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Monday 18 September 2023

Half Yearly Exam 2022 - Haryana Govt Schools


Half Yearly Assessment -September 2022 

Name of the Student ---------------------------------- Roll No ----------

CLASS - 9th                   Subject – English 

TIME: 90 Minutes       Marks : 40    

 Instructions: -

(i) All questions are compulsory.(ii) Que. no. 1 to 15 carry 1 mark each. Que. no. 16 to 18 carry 2 marks each. Que no 19 to 21 carry 3 marks each and Que. no. 22 to 23 carry 5 marks each. _______________________________


 (1-10) Mark () on the correct answer. 

 1. Where was the mechanical teacher?

 (a) in Margie’s bedroom        (b)in Margie's school

(c) in Margie's school room  (d) in the County Inspector's office

 2. How many diverging roads were there in ‘The Road Not Taken”?  

(a) Two     (b) Three           (c) Four             (d) None

 3. How old was Evelyn when her deafness was first noticed?

 (a) Eight          (b) Nine            (c) Ten            (d) Eleven

 4. What were the places that Khan Sahab was most fond of? 

 (a) Benaras and Haridwar            

(b) Haridwar and Dumraon

(c) Haridwar and Allahbad          

(d) Benaras and Dumraon

 5. Who is the poet of the poem ‘ No Men Are Foreign’? 

 (a) Robert Frost               (b) Subramania Bharti 

(c) Coates Kinney            (d) James Kirkup

 6. How did the girl feel when her father went to work every day?    (The Little Girl)  

 (a) sad and lonely                      

(b) nervous and frightened

(c) relieved and happy              

(d) free and exited

 7. What does the poet mean by ‘busy being’? (Rain on the Roof)

(a) His soul that always thinks of God  

(b) His life that has no rest in it.

(c) His heart that filled with joy.            

(d) His mind is flooded with memories .

 8. Who did Albert often clash with?

(a)  His teachers                   (b) his classmates

(c) His playmates                (d) The Head Teacher  

 9. Who wrote this story ‘Iswaran the Storyteller ? 

(a) Ruskin Bond                (b) Oscar Wilde

(c) O Henry                        (d) R.K. Laxman

 10. Where had the snake fallen? 

(a) on the ground                        

(b) on the back of the narrator’s chair  

(c) on the narrator’s shoulder

(d) on the table in front of the mirror


 Que (11-15) Fill in the blanks. 

 (Fill in the blanks with suitable articles)

 11. This is …. university.

 12. …… Ganga is a holy river.

 (Fill in the blanks with correct form of verbs)

 13. Magnet …………………… (attract) iron.

 14. Last Sunday, I …………….. (stay) at home.

 15. The patient ………………. (die) when the doctor ………. (come).

 Que (16-18) Write answers in 20-30 words. 

 16.  What kind of teachers did Tommy and Margie have?


17.When was Evelyn’s deafness first noticed? When was it confirmed?


18. Why was Kezia afraid of her father?


 Que (19-21) Write answer in 30-40 words. 

 19. Write the central idea of the poem ‘The Road Not Taken’.


 20. How did the Shehnai get its name?


 21. What does the poet like to do when it rains?


 Que (22-23) Write answer in 50-60 words. 

22.Write the summary of the poem ‘No men Are Foreign’.


How does A.P.J. Abdul Kalm describe his father, his mother and himself?


 23. You are Amit of class IX studying in Holy Public School , Hisar. Write an application to the principal of your school to remit your fine.


Describe the Annual Day Celebration event.



Rajender Tanwar PGT English GGSSS Kairu



Half Yearly Assessment -September 2022 

Name of the Student ------------------------------- Roll No ----------


CLASS - 10th                   Subject – English 

TIME: 90 Minutes         Marks : 40    

 Instructions: -

(i) All questions are compulsory.(ii) Que. no. 1 to 15 carry 1 mark each. Que. no. 16 to 18 carry 2 marks each. Que no 19 to 21 carry 3 marks each and Que. no. 22 to 23 carry 5 marks each. _______________________________


(1-10) Mark () on the correct answer. 

