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Sunday 11 December 2022



Narration:- In simple words, Narration is to narrate or to tell about something. In grammar, it is a way to write about any statement etc.

Narration :-
1.- Direct Speech
2.- Indirect Speech

Let's us make it more clear :-

1.- Direct Speech:When the statement of speaker is expressed / written in the same words of the speaker himself, it is called Direct Speech (DS).
Direct Speech is always written in inverted comma ( ,"......." )
For ex.
Nakul said to Varun , "I am reading a book."

2.- Indirect Speech:- When the statement of speaker is expressed/ written/ told by someone else with a slight change (s) in form of statement ( not the main substance of statement) , then it is called Indirect Speech (IS).
For ex.
Nakul told Varun that he was reading a book.

Direct Speech has TWO parts :-

1.- Reporting Speech :That part of Direct Speech, which remains outside the inverted comma is called Reporting Speech. 
In above sentence-- Nakul said to Varun-- is Reporting Speech.

Reporting Verb :- Main verb of reporting speech is called Reporting Verb . 
In above sentence -- said to -- is reporting Verb.

2.- Reported Speech :- That part of Direct Speech which remains between/ into the inverted comma is called Reported Speech. 
In above sentence -- , " I am reading a book." -- is Reported Speech.

Reported Verb:- The verb of reported speech is called reported Verb.
In given sentence -am reading -- is reported verb. 

How to change Direct Speech into Indirect Speech:-

There are some basic and pre- defined rules to change a form of speech from D.S. to I.S. These rules can be divided in  TWO types :-

(A) General Rules
(B) Special Rules

(A) General Rules:-

1.- Change of Person
2.- Change of Pronoun
3.- Change of Adverbs

1.- Change of Person:When Direct Speech is changed into Ind. Speech , then all the pronouns in the inverted comma , ( reported speech) change as per manner given below :-

(a) 1st - First person of reported speech is changes as per the Subject of reporting Verb.

(a) 2nd - Second person of reported speech is changes as per Object of reporting verb.

(c) 3rd - Third person of reported speech Never changes.

This formula is known as 
              1    2    3
              S   O    N 

Table for change of Pronoun:-

1st               2nd           3rd 
person       person      person
I                  You            He/She
My.             Your.         Him/Her
Me.             You.           His/Her
We.             You           They
Our.            Your.        Their
Us.              You.          Them 
Myself            Yourself           Himself/ herself
Ourselves      Yourselves.      Themselves

2.-- Change of Tense:-

*a) If the reporting verb is in Present or Future Tense then there is no change of tense of reported speech but other changes will take place. For ex.

D.S. -- Vivek says to Rohan," I am ready to help you."
I.S.-- Vivek tells Rohan that he is ready to help him.

D.S.--Manav will say to Aseem," I am not coming with you."
I.S.-- Manav will tell Aseem that he is not coming with him.

*b) If the reporting verb is in Past tense, then the tense of reported speech changes into given manner :-
Direct Speech        Indirect Speech
Present Ind.          Past Ind.
Present Conti.       Past Conti.
Present Perfect     Past Perfect
Pre.Perfect Cont.  Past Perfect Cont.
Past Ind.                Past Perfect
Past Cont.              Past Perfect Cont.
Other tenses.       No change

*c) Change of Verb ( Helping)
Direct Speech       Ind. Speech
Shall                       Should
Will                        Would
Can                         Could
May                        Might
Is/am/are              was/ were
Has/have               had
Was/were              had been
Has/have/             had to   
had to 

3.- Change of Adverbs:-
Direct Speech        Indirect Speech
This                         that
These                      those
Here                        there
Hence                      thence
Now                         then
Ago                           before
Come                        go
Thus                         so
Today                       that day
Tomorrow               the next day
Yesterday                      the previous day
Last week                     the previous week
Next week                    the following week

Tense wise examples for change of narration :-

1-Present Ind. ------------->Past Ind.
a) He said to me," I write a letter."
He told me that he wrote a letter

b) The teacher said," Rajan works hard."
The teacher said that Rajan worked hard.

2-Present Cont. --------->Past Cont.
a) I said to Kamal," I am making a doll for you."
I told Kamal that I was making a doll for her.

b) The teacher said to Raj ," You are not doing your homework."
The teacher told Raj  that he was not doing his homework. 

3- Present Perfect --> Past Perfect
a) She said to me," They have never helped me."
She told me that they had never helped her.

b) My mother said to him," You have scored good marks."
My mother told him that he had scored good marks.

