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Thursday 24 November 2022

The Last Lesson : Alphonse Daudet

 The Last Lesson : Alphonse Daudet


     Difficult words:-
dread- भय
scolding- डांट, झिड़की
out of doors-  घर से बाहर
chirping- चहचहाना
drilling- सैनिक अभ्यास
Prussian- प्रशिया देश के वासी
tempting -आकर्षक
resist- रोकना, प्रतिरोध करना
bulletin board- समाचार पट्ट
draft- अनिवार्य आदेश
apprentice- काम सीखने वाला, प्रशिक्षु
bustle- शोरगुल, हड़बड़ी
in unison- एक साथ मिलकर
rapping- ठकठक की आवाज
commotion- उत्तेजना, हल्ला
blush- लज्जित होना
frightened- भयभीत होना
frilled-झालरदार वस्त्र
solemn- गंभीर 
besides- के अलावा
thumbed- अंगुठे के निशान लगे होना
grave- अत्यंत गंभीर, बेजान सा
thunderclap- बिजली की गड़गड़ाहट
the wrenches- बेचारे, अभागे (लोग)
nuisance- व्यर्थ की बात
cranky- सनकी
recite - कविता पाठ, वाचन
put off- स्थगित करना
pretend- दिखावा करना
a great deal- अधिक संख्या में
reproach- धिक्कारना
logical - तर्क संगत
enslave - दास बनाना
hold fast - नियंत्रण बनाए रखना, जुड़े रहना
amazed- हैरान
set to- आरंभ करना
motionless - गतिहीन, स्थिर
gazing - टकटकी लगाकर देखना
twine - लपेटना
walnut - अखरोट
hopvine - एक फूलदार बेल
chant - अलापना, बार बार दोहराना
trembled - का़पना
Angelus - चर्च में की जाने वाली प्रार्थना
trumpet - तुरही/ शहनाई
pale- पीला पड़ना, कमजोर दिखना
choked - गला रुंध जाना
gesture - हाव भाव, भाव भंगिमा

VSA,s of " The Last Lesson "

Q.1 Who is the writer of the lesson ‘The Last Lesson’?
--Alphonse Daudet.
Q.2 Who was M. Hamel?
--A teacher.
Q.3 What kind of teacher was M. Hamel?
-- A strict and patriot teacher.
Q.4 Which language was M. Hamel teaching?
Q5 Who was Franz?
--Franz was a little school going boy.
Q.6 Who was Franz’s teacher?
--M. Hamel.
Q.7 Where was Franz going?
--To school
Q8- Why did Franz afraid of?
-- He was late and hadn’t done his homework.
Q.9 Whom did Franz see drilling in the open fields?
-- Prussian soldiers.
Q.10 What homework had been given to Franz?
-- To  learn participles.
Q.11 Who was Wachter?
--A blacksmith.
Q.12 Where was the crowd?
--In front of bulletin-board.
Q.13 What type of news had come from Bulletin-board?
-- The lost battles, the drafts and the orders of the commanding officers.
Q.14 What was the scene when the school began that day?
-- It was  all silent as Sunday morning.
Q.15 What did Franz find on reaching the school?
-- Strange quietness.
Q.16 Why was Franz surprised?
--Because of M. Hamel’s politeness.
Q.17 What type of dress M. Hamel had worn?
-- Beautiful green coat , his frilled shirt and a  little black silk cap.
Q.18 Who was sitting on the back benches?
--The villagers.
Q.19 Who came to attend M. Hamel’s class?
-- The former mayor, the former postmaster ,old Hauser and many villagers.
Q.20 What thing old Hauser brought with him?
--An old primer.
Q.21 How did M. Hamel speak to the students?
-- In a grave and gentle tone.
Q.22 What order had come from Berlin?
--  To teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine.
Q.23 What did the teacher say to the students?
-- This is your last lesson so be attentive.
Q24 What were the old men of the village feel sorry for?
-- Not gone to school more.
Q.25 Why was Franz feeling sad?
--For not learning his mother tongue
Q.26 Whom did M. Hamel blame for not sending students to school?
--To parents.
Q.27 According to M. Hamel, which is the most beautiful language in the world?
-- French
Q.28 For how many years did M. Hamel serve the school?
-- 40 years
 Q.29 Why were the old men of the villagers come to school?
--To say good bye to M. Hamel , showing their respect to M. Hamel and to pay respect for forty years of his faithful service.
Q.30 Why was it said ‘their country theirs no more’?
--Because  it had fallen into the enemy’s ( Germany) hands.
Q.31 What did M. Hamel bring for his class on his last day in the school?
--New notebooks.
Q.32 What does the last lesson taught by Hamel symbolize?
--Loss of language and loss of freedom
Q.33 What does M. Hamel’s motionless posture reflect?
--The school is dismissed.
Q34- Which theme is depicted in this lesson ?
-- Patriotism 
Q35- When did the Germans occupy Alsace and Lorraine ?
-- In 1871-72. 





Textual Exercise ::--

Q1:-What was Franz expected to be prepared with for school that day? 
Ans:-Franz was expected to be prepared with “participles” that day. His teacher M. Hamel had said that he would ask question on participles, Poor Franz didn’t know anything about participles.