1. Who gave the young seagull a piece of fish?

 (a) Brother seagull        (b) Father seagull

(c) Mother seagull         (d) Sister seagull

 2. Who was Mrs. Kuperus?  

(a) Anne’s friend                   (b) Anne’s Headmistress

(c) Anne’s grandmother      (d) None of the above

 3. Who started the game of dresses with Wanda?

(a) Peggie                 (b) Miss Meson          

(c) Maddie               (d) Jack

 4. Where was the pilot of the Dakota flying of? 

 (a) England                   (b) Italy

(c) France                      (d) Singapore

 5. How was the poet’s mood in the beginning of the poem ‘Dust of Snow’? 

 (a) Happy              (b) Angry 

(c) Sad                   (d) Afraid

 6. Who is the poet of the poem ‘Animals’?

 (a) Robert Frost                     

(b) Robin Klein

(c) Walt Whitman             

(d) John Berryman

 7. Who passes near the water hole? (A Tiger in the Zoo)

(a) A fat monkey              (b) A fat pig

(c) A fat deer                    (d) All of these

 8. How old was Hari Singh?

(a)  Ten years                     (b) fifteen years

(c) Twenty years               (d) Twenty five years 

 9. In Iping where did Griffin stay? 

(a) in a hotel                    (b) in an inn

(c) in a church                (d) in a cottage

 10. Who supported Ebright’s interest in learning? 

(a) His teachers                        (b) His father

(c) His friend                            (d) His mother


Que (11-15) Grammar

(Fill in the blanks using the appropriate modal.)

 11. Walk slowly lest you -------------- fall. (should/would/may)

 12. We eat that we ------- live. (can/may/should)

 (Rewrite the following sentences in indirect speech.)

 13. The teacher said,” Boys, why are you making a noise?”


 14. She said, “I gave him the pen”.


 Punctuate the sentence:

15. i will go to delhi on sunday said Keshav


 Que (16-18) Write answers in 20-30 words. 

 16.  Why did Hari Singh want to work for Anil?





17. Describe the symbols used in the poem ‘Fire and Ice”?





18. What did Griffin do in the shop of a theatrical company?





Que (19-21) Write answer in 30-40 words. 

 19. Where in the classroom did Wanda sit and why?






 20. How does Mandela describe the scene of inauguration ceremony?





 21. What is the central idea of ‘The Ball poem’?





 Que (22-23) Write answer in 50-60 words. 

22.Lencho has an indomitable faith in God. Describe in your own words.


Give a brief character – sketch of Mrs. Matilda Loisel.










23. As a student editor of your school magazine, write a report about the Independence Day Celebration in your school.


You bought a television set from Messer Gupta Electronics. It is not functioning properly due to some fault. Write a letter to the dealer, complaining about the defective T.V. set.










---------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                      Rajender Tanwar PGT English GGSSS Kairu



Half Yearly Assessment -September 2022 

CLASS - 11th             Subject – English (Core) 

TIME: 90 Minutes   Marks:  40 


(i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Que. no. 1 to 15 carry 1 mark each. Que. no. 16 to 18 carry 2 marks each. Que no 19 to 21 carry 3 marks each and Que. no. 22 to 23 carry 5 marks each. __________________________________________

 (1-10) Mark () on the correct answer. 

 1. " Lata....................... speak English well".

 (a) can            (b) may

(c) should      (d) must

 2. .............................. you prosper in life! 

 (a) can       (b) may  

(c) must    (d) might

 3. I daily read ............... Gita. 

 (a) a           (b) an

(c) the       (d) X

4. He is ....................... engineer.  

 (a) a          (b) an

(c) the       (d) X

5. Who said these words, as mentioned in the chapter

'The Ailing Planet' - "We have not inherited this earth; we have borrowed it from our children"? 

 (a) Dan Brown          (b) Michael Brown 

(c) David Brown       (d) Lester Brown

 6. What does ' Shanshui' literally mean as given in the chapter " Landscape of the Soul"?

 (a) mountain             (b) water

(c) mountain-water (d) sky

 7. When was Tut's tomb discovered?

 (a) in 1920     (b) in 1924

(c) in 1922     (d) in 1822

 8. What is the name of Rama Rao's niece in the story " Ranga's marriage" ?

 (a)  Ratna      (b) Reena  

(c) Meera      (d) Rattan 

 9. What was Mrs. Dorling's address in the chapter '' The Address"? 

 (a) 46, Marco street            (b) 40, Marie street

(c) 46, Marconi street        (d) 42, Marie street 

 10. To which tribe the narrator and his cousin belonged in the story "The Summer of the Beautiful Horse"? 

 (a) Armenian           (b) Hemshire 

(c) Baroghlanian    (d) Garoghalanian

(11-15)Fill in the blanks. 

 11. Samrat..................... (watch) football since 5'clock.

 12. He always ................... (find) fault with others.

 13. He said that he ................. (write) the letter.

 14. ................. is the writer of the chapter "The Portrait of A Lady"?

 15. The name of Albert's only friend in the chapter "Albert Einstein At School" was .............................


(16-18) Write answers in 20-30 words. 

 16.  List the steps taken by the captain to check the flooding of water in the ship.




17.Why was Tut's body buried along with gilded treasure?




