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Friday 29 July 2022

NOTICE WRITING :: Composition


Notice writing is an important topic for composition . One question is frequently asked in exams related to Notice Writing .

Notice :  What  &  Why  :- 
1.--Notice is a  written piece of information for a particular group or mass  audience. 
(किसी  भी सूचना के  लिखित रूप को नोटिस  कहते हैं  जो एक विशेष समूह या विशाल  जनसमूह के लिए प्रयोग  होता है।) 
2.--It is mostly used in Offices, Schools, Colleges and other public places . 
(इसका प्रयोग अधिकतर कार्यालयों , स्कूलों, कॉलेजों व अन्य किसी भी सार्वजनिक स्थानों  पर होता है।)  
3.--It may be an information,announcement,  order, direction, appeal, advice, suggestion, warning, demand or  request etc… 
(नोटिस किसी  सूचना ,घोषणा , आदेश , अपील , दिशानिर्देश , सलाह , सुझाव ,चेतावनी या प्रार्थना के लिए प्रयुक्त हो सकता है .) 

किसी भी नोटिस में निम्नलिखित विशेषताएं होनी चाहिए :-
A Notice Should be:-
--in a clear and concise language.( नोटिस स्पष्ट व संक्षिप्त होना चाहिए )
A Notice Should be:-
--duly signed by competent authority/ person ( नोटिस किसी सक्षम प्राधिकारी से हस्ताक्षरित होना चाहिए)
A Notice Should be:-
--in a proper format. ( नोटिस उचित फॉर्मेट (प्रारूप ) में होना चाहिए )

Types of Notice:-प्रयोग के आधार पर आमतौर पर Notices को तीन प्रकारों में बाँट सकते हैं:-   
A.- for any function, program, event, competition etc. 

B.-for an important order or instruction . 

C.-for Lost and Found 

Saturday 23 July 2022

A Question of Trust : X class


A Question of Trust : Victor Canning ( Class Xth Lesson -4)

मनोरंजन व रहस्य से भरपूर इस कहानी को लिखा है प्रसिद्ध  ब्रिटिश लेखक विक्टर कैनिंग ( 1911 -1986 ) ने , जो अपने पाठकों के लिए काफी मनोरंजक कहानियां व उपन्यास  लिखने के लिए प्रसिद्ध हैं। 

कहानी का मुख्य पात्र होरेस डैन्बी है जो  लगभग पचास वर्ष का है और वह 
ताले बनाने व उनकी मरम्मत का काम करता है।  उसका काम अच्छा चल रहा है और उसने अपनी दूकान में दो सहायक भी रखे हुए हैं।  वैसे तो उसका स्वास्थ्य बिलकुल ठीक रहता था परन्तु होरेस  को  " हे फीवर " यानी फूलों की खुशबू से होने वाली एलर्जी  थी।  उसे कभी कभी फूलों की खुशबु से हल्का ज़ुकाम हो जाता था। लेखक कहता है कि होरेस डैन्बी कानून का पालन  करने वाला  एक  ईमानदार और शरीफ नागरिक है परन्तु पूरी तरह नहीं। इस बात की सच्चाई पता करने के लिए हमें कहानी को शुरू से आखिर तक पढ़ना होगा।


होरेस डैन्बी को महंगी किताबें पढ़ने का शौक था परंतु उसके पास इतने पैसे नहीं होते थे कि वह अपने शौक को पूरा कर सके। इसलिए वह  साल में एक बार एक तिजौरी  तोड़ता था और इन   पैसों से वह दुर्लभ और महंगी किताबें खरीदता था।  प्रत्येक वर्ष वह चोरी की  योजना बड़ी सावधानी से बनाता था।  वह कभी भी पकड़ा नहीं गया क्योंकि वह चोरी का कोई भी सबूत नहीं छोड़ता था। परंतु एक बार चोरी करते हुए उसके साथ कुछ ऐसा घटित हुआ कि उसे जेल की हवा खाली पड़ी और उसने सदा के लिए चोरी छोड़ दी ।  

