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Thursday 21 July 2022



You must have heard many bedtime stories from your elders in your childhood. Story telling plays a vital role in the mental  development of a child. 

What a story does:-
1. Gives an important lesson in a very interesting way.
2. Improves capacity to think.
3. Enriches your vocabulary.
4. Increases Comprehension and Expression skills.

Why Story Writing is for you ? :-
 Story writing is an important part of composition. In Tenth class exam, one question is frequently asked containing  five marks. Story writing is an art. You can develop the story from the given outline only if you have sufficient practice to write a story .
What should you do? :-

* read more and more stories 
* then try to write and rewrite that story  in your own words. 

Some Examples to understand you better :-

Story 1: Union is Strength 

Story:- Once there was an old farmer. He had four sons. They always quarreled with one another. The farmer often advised them to live in unity but all in vain .The farmer remained very worried. 
One day he fell seriously ill.He thought that his end was near. He thought a plan to mend the ways of his son. He called his son. He gave them a bundle of sticks. He asked them one after the other to break it.  All of them tried hard but none could break it. Then the farmer untied the bundle. And he again asked his sons to break the sticks. Now each son broke the  sticks easily. 
Then the farmer advised them  to live united like the bundle . He said," United we stand, divided we fall." He also told the importance of unity to them. The sons learnt a lesson . They promised to  live together in unity. The old man died in peace.
(quarreled-झगड़ते थे , advised-समझाया , unity-एकता , all in vain- व्यर्थ , mend the ways- (आदत ) सुधारना , untied-खोलना , united-संगठित ,  मिलकर , importance-महत्व , together - एक साथ, मिलकर  )

Moral:  Union is Strength.एकता में बल है। 

Story 2: A Thirsty Crow

Story:- Once there was a crow. He felt very thirsty one day . He flew here and there in search of water. But he could not find water anywhere. At last , he reached a garden. There he saw a pot of water but the water was very low in the pot.  His beak could not reach  it. The crow was unable to drink water. 
Then he saw some pebbles there. He hit upon an idea. He picked the pebbles one by one and dropped them into the pot. Water rose up . Now the crow's beak could reach it . He quenched his thirst and flew away. 
( beak - चोंच , pebbles - कंकर , quenched- प्यास बुझाना , thirst -प्यास ) 

Moral:  Where there is a will, there is a way .-जहाँ चाह  वहां राह। 

Story 3: A Hare and a Tortoise

Story:- Once there lived a hare and a tortoise in a jungle .The hare  was very proud of his speed. He always made fun of the tortoise for his slow pace.One day, he challenged the tortoise for a race. A great surprise! , the tortoise accepted the challenge. The race begun at a fixed time . Many animals were present to see this race. The hare soon left the tortoise behind . 
About halfway of the race, the hare saw a shady place . He was very confident to win the race so he thought of taking a snooze . Meanwhile , the tortoise continued to move  slowly but steadily on his way . He crossed the asleep hare and kept going on. After a long time , the hare woke up and stared to run. But he found the tortoise at the finish line before him. The tortoise had won the race. The hare felt  ashamed.  
( pace-गति ,  confident- विश्वस्त होना, snooze -झपकी , meanwhile-इसी दौरान ashamed- लज्जित )
Moral :- Slow and steady wins the race. दृढ़ता और निरतंरता से जीत पक्की  / Pride hath a fall.-अभिमानी का सर नीचा। 


Story 4: The Wolf and the Lamb

Story:- One day it was very hot. A wolf felt very thirsty . He went to a stream to drink water . Lower down the stream,  the wolf saw a lamb drinking water. He wanted to eat the lamb.
The wolf went near the lamb and said ,"Why are you making the water dirty? Don't you see I am drinking it?" The lamb replied in a humble tone," Sir, How can I make water dirty? It is coming from your side."
The wolf became angry at this answer. He again said ," You abused me last year. I will not spare you." The lamb trembled and said meekly," You may be mistaken , Sir. I am only six months old." The wolf became more angry at this and said," If it was not you, it must be your father then. I can't forgive you." After saying this, the wolf fell upon  the lamb and ate it up.  

( stream-झरना, wolf- भेड़िया , lamb-मेमना , humble-विनम्र ,-abused - गाली देना , spare-छोड़ना , meekly- कातर स्वर में , fell upon -झपटना  ) 
Moral: Might is Right.--जिसकी लाठी उसकी भैंस।

Story -5: The Hidden Treasure 

Story:- Once there was an old farmer. He was very hardworking. He had three sons. But they were all very lazy. The old farmer was very unhappy with them. He advised them to work hard many times. But the sons did not care for his advice. The farmer was much worried about them. 
One day the farmer fell seriously ill. He called his sons near him. He said to them," There is a big treasure in our field. If you dig up the field, you will surely be very rich." Soon after this, the farmer died. 
After some days,all the three sons went to the field.They dug up all the field. But they were not able to find the hidden treasure . They became very sad. An old friend of his father advised them to sow seeds in their field. The sons did so. There was a good crop that year. They got a lot of money for it. Now they understood the advice of their wise father. They realised that hard work was the real hidden treasure. They began to work hard and became very rich. 

Moral :- Hard work is the key to success. 

Story -6 : Bad Company

Once there was a boy named Rohan. He was the only son of his parents. He was a very good boy, but he fell into a bad company. His parents tried to reform him, but all in vain. At last, his father thought of a plan. One day he bought some fine apples. He asked Rohan to put them in a basket. Next day, he gave a rotten apple to him . He asked Rohan to put this apple among the fine apples. The son did so.
Next morning, the father asked Rohan to bring all the apples. He brought all the apples. He surprised to find that all the apples had gone bad. The father explained to him the reason. One rotten apple had spoiled all the fine apples. This was the result of a bad company. Rohan learnt a lesson now. He gave up bad company for ever. He became a good boy again.

(reform - सुधार करना,  in vain - व्यर्थ,  basket - टोकरी,  rotten - बड़ा हुआ,  spoiled- बिगाड़ना, खराब करना, gave up - त्यागना, छोड़ देना )

Moral :- Better alone than in a bad company.

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