What fresh problems disturbed Mme Loisel after receiving the invitation?
Ans- Mme Loisel managed to get a new dress for the party / ball, but she had not a fine jewel to wear. This was the new problem which disturbed Loisel.
Q6- What did M. and Mme Loisel do when they find the necklace missing?
Ans- They got very shocked. They looked in the folds of the dress, cloak and in the pockets. Her husband went out to find it. He also went to the cab offices and the police. They also put an advertisement in the newspapers. But all in vain. The necklace could not be found anywhere. 
Q7- How did Loisel replace the necklace?
Ans- Loisel had to pay 36000 francs for the new necklace. He had with him only 18000 francs. So, he had to borrow the rest from moneylenders at a very high rate of interest. 
Q8- What was the cause of Matilda's ruin? How could she have avoided it?
Ans- Matilda was a very pretty lady. She  had high ambitions to have things of luxuries. But she belonged to a poor family. That was the real cause of her ruin. She should have accepted his life. Also she should have known that one should cut one's coat according to one's cloth. Thus she could have avoided her ruin. 
Q9- Hoe did Matilda get the jewels to wear at the ball?
Ans- Matilda had a rich friend named Mme Jeanne Forestier. She went to her at her husband's suggestion. She asked politely  to lend a  necklace to wear at the ball. Her friend at once agreed to it. Matilda chose a lovely diamond necklace to wear at the ball. 
Q10- What is the twist at the end of the story, "The Necklace"?
Ans- The Loisels had to spend 36000 francs to replace the lost necklace. They suffered for many years to payback their debts. But at the end of the story, we come to know that the lost necklace was a false one. It was not worth more than 500 francs.
Q11- How was Mme Loisel a "mistake of destiny''?
Ans- Mme Loisel was a very pretty woman. But by an irony of the fate, she was born in a poor family. She had to marry a petty clerk, who had a very small earning. Thus we can say that Mme Loisel was a "mistake of destiny''.

Rajender Tanwar 
Lect in English  GGSSS KAIRU ( Bhiwani)  

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