Word Meaning:-
Trust-विश्वास, illustrate-चित्रांकन, समझाना
citizen-नागरिक , hay fever-फूलों की खुशबू से होने वाली एलर्जी
expensive-महंगा  ,robbery-डकैती 
tickle-खुजली ,jewels-गहने ,stirred-हिलना ,sneeze -छींकना, burglar alarm-चोर पकड़ने का अलार्म
valuable -कीमती ,hindering-रुकावट पैदा करना
disease -बीमारी  ,culprit-अपराधी .firmness-निश्चय के साथ ornaments-आभूषण  ,amused-हैरान  ,inconvenience-असुविधा
paused  -थोड़ी देर के लिए रुकना  ,frightened-डरा हुआ , भयभीत
persuaded-बात मनवाना  ,desperate -निराश  
mended -ठीक करवाना  ,within-निर्धारित समय के अंदर 
tricked -  चालाकी करना, बेवकूफ बनाना 
suspect -  संदेह करना, deceive-धोखा देना....

Textual Exercise:-( A Question of Trust)

Q1. What does Horace Danby like to collect?
Ans. He likes to collect rare and  expensive(costly) books.

Q2. Why does he steal every year?
Ans. He likes to collect rare and  expensive (costly) books , but he has no money to buy them . That is why he has to steal every year.

Q3.Who is real culprit in this story?
Ans. The real culprit in this story is the young lady, who  tricks  Horace in that house.
Q4. "Horace Danby was  good and respectable, but not completely honest. " Comment. 

Ans. Horace Danby was a lock maker.He lived a peaceful and happy life. He was a good person , but he was not completely honest. He was fond of rare and expensive books.  but he didn't have  the money to buy them . That is why he has to steal every year. But he was a typical thief. He would steal only once  a year. He would steal only to satisfy his hobby. 

Q5. How often did Horace Danby rob every year? What did he do with the loot?
Ans. He robbed only once in a year. With his loot from each robbery , he bought rare and expensive books. 



"The Address"  is a heart touching story by famous writer Marga 'Sara' Minco. 

Marga Minco 

The narrator lives with her mother in Holland. The War brings a lot of sufferings and hardships to the narrator's family. They have to leave their house, their country to save themselves. An old acquaintance (Known) of her mother, Mrs. Dorling takes  advantages of them and she takes all the valuable items from the narrator's house. The narrator and her mother see all this helplessly.

After a long time, when War was over, the narrator comes back to their old address. Her mother is no more now. She comes at HN 46 Marconi Street, where Mrs. Dorling lives. She does not welcome her in her house. The narrator feels very sad and decides to leave the town. But she wants to have a last look of their old valuable items, which were kept in Mrs. Dorling's house. She again goes to her house . This time, a girl of 15 , opens the door. She was Mrs. Dorling's daughter. She welcomes her and offers her tea. Mrs. Dorling was not at house. Now the narrator sees many things there which belonged to them . All these things are lying there in a very bad condition. The narrator loses all interest in those things and leaves the house . Now these things become useless for her. She does not want to have a look on them . She wants to forget that address forever......


Textual Exercise:-

Q1- Who is the writer of the lesson 'The Address' ?
Ans- Marga Minco
Q2- Where did the narrator live with her mother ?
Ans- In Holland
Q3- What was the name of her mother?
Ans- Mrs. S.
Q4- Which period of time is described in this story?
Ans- The World War II.
Q5- Why did the narrator's family leave their house?
Ans- Because there was a war against them in Holland.
Q6- What were the effects of The War on the narrator's family?
Ans- They had to leave their house and country.
Q7- Who took away all the valuable items from the narrator's house?
Ans- Mrs. Dorling, who was  an old friend of her mother.
Q8- Where did Mrs. Dorling live?
Ans- House No. 46, Marconi Street
Q9- When did narrator come back to Mrs. Dorling?
Ans- After a long time, when The War was over.
Q10- Why did the narrator come back at HN 46?
Ans- To get their valuable items back.
Q11- Did Mrs. Dorling welcome her?
Ans- No she did not welcome her.
Q12- Who opened the door , when the narrative went to HN 46 again?
Ans- A girl of 15, who was the daughter of Mrs. Dorling.
Q13- What did the narrator see in Mrs. Dorling's house?
Ans- She saw many of their valuable items, lying in a bad condition.
Q14- Was she interested to get their valuable items after seeing them?
Ans- No, she lost her interest in them now. 