18. How does the writer describe his village in the chapter " Ranga's Marriage"?




(19-21) Write answer in 30-40 words. 

 19. What has the goldfinch compared to in the poem "The Laburnum Top" and why?





20. What has not changed over the years? Does this suggest something to you?  (Photograph)




21. What do adults usually talk and preach of? How do they differ in their actions?  (Childhood)





(22-23) Write answer in 50-60 words. 

22.Write down the character sketch of the grandmother. ( The Portrait of A Lady)


Compare the characters of both the women - Mrs. Pearson and Mrs. Fitzgerald. (Mother’s Day) 









 23. You are Mohan Lal, living at 30, sector 29. Karnal. Write an application for the post of a manager in a bank.


Write a report on the " Annual Function of your School".











Half Yearly Assessment -September 2022 

Name of the Student ------------------------------- Roll No ----------


CLASS - 12th                   Subject – English 

TIME: 90 Minutes         Marks : 40     

Instructions: -

(i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Que. no. 1 to 15 carry 1 mark each. Que. no. 16 to 18 carry 2 marks each. Que no 19 to 21 carry 3 marks each and Que. no. 22 to 23 carry 5 marks each. _______________________________

(1-10) Mark () on the correct answer. 

 1. Who is the poet of the poem ‘An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum’? 

 (a) Robert Frost                            (b) Stephen Spender

(c) William Wordsworth             (d) John Donne

 2. What are the types of war mentioned in the poem ‘Keeping Quiet’?

 (a) green wars, wars with gas and wars with fire

(b) nuclear wars

(c) cultural wars

(d) none of these

 3. What does the phrase “It will never pass into nothingness” mean?

 (a) it will pass away               

(b) a thing of beauty is eternal

(c) nothing will pass away    

(d) a thing of beauty will pass away

 4. Who invited the peddler to his house for the Christmas eve in the story

“The Rattrap”? 

 (a) The Ironmaster                     (b) The old crofter

(c) The captain                            (d) none of these

 5. Who complained to Mahatma Gandhi against the injustice of landlords of Champaran? 

(a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad                 (b) Prof. J.B. Kriplani

(c) Lawyers of Champaran             (d) Rajkumar Shukla

6. What did M. Hamel write on the blackboard at the end of the lesson?                                                                            

 (a) Good bye                  (b) love your mother tongue

(c) Vive la France          (d) none

 7. What did Mukesh want to become in the story ‘Lost Spring’?

(a) a rag picker         (b) a soldier

(c) a bangle seller     (d) a motor mechanic

 8. To which country did the wounded soldier belong in the story ‘The Enemy’?

 (a)  Japan                 (b) U.S.A.

(c)  Russia                (d) None of these  

 9. What advice did the wise owl give to Roger Skunk in the story ‘Should Wizard Hit Mommy’? 

 (a) to consult his mother               

(b) to consult the wizard

(c) to consult his father                  

(d) to consult his friends

 10. The story ‘The Tiger King’ is a satire on ……… 

 (a) false pride and ego       (b) the animals  

(c) the astrology                  (d) none of these

Que (11-15) Do as directed. 

 11. She was writing an application when the bell ……………. (ring)

 (Use the correct form of verb)

 12. Look there, the man …………. (beat) the child.

 (Use the correct form of verb)

 13. The thieves had run away before the police …………………… (arrive).

  (Use the correct form of verb)

 14. He said to the principal, “I have made a mistake”.

 (Change the form of narration)


15. I said to him, “What have you brought for me today”.

 (Change the form of narration) 


Que (16-18) Write answers in 20-30 words. 

 16.  What brought about a change in the life of the peddler in the story ‘The Rattrap’?





17.Why did the servants take Gandhi Ji to be another peasant at Rajendra Prasad’s house?





18. What message does the poem ‘A Thing of Beauty” convey?





Que (19-21) Write answer in 30-40 words. 

 19. Why has the mother been compared to the late winter’s moon in the poem ‘My Mother at Sixty-Six’?






20. You are the Sports Secretary of your school. Draft a notice in not more than 50 words for your school notice board asking the students to give their name for participation in various events to be held on the Annual Sports Day of your school. Sign as Anuj/Anuja. 















 21. Wh0 is the Tiger King? Why does he get that name?






-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Que (22-23) Write answer in 50-60 words. 

 22. Describe the life of the rag pickers in Seemapuri in detail.


 Describe how the story “The Rattrap” brought the basic human goodness out by hospitality and love?











23. Why did Dr. Sadao help the American soldier to escape? How did he do it?


How did Douglas overcome his fear of water in the story ‘Deep Water’?
















 Rajender Tanwar GGSSS Kairu (622) Bhiwani



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