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Saturday 23 July 2022


 Chapter 3-

Discovering Tut : The Saga Continues
Writer - A. R. Williams
Difficult Words--
forensic- वैज्ञानिक परीक्षण
saga- लंबी गाथा
archaeologist- पुरातत्व विद
cemetery- कब्रिस्तान
scudded- तेजी से उड़ना
Mummy- सुरक्षित रखा गया शव
probe- छानबीन करना
lingering- लंबे समय से उलझी हुई
cramped- तंग आकार में बना
gilded- सोने से जड़ित
ransacked- लूटा गया
antiquity- प्राचीनता
artifacts- हाथ से बनी हुई कलाकृति
resurrection- पुनर्जीवन
funerary- दफन क्रिया संबंधित
celery- अजवाइन
resins- चिकना लेप
legitimate- उचित, वैधानिक
blazing- तपते हुए
budged- सरकार हुआ
consolidated- एकत्र, जमा
chisel- छेनी
circumvent- (धोखा देना) चकमा  देना 
fabulously- आश्चर्यजनक रूप से
collars- कंठहार
bracelet- कंगन
amulets- ताबीज
ceremonial- समारोह संबंधी
sheaths- कवच, म्यान
iconic- मूर्ति संबंधी, प्रतिष्ठित
adornment- सजावट
severed- काट कर अलग करना
substantially- भारी मात्रा में
decades- दस वर्षों का समय
intriguing- उलझन पूर्ण
sophisticated- जटिल
dynasty-  वंशावली
succeeded- उत्तराधिकारी बनना
initiated- शुरू करना
smashing- तोड़ना
wacky- सनकी
oversee- निगरानी रखना
restoration- दोबारा स्थापित करना
reigned- राज्य करना
speculation- अनुमान लगाना
regally- सही तरीके से
eerie- डरावनी, कष्टप्रद
pallbearers- ताबूत ढोने वाले
swirling- भंवर की तरह
emerged- प्रकट होना
pixels- कंप्यूटर स्क्रीन पर चित्र बनाने वाले बिंदु
vertebrae- रीड की हड्डी का एक भाग
rib cage- पसलियों का ढांचा
Osiris- प्राचीन मिस्र का एक देवता (मृत्यु के बाद का ) 
C.T. scan - Computed Tomography scan-कंप्यूटर द्वारा शरीर के अंदरूनी भागों का चित्र लेना
Q1- Who was Tutankhamun?
Ans- He was a Pharaoh (king) of ancient Egypt.

Q2- When did he live ?
Ans- He lived in  Egypt from 1370 B.C. to 1352 B.C.
Q3- What was Tutankhamun's age , when he died?
Ans- He was just 18-19 years old.
Q4- When was Tut's tomb discovered?
Ans- Tut's tomb was discovered in 1922.

Q5- Who discovered Tut's tomb?
Ans- Famous archaeologist Howard Carter.
Q6- When was an X-ray taken of Tut's body?
Ans- In 1968.
Q7- When was a CT scan performed on Tut's body?
Ans- In January 2005.
Q8- When was " The Egyptian Mummy Project" started?
Ans- In 2003.
Q9- Who was Zahi Hawass?
Ans- Secretary General of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities.
Q10- Who was Amenhotep III?
Ans- Perhaps he was the father or grandfather of Tut.
Q11- Who was Amenhotep IV?
Ans- He was the son of Amenhotep III.
Q12- Which god was worshipped by Amenhotep IV?
Ans- The sun God- Aten
Q13- Which city was the religious capital of ancient Egypt?
Ans- Thebes.
Q14- What is one of the biggest mystery of the world?
Ans- The untimely death of Tut.
Q15- Who is the writer of this lesson?
Ans- A. R.Williams 

Textual Exercise:-

Q1- Who's was Tutankhamun?
Ans- Tutankhamun was a Pharoah (King) of ancient Egypt. He lived from 1370 B. C. to 1352 B.C. He was the last ruler of a very powerful family of royalty. His tomb was discovered in 1922.
Q2- Why did King Tut's body been subjected to repeated scrutiny?
Ans- King Tut's life and death have been a very strange mystery. His body has been subjected to repeated scrutiny to find some solid facts about his mysterious life and death. 
Q3- Why had Howard Carter to chisel away the solidified resins to raise the King's remains?
Ans- The solidified resins had cemented King Tut's body to the bottom of his coffin. There was no way to remove the mummy from his coffin. So Carter had to chisel away the solidified resins, unwillingly.
Q4- What things were placed with Tut's mummy?
Ans- Many valuable things were placed with Tut's mummy. They included costly necklace, bracelets, rings, amulets, apron, sandal etc. There were also some board games, a bronze razor, food items and wine put for the Royal Dead.

Q5- Why was Tut's body buried with gilded treasures?
Ans- In ancient Egypt, the royals thought that they could take their wealth with them after their death. It was because of this belief that Tut's body was buried with gilded treasures.
Q6- Write a brief note on " The Egyptian Mummy Project" .
Ans- This project was started in 2003. So far, it had recorded more than 600 mummies.
Q7- List the results of the CT scan of Tut's mummy?
Ans- The Mummy was scanned from head to toe in 2005. There were amazing images of Tut's body on the computer screen. The technician took his body's image from every direction. His head, hand neck vertebrae and ribcage were examined. It was found that nothing had gone wrong with Tut's body.
Q8- What startling fact was revealed about Tut in 1968 ?
Ans- In 1968, an X-ray of Tut's body was done. It revealed some startling facts. His breast-bone and front ribs were missing. It suggested that Tut might not have a natural death. He could have been murdered.
Q9- What did Amenhotep IV do when he became Pharaoh?
Ans- Amenhotep IV made his people worship the sun god, Aten. He smashed all the images of Amun, a major god,  and closed his temples. He even changed his religious capital Thebes to the new city of Akhetaten. 
Q10- Why did the boy king (Tut) change his name from Tutankhamun?
Ans- Amun was a great god of ancient Egypt. But the previous king, Amenhotep IV, made his people worship the sun god, Aten. He smashed all the temples of Amun. But when Tut became King, he changed this custom. He restored all the temples of Amun. He also changed his name from Tutan-kh-aten to Tutan- kh- amun, which means " living image of Amun".

Essay Type Que:-
Q1- What do you know about Tutankhamun?
Ans- Tutankhamun was a Pharoah (King) of ancient Egypt. He lived from 1370 B.C. to 1352 B.C. His original name was Tutan-kh-aten. He changed his name to Tutankhamun which means " living image of Amun". He restored all the old ways to worship. He ruled for about nine years and then he died in a mysterious way. He was the last heir of a very powerful family of royals. His death was the end of a dynasty. Thus his death was a big event in the history. It is thought that he could have been murdered. His tomb was discovered in 1922 by a famous archaeologist Howard Carter.
( Image Courtesy - Internet ) 

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