4-- Present Perfect Cont------> Past Perfect Cont.
a) His friend said to me, " I have been working in this firm since 1989.''
His friend told me that he had been working in that firm since 1989.

b) Nikita said ," My sister has been making a drawing since morning."
Nikita said that her sister had been making a drawing since morning.

5-- Past Ind. ----------> Past Perfect
a) Rajan said," I bought this book yesterday."
Rajan said that he had bought that book the previous day.

b) The teacher said," He came late."
The teacher said that he had come late.

6- Past Cont. ------ Past Perfect Cont.

a) The artist said to his son," I was making a toy for you."
The artist told his son that he had been making a toy for him.

b) Vivek said, " She was dancing on the stage."
Vivek said that she had been dancing on stage.

Note -- If the reporting verb is in Past tense and there is any Universal/ Historical/ ProverbialHabitual Truth in reported speech, then it's tense never changes.
For ex:-
..My father said to me , " Honesty is the best policy."
My father told me that honesty is the best policy.
..The teacher said to the students, " Gandhi ji died in 1948."
The teacher told the students that Gandhi ji died in 1948.

(B) Special Rules:-

Special rules are applied on the sentences types given below:-

(i) Interrogative Sentences
(ii) Optative Sentences
(iii) Imperative Sentences
(iv) Exclamatory Sentences
(v) Miscellaneous Sentences

(i) Interrogative Sentences:-

We know that Interrogative Sentences are of two types:-
Type A. 
Intero. sentences beginning with a helping verb
How to change a narration of Type A sentence:-
i) If / whether is used at the place of inverted comma.

ii) 'asked/ inquired/ demanded ' are used at the place of' said' , ' said to', not 'told'.

iii) Interr. sentences is changed into Assertive sentence before changing the Narration.

iv) Full stop ( .) is used at the end of sentence, replacing ( ?).

v) Other rules ( Change of person , adverb and tense) will remain as the general rules.

Let's understand:-
... She said to her mother, " Are you coming with me?"
Step 1- She said to her mother," You are coming with me."
Step 2- She asked her mother if she was coming with her.
The coach said to Rohan, " Can you swim in this pool ?"
Step1- The coach said to Rohan, " You can swim in this pool.
Step2- The coach asked Rohan if he could swim in that pool.

Type B 
Interro. sentences with WH- words/ Interrogative pronouns or adverbs ( what, when, why , which, how etc.
All the rules will be same as type A sentence. The only difference is that no conjunction (that/ if/ whether) is used at the place of inverted comma. Sentence would be  start from WH- words only in Indirect Speech .
The teacher said to the student, " What is your name?"
Step 1- The teacher said to the student," What your name is?"
Step 2- The teacher asked the student what his name was.

(ii) Optative Sentences:-
In Optative Sentences, there is a wish, bless, pray, curse etc. To change a narration, -- say, says, says to, said to -- are changed into -- wished, blessed , prayed, cursed etc.- ad per the emotions expressed in the given sentence. Other all rules will be as same as the other sentences.
-- The old beggar said to me , " May you live long!"
The old beggar wished / blessed me that I might live long.
-- My mother said to him," May God bless you!"
My mother prayed that God might bless him.

(iii) Imperative Sentences:-
We know that Imperative Sentences always start with a Verb and there is a sense of order, advice, prohibition, request, invitation, suggestion etc. 

Steps to change a narration of Imperative Sentence:-

i)- Reporting Verb ( say, says, said to etc.) is changed into ordered, advised, prohibited, requested, invited etc . as per the mood of the sentence.

ii)- Imperative mood is changed into infinitive mood. Starting verb of imperative sentence is used with a "to" before it. In negative sentence, "not to" is used. 

iii)- Other rules about person and tense will be same.
The teacher said to the students," Complete your homework."
The teacher ordered/ asked/ told the students to complete their homework.

The farmer said to me, " Please buy some vegetables from me."
The farmer requested me to buy some vegetables from him. 

My father said to my brother, " Do not waste your time."
My father advised my brother not to waste his time.  or
My father forbade my brother to waste his time.  or
My father prohibited my brother from wasting his time.