Q2 :-What did Franz notice that was unusual about the school that day 
Ans :-On regular days, when school began, there was a great noise, which could be heard out in the street, the opening and closing of desks, lessons repeated in unison, very loud,, and the teacher’s great ruler rapping on the table. But that day it was as still as Sunday morning. 

Q3 :- What had been put up on the bulletin-board? 
Ans :-It was an order from Berlin (Germany). It said that only German would be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. French would be taught no more. The new teacher is coming tomorrow. 

Q4 :- What changes did the order from Berlin cause in school that day?
Ans :-There were many changes in school that day. The whole school was as silent as Sunday morning. M. Hamel had put his finest dress- beautiful green coat, frilled shirt, silk cap. Many villagers were sitting on the back benches in the classroom. Teaching and learning of French had been banned and only German would be taught in the school from next day. 

Q5 :-How did Franz’s feeling about M. Hamel and school change? 
Ans :- Franz was a careless student. He never learnt his lessons properly. But when M. Hamel told about the orders from Berlin, Franz was shocked and his feelings about M. Hamel and school have changed. Suddenly he felt a deep love for French language. He started to like his books which were a “nuisance” for him. His strict teacher, M. Hamel, was a kind and noble person for him now. 

Q6  :-Franz thinks, “Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons?” What could this mean? 
Ans:- Franz shows the reaction of imposition of German language on them. French, their mother tongue, bonds them in unity. From the above statement, he shoes his anger against Prussia that they would now enforce not only people but also birds(pigeon) to speak/sing in German. It means that this order has taken away the rights of the people to learn their own language. 

Q7 :-The people in this story suddenly realise how precious their language is to them. What shows you this? Why does this happen? 
Ans:- Germany had possessed over two districts of France in 1870-71 and passed an order to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine .When the students and people came to know about the new order, everyone got deeply shocked .M. Hamel, a teacher of French, language told the students and villagers that he was going to deliver his last lesson. The order aroused a sense of patriotism among them. M. Hamel called French language the most beautiful, logical and clearest language of the world. He also inspired them not to forget their language. It is the key to prison for all. Everyone in the class felt the importance of their language. So they paid full attention to the last lesson. 

Q8 :- What is the background of the story ‘The Last Lesson’? 
Ans. France was defeated by Germany in 1871 . As a result, Germany possessed over two districts of France and passed an order to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. Teaching of French had been banned and French teachers were asked to go. 

Q9 :- Why was little Franz afraid of ? 
Ans :- Franz was late for school that day. He was expected to be prepared with of ‘participles’ that day. But poor Franz didn’t know anything about the participles. So he was in a great fear of scolding by his teacher M. Hamel.

Q10 :-What did Franz see when he passed by the town hall? OR 
What had been put on the bulletin board? 
Ans :-Franz saw a large crowd in front of bulletin board at town hall. It was an order from Berlin that only German would be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. He was in a hurry. The blacksmith asked Franz not to go fast because there was enough time for school. 

Q11 :-What did M. Hamel say about French language? 
Ans :-He called French language the most beautiful language of the world. He said that it is the clearest and the most logical language of the world. He wanted his people to keep it alive and never forget it.

Q12 :-How was M. Hamel dressed on his last day at school? 
Ans :-M. Hamel was dressed in his finest cloth. He was in his beautiful green coat and frilled shirt. He was wearing a silk black cap. He used to wear this dress on inspection and prize days. 

Q13 :-Why did the villagers come to school that day? 
Ans :-M. Hamel had been teaching in their school for forty years. Now he was going for ever. He was a very hard-working and sincere teacher. So they came to thank his valuable service. 

Q14 :-How can you say that M. Hamel was a dedicated and sincere teacher? 
Ans :-M. Hamel had been teaching in their school for forty years. But even on his last day at school, he delivered his lesson with same devotion and sincerity. He even gave homework to his students. All this show, that he was a dedicated teacher. 

Q15 :-What caused a great noise(bustle), when school began? 
Ans :-It was the closing and opening of the desks. The students used to repeat their lesson –loudly in unison. The teacher rapped his iron ruler on the table. 

Q16 :-How did M. Hamel bid farewell to his students? 
Ans :-M. Hamel was looking very serious during his lesson. At last, the church clock struck twelve. He wanted to say something at last. But due to emotions, his throat choked. He wrote on the blackboard,” Long Live France”. He made a gesture with hand –‘’The class is dismissed, you may go now’’. 

Q17 :-Write a brief character –sketch of M. Hamel. 
Ans :-M. Hamel was a French teacher. He was a hardworking and dedicated teacher. He was also a strict teacher. But his students were not afraid to him, they respected him very much. They knew that he had a heart of gold. He had been teaching in the same school for forty years. But even on his last day at school, he delivered his lesson with same devotion and sincerity. He didn’t scold Franz for coming late and not completing his homework. He even gave homework to his students. All this show, that he was a dedicated teacher. 
He was also a patriot person. He had a deep and great love for France and French language. He inspired the students and villagers to never forget their mother tongue. He knew very well that the language bound the people in unity. At last, due to emotions his throat choked and he wrote on the blackboard,” Long Live France”. He made a gesture with hand –The class is dismissed, you may go now. 

Rajender Tanwar 
Lect English
GGSSS Kairu ( Bhiwani) 

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