Textual Exercise

Q1- How did the narrator feel certain that she has come to the right address?
Ans- When the narrator reached the house, a woman opened the door. The woman was wearing the same cardigan that used to be her mother's. Thus she was certain that she had come to the right address.
Q2- Who was Mrs. Dorling? Where did she live?
Ans- Mrs. Dorling was an old acquaintance (friend) of the narrator's mother. Narrator's mother had left her costly belongings with her at the time of war. She lived at house number 46 in Marconi Street.
Q3- Why did narrator come to Mrs. Dorling?
Ans- Narrator came to Mrs. Dorling because there were many valuable things of their kept in the house of Mrs. Dorling.
Q4- What had the narrator's mother told about Mrs. Dorling?
Ans- She had told that Mrs. Dorling was an old acquaintance (friend) of her. Many valuable things of their were kept in her house during the war. And every time she came, she took a bag full of some costly items from their house.
Q5- Why did Mrs. Dorling take away a number of things from narrator's house?
Ans- Those were the time of war. The narrator's mother decided to leave that place because it was mow unsafe for them to stay there. Mrs. Dorling offered to keep her costly things safe in her house. So , she took away a number of things from there.
Q6- How had the conditions improved after the war?
Ans- The War had created terrible hardships for common people. But after the war, there was peace once again. Now the life was getting normal.
Q7- What happened when the narrator visited Mrs. Dorling for the second time?
Ans- Mrs. Dorling was then not at her house. A little girl of about fifteen opened the door. She was the daughter of Mrs. Dorling. She took her inside and offered her tea. The narrator saw a number of rare and costly things of their.
Q8- What were the familiar things that the narrator saw at Mrs. Dorling's house?
Ans- The narrator saw there a woolen table cloth. It had a burn mark at one edge. She saw also a box of cutlery and some pewter plates. There were many other valuable things , which belonged to them once.
Q9- Why did the narrator of this story want to forget the address?
Ans- It was the address of an old acquaintance ( friend) of her mother. Many years ago, the narrator's mother had left all her costly things there. Now the mother was no more. All the valuable items had been kept in Mrs. Dorling's house in a bad condition. Those things had lost all the emotional value for the narrator. She didn't want to get these things back. Mrs. Dorling even refused to recognize her. She didn't let her come into the house. Secondly, the narrator had been living in a small rented room now and she had not sufficient space to put those things. That was why she wanted to forget that address and items. 