Note:- 'Forbid' and 'Prohibited'  express negative sense . 'Forbid' is used with 'to' and ' Prohibited' is used with 'from'. After 'to' , V1 is used and after ' from' ,V1+ing is used. 

iv) Exclamatory Sentences:-
In Exclamatory Sentences, there is an ' Interjection word' at the beginning and mark (!) is used at the end.
While changing the Narration, inverted comma is removed and replaced with' that' . Interjection word is also removed.
Reporting Verb is changed into "exclaimed/ exclaimed with" and a suitable word is used to express the feeling:-
- for Aha/ Ha/ Hurrah --> exclaimed with joy
- for alas/ oh/ ooh/ ah/ oh God--> exclaimed with sorrow
- for oh, what, hey --> exclaimed with surprise
- for bravo, well done --> exclaimed with applause.

At the end of sentence, (.) is used. Other rules will be same.

DS.- She said," What a beautiful doll it is!"
IS.- She exclaimed with joy that it was a beautiful doll.

DS.- The merchant said, " Alas! my horse is dear!"
IS.- The merchant exclaimed with sorrow that his horse was dead.

DS.- He said, " What! you are here!"
IS.- He exclaimed with surprise that he was there.

Rajender Tanwar .
PGT English.....
GGSSS KAIRU ..........



यह पाठ एक लघु नाटक के रूप में प्रसिद्ध लेखिका Susan Hill द्वारा लिखा गया है।

इस नाटक में  तीन पात्र हैं ,पहले पात्र मिस्टर लैंब है जो काफी बुजुर्ग हैं और अकेले रहते हैं ।वह एक पूर्व सैनिक है और एक लड़ाई में अपना एक पैर खो देते हैं, परंतु वह अपनी इस कमजोरी के बावजूद भी पूरी ऊर्जा और परिश्रम से जीने वाले इंसान हैं।उन्होंने अपने बड़े से घर में फल फूलों के पेड़ पोधे लगा रखे है और वो ज्यादा से ज्यादा समय प्रकृति के साथ गुजारते हैं।उनके घर के दरवाजे हमेशा खुले रहते हैं।दूसरा पात्र चौदह वर्ष का लड़का डैरी है । बचपन में घटित एक दुर्घटना में उसका चेहरा एक तरफ से बुरी तरह जल गया था और देखने में वह काफी भद्दा दिखता है।लोग उसकी तरफ भय और सदमे से देखते हैं।उसे हर पल अपनी कुरूपता का अहसास होता रहता है और इसलिए डैरी पूरे संसार से नफ़रत करता है।वह अपनी कुरूपता के कारण बहुत मानसिक पीड़ा अनुभव करता है। एक दिन वह चोरी छिपे मिस्टर लैंब के बाग में आता है और वहां पर उसकी मिस्टर लैंब से काफी विस्तार से इस विषय पर बात होती है। बातचीत के अंत तक मिस्टर लैंब जिंदगी के प्रति उसके विचारों को बदल देता है और डैरी भी अपने प्रति सकारात्मक भाव महसूस करता है।तीसरी पात्र डैरी की मां है जो अपने बेटे को बहुत प्यार करती है। डैरी उसे मिस्टर लैंब के बारे में बताता है और जीवन के प्रति अपनी नई सोच की बात भी करता है। नाटक के अंतिम दृश्य में डैरी अपने घर से भागकर मिस्टर लैंब के बाग में रहने के लिए आता है।परंतु वह पाता है कि मिस्टर लैंब सीढ़ी से गिरकर मर चुके हैं। डैरी रोने लगता है और नाटक समाप्त हो जाता है........

Word Meanings:-
Withdrawn -अपने आप में खोया हुआ
Defiant- विद्रोही विचारों का
Occasional -कभी कभार
Rustling- पत्तों का खड़कना 
Tentatively- हिचकते हुए
On my account- मेरे कारण
Pretend -दिखावा करना
Weeds- खरपत वार
Herbs -जड़ी बूटी
Monstrous- भयानक
Peculiar- विशेष
Trespassing- बिना अनुमति प्रवेश करना
Concerned -संबंधित
Excuse- बहाने बनाना
Slam -जोर से धक्का देना
Thumping down- धड़ाम से नीचे गिरना
Swish- आवाज के साथ ऊपर जाना
Creak- चरचराना

Textual Exercise- On the Face of It--Susan Hill

Q1- Who is Mr. Lamb?
Ans- Mr. Lamb is an old man. He is a retired soldier . He has lost one of his legs in war. He has a tin leg now its place. He lives alone in a big house. He has a large garden . He is fond of nature. He is a positive man . Kids call him Lamey-Lamb. But he doesn't mind it. 

