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Tuesday 12 September 2023

The Snake and the Mirror - V. M. Basheer

 Word Meanings

Coiled कुण्डली लगाना 
Homeopath चिकित्सक
humourous मजाकिया 
rented किराए का
familiar जाना पहचाना 
attentively बड़े ध्यान पूर्वक
earnings कमाई 
meagre बहुत कम 
solitary अकेला 
ceiling भीतरी छत 
beneath नीचे 
tempted लालायित होना
attractive आकर्षक 
valid उचित 
silly मूर्खता पूर्ण 
resumed ग्रहण करना
dull रूखा 
thud थाप की आवाज
wriggled ऐंठना 
simultaneous एक साथ घटित होना 
slithered फिसलना 
surrounded घिरा हुआ 
molten पिघली हुई 
crushing कुचलना 
slightest जरा सा भी
lurked झांकना 
feebly कमजोरी से
appreciated प्रशंसा करना
vermillion spot सिंदूरी निशान
at closer quarters बड़े नजदीक से 
reedy कमजोर 
sprinter तेज धावक 
smeared लेप लगाना 
rascal दुष्ट 

Textual Exercise 
Q1- "The sound was familiar one".What sound did the doctor hear?
Ans- It was the sound of a snake.
Q2- What did the doctor think the sound was?
Ans- The doctor thought it was the sound of rats.
Q3- How many times the doctor hear the voice?
Ans- He heard it three times.
Q4- When and why did the sound stop?
Ans- The sound stopped when the snake fell on the back of the chair, on which the doctor was sitting. 
Q5- What two 'important ' and 'earth- shaking ' decisions the doctor take while he was looking into the mirror?
Ans- He decided that he would shave daily and grow a thin moustache.  He also decided that he would keep a smile on his face. 
Q6- What happened to the doctor while he was sitting in his chair?
Ans- The doctor heard a dull noise. It was the noise of something falling from  above. He turned to see what it was. A fat snake landed on the doctors shoulder and coiled itself round his arm.
Q7- The snake has been compared to which three objects  ?
Ans- First of all the snake has been compared to a rubber tube. A snake looks like a rubber tube. Secondly, the snake has been compared to a leaden rod because of its tight grip. Thirdly,  the snake has been compared to a rod of molten fire. Its tight grip was giving a burning pain to the doctor.  All these comparisons are apt.
Q9- What kind of woman did the doctor want to marry, and why?
Ans- He wanted to marry a woman doctor who had a plenty of money. Thus he could be a rich man. He also wanted his wife to be a fat woman. He could save himself by running away from his wife if he ever would make a mistake. 
Q10- "I was turned to stone ." When does the doctor say so?
Ans- One summer night a snake entered the doctor's room. It landed on his shoulder.  Its hood was hardly three or four inches away from his face. He sat there holding his breath.  He felt himself turned to a stone. 
Q11- What happened at last with the snake and the doctor?
Ans- The doctor felt that his end was near. Suddenly,  the snake saw the mirror on the table. It released doctor's arm and slipped on the table. It started to look itself into the.  The doctor got a chance and run away. 

Rajender Tanwar
Lecturer in English

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