 Chapter 3-

Discovering Tut : The Saga Continues
Writer - A. R. Williams
Difficult Words--
forensic- वैज्ञानिक परीक्षण
saga- लंबी गाथा
archaeologist- पुरातत्व विद
cemetery- कब्रिस्तान
scudded- तेजी से उड़ना
Mummy- सुरक्षित रखा गया शव
probe- छानबीन करना
lingering- लंबे समय से उलझी हुई
cramped- तंग आकार में बना
gilded- सोने से जड़ित
ransacked- लूटा गया
antiquity- प्राचीनता
artifacts- हाथ से बनी हुई कलाकृति
resurrection- पुनर्जीवन
funerary- दफन क्रिया संबंधित
celery- अजवाइन
resins- चिकना लेप
legitimate- उचित, वैधानिक
blazing- तपते हुए
budged- सरकार हुआ
consolidated- एकत्र, जमा
chisel- छेनी
circumvent- (धोखा देना) चकमा  देना 
fabulously- आश्चर्यजनक रूप से
collars- कंठहार
bracelet- कंगन
amulets- ताबीज
ceremonial- समारोह संबंधी
sheaths- कवच, म्यान
iconic- मूर्ति संबंधी, प्रतिष्ठित
adornment- सजावट
severed- काट कर अलग करना
substantially- भारी मात्रा में
decades- दस वर्षों का समय
intriguing- उलझन पूर्ण
sophisticated- जटिल
dynasty-  वंशावली
succeeded- उत्तराधिकारी बनना
initiated- शुरू करना
smashing- तोड़ना
wacky- सनकी
oversee- निगरानी रखना
restoration- दोबारा स्थापित करना
reigned- राज्य करना
speculation- अनुमान लगाना
regally- सही तरीके से
eerie- डरावनी, कष्टप्रद
pallbearers- ताबूत ढोने वाले
swirling- भंवर की तरह
emerged- प्रकट होना
pixels- कंप्यूटर स्क्रीन पर चित्र बनाने वाले बिंदु
vertebrae- रीड की हड्डी का एक भाग
rib cage- पसलियों का ढांचा
Osiris- प्राचीन मिस्र का एक देवता (मृत्यु के बाद का ) 
C.T. scan - Computed Tomography scan-कंप्यूटर द्वारा शरीर के अंदरूनी भागों का चित्र लेना
Q1- Who was Tutankhamun?
Ans- He was a Pharaoh (king) of ancient Egypt.

Q2- When did he live ?
Ans- He lived in  Egypt from 1370 B.C. to 1352 B.C.
Q3- What was Tutankhamun's age , when he died?
Ans- He was just 18-19 years old.
Q4- When was Tut's tomb discovered?
Ans- Tut's tomb was discovered in 1922.

Q5- Who discovered Tut's tomb?
Ans- Famous archaeologist Howard Carter.
Q6- When was an X-ray taken of Tut's body?
Ans- In 1968.
Q7- When was a CT scan performed on Tut's body?
Ans- In January 2005.
Q8- When was " The Egyptian Mummy Project" started?
Ans- In 2003.
Q9- Who was Zahi Hawass?
Ans- Secretary General of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities.
Q10- Who was Amenhotep III?
Ans- Perhaps he was the father or grandfather of Tut.
Q11- Who was Amenhotep IV?
Ans- He was the son of Amenhotep III.
Q12- Which god was worshipped by Amenhotep IV?
Ans- The sun God- Aten
Q13- Which city was the religious capital of ancient Egypt?
Ans- Thebes.
Q14- What is one of the biggest mystery of the world?
Ans- The untimely death of Tut.
Q15- Who is the writer of this lesson?
Ans- A. R.Williams 

Textual Exercise:-

Q1- Who's was Tutankhamun?
Ans- Tutankhamun was a Pharoah (King) of ancient Egypt. He lived from 1370 B. C. to 1352 B.C. He was the last ruler of a very powerful family of royalty. His tomb was discovered in 1922.
Q2- Why did King Tut's body been subjected to repeated scrutiny?
Ans- King Tut's life and death have been a very strange mystery. His body has been subjected to repeated scrutiny to find some solid facts about his mysterious life and death. 
Q3- Why had Howard Carter to chisel away the solidified resins to raise the King's remains?
Ans- The solidified resins had cemented King Tut's body to the bottom of his coffin. There was no way to remove the mummy from his coffin. So Carter had to chisel away the solidified resins, unwillingly.
Q4- What things were placed with Tut's mummy?
Ans- Many valuable things were placed with Tut's mummy. They included costly necklace, bracelets, rings, amulets, apron, sandal etc. There were also some board games, a bronze razor, food items and wine put for the Royal Dead.