Q2- How does Derry get into Mr. Lamb's garden?
Ans- Mr. Lamb keeps the garden gate always open. But Derry doesn't come through the open gate. He climbs over the wall and comes in. He doesn't want to be seen by anyone. So he enters the garden in this way. 

Q3- Why had Derry come into the garden?
Ans- He thought it was an empty place and no one lived here. He came in just to see what kind of place it was. He had no intention to steal any apple or other thing.

Q4- Why does Derry say people are afraid of him?
Ans- Derry has a burnt face. Acid had fallen on one side of his face and now it looks very ugly. He says that people look at his face and call it a terrible thing. They call it the ugliest thing they ever saw. That is why he says that people are afraid of looking at him.

Q5- How does Mr. Lamb try to change the topic of Derry's ugly face?
Ans- Mr. Lamb is a wise person. He starts talking of the crab apples in his garden. He calls them  magic fruit. He says that these apples are best to be made into jelly. He asks Derry to help him.

Q6- How does Mr. Lamb try to convince Derry that the outer looks don't make any difference?
Ans- Mr. Lamb says that there are flowers, trees, herbs and weeds. They are all growing living things. There is no difference between them. Same is the case with Mr Lamb and Derry. One is old, the other is young. One has a tin leg, the other has a burnt face. These outer differences have not any importance. Inwardly, they are all same.

Q7- What does Mr Lamb want to say by the example of the bees ?
Ans- Mr Lamb says that some people hear bees and say ," Bees buzz." But when he listens to them, he feels that they are singing. It all depends on our view about anything.

Q8- What does Derry tell his mother about Mr Lamb?
Ans- Derry says that Mr Lamb is an old man with a tin leg. He lives alone in a huge house without curtains. He has a big garden. Derry says that he wants to be there. He wants to sit there, look and listen to things. 
Q9- What does Derry's mother think of Mr Lamb?
Ans- Derry's mother thinks of Mr Lamb as a worthless person. She says that Mr Lamb's all talk was nothing but nonsense. She doesn't want Derry to go back to his garden.

Q10- Why does Derry go back to Mr Lamb? 
Ans- Derry finds Mr Lamb quite different from others. Mr Lamb expresses no repulsion on seeing Derry's burnt face. He talks to him in a loving manner. He even welcomes him to his garden. He also changes Derry's views about his burnt face. So he goes back to Mr Lamb

Q11- What happens to Mr Lamb in the end?
Ans- Mr Lamb tries to pluck apples . He is on a ladder against the branch of an apple tree. But when he pulls a branch, his ladder falls back. He falls with the ladder and dies .

Long-Answer Que.

Q12- What is it that draws Derry towards Mr Lamb in spite of himself?
Ans- Derry finds Mr Lamb quite different from others. Mr Lamb expresses no repulsion on seeing Derry's burnt face. He talks to him in a loving manner. He even welcomes him to his garden. He calls him his friend. 
Mr. Lamb says that there are flowers, trees, herbs and weeds. They are all growing living things. There is no difference between them. Same is the case with Mr Lamb and Derry. One is old, the other is young. One has a tin leg, the other has a burnt face. These outer differences have not any importance. Inwardly, they are all same.
He tells Derry never think of his burnt face. He has two arms, two legs, eyes, ears, tongue and a brain. And if he has a firm mind, he can do better than others. Such words of encouragement draws Derry towards Mr Lamb in spite of himself.

Q13- Write a brief summary of the play, "On the Face of It".
Ans- This is a great play written by Susan Hill. There are three characters in this play- Mr Lamb, Derry and Derry's mother. Mr Lamb is an old man. He has lost one of his legs in war. Now he has a tin leg in its place. He lives in a big house with a large garden. Derry is a fourteen years old kid. The one side of his face is all burnt from acid and he looks very ugly. People look at him with a sense of shock and fear. They call his face the ugliest thing of the world. It gives Derry much mental pain. He hates all world. Once he comes into Mr Lamb's garden, thinking that no one lives there. Mr Lamb talks to him in a very nice and positive manner. He tries to convince Derry that nothing is wrong with his face and he is better than others. Derry is so impressed by Mr Lamb's sweet words that he decides to leave his home and start living there with Mr Lamb. The third character- Derry's mother- stops him to do so. But Derry doesn't follow her. He runs to Mr Lamb's garden but when he comes to the garden, he finds Mr Lamb already dead.
Rajender Singh 
PGT English
GGSSS Kairu (Bhiwani)