Q5- Why was Tut's body buried with gilded treasures?
Ans- In ancient Egypt, the royals thought that they could take their wealth with them after their death. It was because of this belief that Tut's body was buried with gilded treasures.
Q6- Write a brief note on " The Egyptian Mummy Project" .
Ans- This project was started in 2003. So far, it had recorded more than 600 mummies.
Q7- List the results of the CT scan of Tut's mummy?
Ans- The Mummy was scanned from head to toe in 2005. There were amazing images of Tut's body on the computer screen. The technician took his body's image from every direction. His head, hand neck vertebrae and ribcage were examined. It was found that nothing had gone wrong with Tut's body.
Q8- What startling fact was revealed about Tut in 1968 ?
Ans- In 1968, an X-ray of Tut's body was done. It revealed some startling facts. His breast-bone and front ribs were missing. It suggested that Tut might not have a natural death. He could have been murdered.
Q9- What did Amenhotep IV do when he became Pharaoh?
Ans- Amenhotep IV made his people worship the sun god, Aten. He smashed all the images of Amun, a major god,  and closed his temples. He even changed his religious capital Thebes to the new city of Akhetaten. 
Q10- Why did the boy king (Tut) change his name from Tutankhamun?
Ans- Amun was a great god of ancient Egypt. But the previous king, Amenhotep IV, made his people worship the sun god, Aten. He smashed all the temples of Amun. But when Tut became King, he changed this custom. He restored all the temples of Amun. He also changed his name from Tutan-kh-aten to Tutan- kh- amun, which means " living image of Amun".

Essay Type Que:-
Q1- What do you know about Tutankhamun?
Ans- Tutankhamun was a Pharoah (King) of ancient Egypt. He lived from 1370 B.C. to 1352 B.C. His original name was Tutan-kh-aten. He changed his name to Tutankhamun which means " living image of Amun". He restored all the old ways to worship. He ruled for about nine years and then he died in a mysterious way. He was the last heir of a very powerful family of royals. His death was the end of a dynasty. Thus his death was a big event in the history. It is thought that he could have been murdered. His tomb was discovered in 1922 by a famous archaeologist Howard Carter.
( Image Courtesy - Internet ) 

Thursday 21 July 2022



You must have heard many bedtime stories from your elders in your childhood. Story telling plays a vital role in the mental  development of a child. 

What a story does:-
1. Gives an important lesson in a very interesting way.
2. Improves capacity to think.
3. Enriches your vocabulary.
4. Increases Comprehension and Expression skills.

Why Story Writing is for you ? :-
 Story writing is an important part of composition. In Tenth class exam, one question is frequently asked containing  five marks. Story writing is an art. You can develop the story from the given outline only if you have sufficient practice to write a story .
What should you do? :-

* read more and more stories 
* then try to write and rewrite that story  in your own words. 

Some Examples to understand you better :-

Story 1: Union is Strength 

Story:- Once there was an old farmer. He had four sons. They always quarreled with one another. The farmer often advised them to live in unity but all in vain .The farmer remained very worried. 
One day he fell seriously ill.He thought that his end was near. He thought a plan to mend the ways of his son. He called his son. He gave them a bundle of sticks. He asked them one after the other to break it.  All of them tried hard but none could break it. Then the farmer untied the bundle. And he again asked his sons to break the sticks. Now each son broke the  sticks easily. 
Then the farmer advised them  to live united like the bundle . He said," United we stand, divided we fall." He also told the importance of unity to them. The sons learnt a lesson . They promised to  live together in unity. The old man died in peace.
(quarreled-झगड़ते थे , advised-समझाया , unity-एकता , all in vain- व्यर्थ , mend the ways- (आदत ) सुधारना , untied-खोलना , united-संगठित ,  मिलकर , importance-महत्व , together - एक साथ, मिलकर  )

Moral:  Union is Strength.एकता में बल है। 

Story 2: A Thirsty Crow

Story:- Once there was a crow. He felt very thirsty one day . He flew here and there in search of water. But he could not find water anywhere. At last , he reached a garden. There he saw a pot of water but the water was very low in the pot.  His beak could not reach  it. The crow was unable to drink water. 
Then he saw some pebbles there. He hit upon an idea. He picked the pebbles one by one and dropped them into the pot. Water rose up . Now the crow's beak could reach it . He quenched his thirst and flew away. 
( beak - चोंच , pebbles - कंकर , quenched- प्यास बुझाना , thirst -प्यास ) 

Moral:  Where there is a will, there is a way .-जहाँ चाह  वहां राह। 

Story 3: A Hare and a Tortoise

Story:- Once there lived a hare and a tortoise in a jungle .The hare  was very proud of his speed. He always made fun of the tortoise for his slow pace.One day, he challenged the tortoise for a race. A great surprise! , the tortoise accepted the challenge. The race begun at a fixed time . Many animals were present to see this race. The hare soon left the tortoise behind . 
About halfway of the race, the hare saw a shady place . He was very confident to win the race so he thought of taking a snooze . Meanwhile , the tortoise continued to move  slowly but steadily on his way . He crossed the asleep hare and kept going on. After a long time , the hare woke up and stared to run. But he found the tortoise at the finish line before him. The tortoise had won the race. The hare felt  ashamed.  
( pace-गति ,  confident- विश्वस्त होना, snooze -झपकी , meanwhile-इसी दौरान ashamed- लज्जित )
Moral :- Slow and steady wins the race. दृढ़ता और निरतंरता से जीत पक्की  / Pride hath a fall.-अभिमानी का सर नीचा। 


Story 4: The Wolf and the Lamb

Story:- One day it was very hot. A wolf felt very thirsty . He went to a stream to drink water . Lower down the stream,  the wolf saw a lamb drinking water. He wanted to eat the lamb.
The wolf went near the lamb and said ,"Why are you making the water dirty? Don't you see I am drinking it?" The lamb replied in a humble tone," Sir, How can I make water dirty? It is coming from your side."
The wolf became angry at this answer. He again said ," You abused me last year. I will not spare you." The lamb trembled and said meekly," You may be mistaken , Sir. I am only six months old." The wolf became more angry at this and said," If it was not you, it must be your father then. I can't forgive you." After saying this, the wolf fell upon  the lamb and ate it up.  

( stream-झरना, wolf- भेड़िया , lamb-मेमना , humble-विनम्र ,-abused - गाली देना , spare-छोड़ना , meekly- कातर स्वर में , fell upon -झपटना  ) 
Moral: Might is Right.--जिसकी लाठी उसकी भैंस।

Story -5: The Hidden Treasure 

Story:- Once there was an old farmer. He was very hardworking. He had three sons. But they were all very lazy. The old farmer was very unhappy with them. He advised them to work hard many times. But the sons did not care for his advice. The farmer was much worried about them. 
One day the farmer fell seriously ill. He called his sons near him. He said to them," There is a big treasure in our field. If you dig up the field, you will surely be very rich." Soon after this, the farmer died. 
After some days,all the three sons went to the field.They dug up all the field. But they were not able to find the hidden treasure . They became very sad. An old friend of his father advised them to sow seeds in their field. The sons did so. There was a good crop that year. They got a lot of money for it. Now they understood the advice of their wise father. They realised that hard work was the real hidden treasure. They began to work hard and became very rich. 

Moral :- Hard work is the key to success. 

Story -6 : Bad Company

Once there was a boy named Rohan. He was the only son of his parents. He was a very good boy, but he fell into a bad company. His parents tried to reform him, but all in vain. At last, his father thought of a plan. One day he bought some fine apples. He asked Rohan to put them in a basket. Next day, he gave a rotten apple to him . He asked Rohan to put this apple among the fine apples. The son did so.
Next morning, the father asked Rohan to bring all the apples. He brought all the apples. He surprised to find that all the apples had gone bad. The father explained to him the reason. One rotten apple had spoiled all the fine apples. This was the result of a bad company. Rohan learnt a lesson now. He gave up bad company for ever. He became a good boy again.