TIGER KING : KALKI -- Hindi Summary and Textual Exercise


इस मनोरंजक और व्यंग्यात्मक कहानी के रचनाकार भारतीय लेखक कल्कि (1899 -1954 ) हैं जिनका पूरा नाम रामास्वामी कृष्णमूर्ति था। 

प्रस्तुत कहानी में ब्रिटिश राज के दौरान भारतीय राजाओं के जीवन और उनके रहन- सहन और राजकाज चलाने के तरीकों को बारे में बताया गया है। 

यह एक काल्पनिक कहानी है जो प्रतिबंदपुरम राज्य में घटित होती है। प्रतिबंदपुरम के महाराजा को अपने नाम के साथ बहुत सारी उपाधियाँ लगाने का शौक था जैसे उनका पूरा नाम था -
'' His Highness Jamedar-General,Khiledar-Major, Sata Vyaghra Samhari, Maharajadhiraja Visva Bhuvana Samrat, Sir Jilani Jung Jung Bahadur , M.A.D., A.C.T.C., C.R.C.K .''

परन्तु उन्हें Tiger King के नाम से ही जाना जाता था। अब लेखक बड़े रोचक तरीके से बताता है कि क्यों महाराजा को इतने बड़े नाम की बजाय Tiger King नाम से जाना जाता है। 

जब महाराजा के जन्म के दसवें दिन उनका नामकरण-समारोह हुआ और उनकी जन्मकुण्डली बनाने के लिए ज्योतिषियों को बुलाया गया तो उन्होंने बताया कि यह बालक महा बलशाली और महा योद्धा बनेगा, परन्तु 
... परन्तु... एक दिन इसकी मृत्यु हो जाएगी। तभी एक चमत्कार हुआ और सबको अत्यधिक हैरानी हुई जब दस दिन के अबोध बालक यानि महाराजा ने गरज कर कहा कि यह कोई नई बात नहीं है क्योंकि जिसका जन्म होता है ,उसकी मृत्यु भी निश्चित है। उसने ज्योतिषियों से अपनी मृत्यु का कारण पूछा। तब मुख्य ज्योतिषी ने कहा कि महाराजा का जन्म वृषभ राशि में हुआ है तथा वृषभ यानि बैल का शत्रु होता है बाघ ,अतः महाराज की मृत्यु एक बाघ के द्वारा होगी। महाराजा ने इस बात पर भयभीत होने की बजाय गुर्राते हुए चुनौती दी कि सभी बाघ अब मुझसे सावधान हो जाएं. 

महाराज का पालन पोषण शाही तरीके से हुआ ।उसकी देखभाल एक अंग्रेज नर्स (आया ) द्वारा की गई। उसे अंग्रेजी गाय का दूध पिलाया जाता था और अंग्रेजी भाषा ही पढाई जाती थी। जैसे ही महाराजा की आयु बीस वर्ष की हुई तो उसे प्रतिबंदपुरम की राजगद्दी पर बैठा दिया गया। परन्तु राज्य के लोगों में ज्योतिषी द्वारा की गई भविष्यवाणी की चर्चा होती रहती थी।स्वयं महाराजा भी उस भविष्यवाणी को लेकर सावधान था। प्रतिबंदपुरम राज्य में अनगिनत वन थे और उनमें असंख्य बाघ थे। महाराजा ने एक पुरानी कहावत सुन रखी थी कि आत्म रक्षा में तो एक गाय का वध भी किया जा सकता है तो बाघ का क्यों नहीं? अन्ततः महाराजा ने बाघ का शिकार करने की सोची। जब महाराजा ने पहले बाघ का शिकार किया तो वह अत्यधिक प्रसन्न हुआ। उसने तुरंत मुख्य ज्योतिषी को बुलाया और शिकार किया हुआ बाघ दिखाकर कहा कि अब इस बारे में तुम्हारा क्या कहना है ? तुम्हारी भविष्यवाणी झूठी साबित हुई है। इस पर मुख्य ज्योतिषी ने कहा कि महाराज, आप निन्यानवें बाघों को ठीक इसी तरह मार सकते हैं परन्तु आपको सौंवे बाघ से जरूर बचना होगा। 

with courtesy 

महाराजा ने इस बात पर विचार करते हुए निर्णय लिया कि वह स्वयं सौ बाघों का शिकार करेगा। उसने राज्य में यह घोषणा करवा दी कि उसके राज्य में कोई भी व्यक्ति बाघ का शिकार नहीं करेगा। यदि किसी ने बाघ को पत्थर भी मार दिया तो उसकी सारी सम्पति जब्त कर ली जाएगी। 
उन दिनों भारतीय राजाओं और अंग्रेज अफसरों को बाघ के शिकार का बड़ा शौक था। शिकार के बाद वे मृत बाघ के साथ फोटो खिंचवाने में बड़ी शान समझते थे और उन तस्वीरों को बड़े बड़े फ्रेमों में सजाकर अपने घरों में लगवाते थे। 
परन्तु महाराजा को इसी वजह से एक बार अपना राज्य खो देने का खतरा भी पैदा हो गया। एक बार एक अंग्रेज अफसर प्रतिबंदपुरम में बाघ के शिकार के लिए आया। वह भी बाघ का शिकार करके उसके साथ एक फोटो खिंचवाना चाहता था। परन्तु महाराजा की घोषणा के अनुसार काफी अनुरोध के बाद भी उसे शिकार नहीं करने दिया गया। इस बात पर अंग्रेज अफसर के काफी नाराज होने का डर था। अंग्रेज अफसर की नाराजगी से बचने के लिए महाराजा और उसके दीवान ने काफी विचार विमर्श किया। उन्होंने कलकत्ता (अब कोलकाता) की एक प्रसिद्ध आभूषण कंपनी से कुछ हीरे की अंगूठियां मंगवाई। कंपनी द्वारा तुरंत पचास अंगूठियां भेज दी गई। महाराजा ने सारी अंगूठियां अंग्रेज अफसर की पत्नी के पास भेज दी और सोचा कि वह इनमें से दो या तीन अंगूठियां रख लेगी, परन्तु उसने महाराजा को धन्यवाद देते हुए सभी पचास अंगूठियां रख ली। महाराजा को इन सबके लिए तीन लाख रूपए खर्च करने पड़े परन्तु राज्य बचाने के यह कोई बड़ी राशि नहीं थी। 

महाराजा का शिकार अभियान सफलता पूर्वक चल रहा था। उसने दस वर्षों में कुल सत्तर बाघ मार डाले थे और प्रतिबंदपुरम के वनों में अब कोई भी बाघ नहीं बचा था। लेकिन अभी भी तीस बाघों का शिकार करना शेष था। अतः महाराजा ने ऐसे राज्य की राजकुमारी से विवाह किया जहाँ बाघों की संख्या अधिक थी। विवाह के बाद जब भी वह अपने ससुर के राज्य में जाता तो प्रत्येक बार वह पांच -छह बाघों का शिकार करता और इस तरह उसने कुल निन्यानवें बाघों का शिकार कर लिया और उनकी खालें अपने दरबार में लगवा दी । 

परन्तु अब एक नई समस्या उत्पन्न हो गई। लाख प्रयत्न करने के बाद भी महाराजा को सौंवा बाघ नहीं मिल रहा था जिसके लिए मुख्य ज्योतिषी ने भी महाराजा को चेतावनी दी थी। महाराजा की चिंता अब बढ़ चली थी।
परन्तु तभी राज्य में पहाड़ी के तरफ के एक गांव में लगातार भेड़ों के गायब होने की खबर आई तो अनुमान लगाया गया कि शायद यह किसी बाघ का काम है और तुरंत महाराजा के पास खबर भेज दी गई। महाराजा ने प्रसन्न होकर उस गांव का लगान तीन साल तक के लिए माफ़ कर दिया और अपने दल बल सहित शिकार के लिए प्रस्थान किया। लेकिन काफी दिनों के इंतज़ार के बाद भी जब वहां बाघ नहीं मिला तो महाराजा ने गुस्से में आकर उस गांव का लगान दुगना कर दिया। 
दीवान को भी महाराजा के क्रोध का शिकार होना पड़ा। उसे अब आभास हो गया था कि यदि जल्दी ही महाराजा को सौंवा बाघ नहीं मिला तो इसके परिणाम भयंकर होंगे । इस स्थिति से बचने के लिए दीवान को एक तरकीब सूझी। मद्रास (अब चेन्नई ) पीपल्स पार्क से लाया गया एक बाघ उसके घर छुपा कर रखा गया था जो अब बेहद कमजोर व बूढ़ा हो चुका था। रात के घने अंधकार में दीवान और उसकी वृद्ध पत्नी ने चुपचाप उस बाघ को अपनी गाड़ी मे डाला और उसे जंगल में छोड़ आए। अगले दिन वह बाघ स्वयं आकर उसी जगह खड़ा हो गया जहाँ महाराजा ने डेरा डाल रखा था।महाराजा की ख़ुशी का कोई ठिकाना नहीं रहा और उन्होंने नजदीक से निशाना लगाकर बाघ को गोली मार दी , गोली चलते ही बाघ ज़मीन पर पर गिर पड़ा। महाराजा ने सौवें बाघ की मौत पर प्रसन्न होकर कहा कि मेरा वचन पूरा हो गया है और मैंने सौंवा बाघ मार दिया है। उसने आदेश दिया कि इस बाघ को जुलूस के रूप में राज्य में लाया जाए और स्वयं कार में सवार होकर राजधानी चला गया। 