(reform - सुधार करना,  in vain - व्यर्थ,  basket - टोकरी,  rotten - बड़ा हुआ,  spoiled- बिगाड़ना, खराब करना, gave up - त्यागना, छोड़ देना )

Moral :- Better alone than in a bad company.



The Laburnum Top is a beautiful poem , nicely composed , by famous poet Ted Hughes. This poem is included in the course of Eleventh class,  both CBSE and HBSE. In this poem, a vivid and beautiful picture of an autumn afternoon in late September is created by the poet. A large Laburnum tree is there with yellow leaves. It's top is still , silent and quite . The whole tree is bathed in the fade yellow light of the setting sun. The flower seeds have been fallen to the ground. The details are so vivid that we feel the whole tree in front of us. 

Suddenly a goldfinch breaks this quietness. She comes chirping and sits safely on a branch of the tree. She enters the thickness of the branches with alertness. Her movement is rightly been compared with the movement of a lizard. After her entry , there is a lot of noise . We hear a lot of chitterings and trillings in the tree. These are the young ones of the bird, who make the noise. The whole tree trembles with a thrill of joy and pleasure . The young brood has come to life on the coming of their caring mother. She feeds each one of them to their fill. But they need more food and for the sake of it, the goldfinch has to leave her nest. Again she comes out to the end of a branch and flies away into the infinite sky. The Laburnum Top again becomes still, silent and quite as it was in the beginning.... 

Hindi Summary

Stanza 1:-
"The Laburnum top is silent, quite still
In the afternoon yellow September sunlight
A few leaves yellowing, all it's seeds fallen."

( Laburnum-अमलतास का पेड़, still- शांत)

सितंबर महीने में दोपहर बाद का एक दिन है। सूर्य ढल रहा है और इसकी पीली रोशनी की चमक अमलतास के एक पेड़ पर पड़ रही है और वह पेड़ भी सूर्य के पीले प्रकाश में नहाया हुआ दिखता है। इस पेड़ की चोटी पूरी तरह  शांत, स्थिर और बिना किसी हलचल के दिखाई देती है। पतझड़ के कारण इस पेड़ की कुछ पत्तियां पीली पड़ गई हैं। इसके फूलों के बीज पक कर जमीन पर गिर चुके हैं।

Stanza 2:-
Till the goldfinch comes , with a twitching chirrup
A suddenness , a startlement , at a branch end.
Then sleek as a lizard , and alert , and abrupt,
She enters the thickness, and a machine starts up
Of chitterings, and a tremor of wings , and triilings------
The whole tree trembles and thrills.

(goldfinch- पीले पंखों की एक प्रकार की छोटी चिड़िया, twitching-झटके सहित ,starltment-सनसनी, sleek-सफाई से , abrupt-अचानक   , chitterings- चहचहाहट की हल्की आवाजें ,  tremor-थरथराहट)

शांत अमलतास की खामोशी तब तक बनी रहती है जब तक कि एक सुनहरी चिड़िया चौंका देने के अंदाज़ में नहीं आती है। वह चीं चीं करती हुए आती है और पेड़ की एक टहनी के अंतिम छोर पर बैठ जाती है। फिर यह अत्यंत सफाई से पेड़ की घनी शाखाओं में प्रवेश कर जाती है। कवि ने इसकी गति की तुलना छिपकली से को है जो बिल्कुल उचित है। इसके छोटे छोटे बच्चे इसके आते ही शोर मचाना शुरू कर देते हैं और अपने छोटे छोटे पंखों को फड़फड़ाने लगते हैं। इसके आने से इसके घोसलें में एक व्यवस्थित हलचल शुरू हो जाती है। पूरा पेड़ भी अत्यधिक प्रसन्नता से  रोमांचित हो कर थर्राने लगता  है ।

Stanza 3:-
It is the engine of her family.
She stokes it full, then flirts out to a branch end
Showing her barred face identify mask.