महाराजा के जाने के बाद जब शिकारियों ने बाघ को ध्यान से देखा तो पाया कि महाराजा द्वारा चलाई गई गोली उसे नहीं लगी थी और वह केवल गोली की आवाज से ही बेहोश होकर गिर गया था। बाघ अभी जीवित था। उन्होंने चुपचाप निर्णय लिया और एक शिकारी ने उसे एक फुट की दूरी से गोली मार दी। अबकी बार निशाना बिलकुल सटीक था। सौंवा बाघ मर चुका था। 

महाराजा के आदेशानुसार मृत बाघ को धूमधाम से राजधानी में लाया गया और उसकी एक कब्र भी बनवा दी गई। महाराजा ने अब चैन की सांस ली।--

कुछ दिनों बाद राजकुमार का तीसरा जन्मदिन आया।बाघों के शिकार में व्यस्त रहने के कारण उसे अपने परिवार के लिए बहुत कम समय मिलता था। परन्तु अब महाराजा ने अपने पुत्र का जन्मदिन भव्य तरीके से मनाने की सोची। वह स्वयं प्रतिबंदपुरम के बाजार में गया और काफी दुकानों पर खोजने के बाद भी उसे राजकुमार के लिए कोई उचित उपहार नहीं मिल रहा था। आख़िरकार वह खिलौनों की दुकान पर गया और उसकी नजर लकड़ी के एक बाघ पर पड़ी। वह कुल सवा दो आने (पुराने समय में प्रचलित मुद्रा) का था परन्तु दुकानदार ने उसे तीन सौ रूपए का बताया। महाराजा ने बिना कीमत चुकाए उसे यह कहते हुए ले लिया कि यह खिलौना दुकानदार की तरफ से राजकुमार को उपहार समझा जाएगा। 
उस दिन महाराजा अपने पुत्र के साथ काफी देर तक उस लकड़ी के खिलौने से खेलता रहा। परन्तु वह खिलौना किसी अकुशल कारीगर द्वारा बनाया गया था और इसकी सतह बहुत खुरदुरी थी। उसमें से लकड़ी की छोटी छोटी खिपचें( Slivers ) काँटों की तरह निकली हुई थी। उनमे से एक खपच महाराजा के दाहिने हाथ में चुभ गई। महाराजा ने उसे निकाल दिया और अपने पुत्र के साथ खेलता रहा । 

Symbolic Image 

अगले दिन महाराजा के हाथ में संक्रमण ( Infection ) हो गया और उसमे सूजन आ गई।चौथे दिन तक उसमें मवाद भर गई और संक्रमण पूरे हाथ में फ़ैल गया। हाथ के इलाज के लिए मद्रास (अब चेन्नई ) से तीन प्रसिद्ध सर्जन बुलाए गए। उन्होंने महाराजा की हालत को देखते हुए तुरंत ऑपरेशन करने का निर्णय लिया। ऑपरेशन काफी देर तक चला। तीनों सर्जन ऑपरेशन थिएटर से बाहर आए और सूचित किया कि ------- ऑपरेशन सफल रहा, महाराजा मर चुके हैं। 

और इस प्रकार मुख्य ज्योतिषी द्वारा वर्षों पहले की गई भविष्यवाणी सच साबित हुई और आखिरकार लकड़ी से बने बाघ ने ही सौवें बाघ के रूप में महाराजा को मार कर अपना बदला ले लिया। 

Sym.Image with courtesy 

The Tiger King : Textual Exercise :-

Q1 :-Who was the Tiger King? Why does he get that name? 
Ans.--The Maharaja of Pratibandapuram has been called the Tiger King. When he was ten days old, it was predicted that he would be killed by a tiger. When he came to the throne, he took a vow to kill one hundred tiger. And he started killing tigers one after the other. Thus he came to be called the Tiger King. 

Q2 :-What miracle took place when the king was ten days old? 
Ans.- The astrologers foretold that one day, the prince would have to die. At this very moment, the royal infant who was only ten days old spoke up that all those who are born would one day have to die. It was truly a miracle to hear such intelligent words from a ten days old infant. He also asked about the manner of his death. It was really incredible. 

Q3 :-What prophesy did the astrologers announce regarding the death of the crown prince? 
Ans. --The crown prince asked about the manner of his death. The astrologers foretold that the prince was born in the hour of the bull. The tiger and the bull are the enemies forever. Therefore, he would be killed by a tiger. 

Q4 :-What did the royal infant grow up to be? 
Ans.--He was brought up by an English nanny (maid) .He drank the milk of an English cow only. He was taught English by an English tutor. He saw only English films. At the age of twenty years, he became the king of his state. 

Q5 :-Why did Maharaja of Pratibandapuram decide to kill a tiger? 
Ans.--The Maharaja had come to know about the prediction of his death that he would be killed by a tiger. So he took a vow to kill the tigers and started a tiger hunt. He did not find anything wrong in his action. 

Q6 :-What did the king do after killing the first tiger? 
Ans.--The king was very delighted after the first hunt. With a great pride, he sent for the chief astrologer. He showed him the dead tiger. He asked, “What do you say now?’’ . At this the chief astrologer replied that the king might kill ninety-nine tigers in the same manner. But he must be very careful with the hundredth tiger. 

Q7 :-What proclamation was issued by the Maharaja in his state and why?
Ans.--The state banned tiger hunting by anyone except the Maharaja. A proclamation was issued to the effect that if anyone dared to fling so much as a stone at a tiger, his entire wealth and property would be confiscated. This provision was made because the Maharaja wanted to fulfill his own vow of killing one hundred tigers himself. 

Q8 :-How did the Maharaja stand in danger of losing his kingdom? 
Ans.--Once, a high-ranking British officer visited Pratibandapuram for a tiger hunt. He loved to be photographed with the tigers he had shot. But the Maharaja firmly declined his wish of tiger hunt in his state. As a result of this refusal, he was in danger of losing his kingdom. 

Q9 :-How did the Maharaja avert the danger of his losing the kingdom? 
Ans. --The Maharaja managed to save his kingdom by pleasing the officer’s wife with the gift of fifty diamond rings. The gift cost the Maharaja three lakh rupees. 

Q10 :-Why did the Maharaja of Pratibandapuram wish to marry? 
Ans. --The Maharaja had killed seventy tigers in ten years, but now in his state the tiger population became extinct. He had yet to kill thirty more tigers. In order to solve this problem, he decided to marry a princess from a royal family of a state that had a large tiger population.

Q11:-How was the hundredth tiger found?
Ans.--The dewan knew it well that he would lose his job in case he did not find the hundredth tiger. An old and weak tiger had been brought from Madras (Chennai) People’s Park and it had been kept hidden in the dewan’s house. At midnight, the dewan loaded it in his car with a great difficulty and left it into the jungle.

Q12:-Who actually killed the hundredth tiger?
Ans.--The bullet fired by the Maharaja did not hit the tiger. The tiger had fainted from the sharp sound of the bullet. When the hunters found the tiger still alive, they decided to kill it now. They didn’t want the Maharaja to know of it. So, one of them took aim and shot the tiger dead. 

Q13:-What gift did the Maharaja get for his son on his third birthday?
Ans.--The Maharaja himself went to the market to buy a gift for his son. He found a wooden tiger at a toy shop. It was very cheap but the shopkeeper quoted three hundred rupees. But the Maharaja took away this toy for his son, without paying it.

Q14:-How did the hundredth tiger take revenge upon the Tiger King?
Discuss in brief how death at last comes to the Tiger King?
Ans.--The Maharaja presented a wooden tiger to his son on his birthday. It had been carved by an unskilled carpenter. Tiny slivers of wood stood up like quills all over it. One of these slivers pierced his right hand. In four days, the infection spread all over the arm. Three famous surgeons operated him but they didn’t succeed and the Maharaja was dead.
In this manner, the hundredth tiger took its final revenge upon the Tiger King. 


Footprints Without Feet - H. G. Wells ( 10th English Core)

  Footprints without Feet by H.G. Wells  H.G. Wells  Textual Exercise :- Q1 - Who was Griffin? Ans - Griffin was a scientist. He was very in...