(Stokes- भर देती है , flirts out - तुरंत बाहर निकल जाना, barred face- धारी युक्त चेहरा)

सुनहरी चिड़िया अपने पूरे परिवार की शक्ति का एक स्रोत है और कवि ने उसे उसके परिवार का इंजन कहा है। वह अपने नन्हे बच्चों का पेट पूरी तरह भर देती है । फिर वह ( और खाना लाने के लिए) तुरंत बाहर एक टहनी के सिरे पर बैठ जाती है। और  अपने बच्चों को अपना धारी दार चेहरा पहचान के तौर पर दिखाती है।

Stanza 4:-
Then with eerie delicate whistle- chirrup whisperings
She launches away, the infinite
And the laburnum subsides to empty.

( Eerie- डरी हुई, उदास , whistle-chirrup सीटी जैसी आवाज, launches away-उड़ जाती है, subsides to empty- ऐसे शांत हो जाना जैसे बिल्कुल रिक्त हो)

अपने बच्चों का पेट भरने के बाद सुनहरी चिड़िया बाहर आती है और एक उदास ,कोमल और डरे हुए अंदाज़  में  सीटी की तरह आवाज निकालती है। फिर वह दोबारा अनंत आकाश में उड़ जाती है। अमलतास का पेड़ फिर एकबार शांत और स्थिर हो जाता है।ऐसा प्रतीत होता है मानो इसमें कुछ भी शेष  नहीं है ।

Textual Exercise:-
Q1- Which month of the year has been mentioned in this poem? What has been said about the laburnum top? 
Ans:- The month of September has been mentioned in the poem. The laburnum top is silent ,quiet and still till the goldfinch comes and lands at the end of a branch.

Q2-What do you notice about the begining and the ending of the poem? 
Ans:- The beginning and the ending of the poem present the same scene. The laburnum top is all silent and still. There is no movement in the tree.

Q3- What is the goldfinch's movement compared to? What is the basis for the comparison?
Ans:- The goldfinch's movement has been compared to that of a lizard. She enters the thickness of the branches in a sleek manner. A lizard also moves in the same way. It's movement is alert and abrupt as like the lizard.

Q4:- What happens when the goldfinch enters the thick branches of the laburnum?
Ans:- When the goldfinch enters the thick branches of the laburnum, the whole tree becomes alive. The young ones of the goldfinch start chittering. There is a tremor of wings. The whole tree starts trembling with a thrill of extreme joy.

Q5:- Why is the image of the 'engine' evoked by the poet?
Ans:- We know well that an engine is a source of energy to run a machine. The goldfinch is also a source of energy for her family. She feeds her young ones to the fill. Again she flies for more food for her family. So, the goldfinch has rightly been called the 'engine' by the poet.

Q6- What do you like the most about the poem?
Ans:- This poem creates a very beautiful picture of an autumn afternoon. The whole picture comes alive and vivid before our imagination. The silent and quite laburnum top, it's yellow leaves , fallen seeds, the movement of the goldfinch, it's young ones--all has been described in a pictorial manner.

Q7- What does the phrase 'her barred face' , 'identity mask' mean?
Ans:- The goldfinch has a barred face. It looks like a mask. Her face serves as her identify.

Q8- How does the laburnum top look after the goldfinch has flown away?
Ans :- The laburnum top becomes all quiet and still. It  looks silent and sad. It seems as if it had become empty and nothing is left there.

Q9- What does ' machine' mean in the poem - The Laburnum Top?
Ans:- In this poem, the word ' machine' refers to the group of the goldfinch's young ones. When the goldfinch comes to her nest , at once the whole of her brood starts chittering together. A machine also works in the same way.

Q10- What kind of sounds does the goldfinch make when she flies away again ?
Ans:- She makes eerie, sad , delicate and whistling chirrup as it flies away. It shows her sadness to leave her nest.

Footprints Without Feet - H. G. Wells ( 10th English Core)

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