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Thursday 21 July 2022



The Laburnum Top is a beautiful poem , nicely composed , by famous poet Ted Hughes. This poem is included in the course of Eleventh class,  both CBSE and HBSE. In this poem, a vivid and beautiful picture of an autumn afternoon in late September is created by the poet. A large Laburnum tree is there with yellow leaves. It's top is still , silent and quite . The whole tree is bathed in the fade yellow light of the setting sun. The flower seeds have been fallen to the ground. The details are so vivid that we feel the whole tree in front of us. 

Suddenly a goldfinch breaks this quietness. She comes chirping and sits safely on a branch of the tree. She enters the thickness of the branches with alertness. Her movement is rightly been compared with the movement of a lizard. After her entry , there is a lot of noise . We hear a lot of chitterings and trillings in the tree. These are the young ones of the bird, who make the noise. The whole tree trembles with a thrill of joy and pleasure . The young brood has come to life on the coming of their caring mother. She feeds each one of them to their fill. But they need more food and for the sake of it, the goldfinch has to leave her nest. Again she comes out to the end of a branch and flies away into the infinite sky. The Laburnum Top again becomes still, silent and quite as it was in the beginning.... 

Hindi Summary

Stanza 1:-
"The Laburnum top is silent, quite still
In the afternoon yellow September sunlight
A few leaves yellowing, all it's seeds fallen."

( Laburnum-अमलतास का पेड़, still- शांत)

सितंबर महीने में दोपहर बाद का एक दिन है। सूर्य ढल रहा है और इसकी पीली रोशनी की चमक अमलतास के एक पेड़ पर पड़ रही है और वह पेड़ भी सूर्य के पीले प्रकाश में नहाया हुआ दिखता है। इस पेड़ की चोटी पूरी तरह  शांत, स्थिर और बिना किसी हलचल के दिखाई देती है। पतझड़ के कारण इस पेड़ की कुछ पत्तियां पीली पड़ गई हैं। इसके फूलों के बीज पक कर जमीन पर गिर चुके हैं।

Stanza 2:-
Till the goldfinch comes , with a twitching chirrup
A suddenness , a startlement , at a branch end.
Then sleek as a lizard , and alert , and abrupt,
She enters the thickness, and a machine starts up
Of chitterings, and a tremor of wings , and triilings------
The whole tree trembles and thrills.

(goldfinch- पीले पंखों की एक प्रकार की छोटी चिड़िया, twitching-झटके सहित ,starltment-सनसनी, sleek-सफाई से , abrupt-अचानक   , chitterings- चहचहाहट की हल्की आवाजें ,  tremor-थरथराहट)

शांत अमलतास की खामोशी तब तक बनी रहती है जब तक कि एक सुनहरी चिड़िया चौंका देने के अंदाज़ में नहीं आती है। वह चीं चीं करती हुए आती है और पेड़ की एक टहनी के अंतिम छोर पर बैठ जाती है। फिर यह अत्यंत सफाई से पेड़ की घनी शाखाओं में प्रवेश कर जाती है। कवि ने इसकी गति की तुलना छिपकली से को है जो बिल्कुल उचित है। इसके छोटे छोटे बच्चे इसके आते ही शोर मचाना शुरू कर देते हैं और अपने छोटे छोटे पंखों को फड़फड़ाने लगते हैं। इसके आने से इसके घोसलें में एक व्यवस्थित हलचल शुरू हो जाती है। पूरा पेड़ भी अत्यधिक प्रसन्नता से  रोमांचित हो कर थर्राने लगता  है ।

Stanza 3:-
It is the engine of her family.
She stokes it full, then flirts out to a branch end
Showing her barred face identify mask.

(Stokes- भर देती है , flirts out - तुरंत बाहर निकल जाना, barred face- धारी युक्त चेहरा)

सुनहरी चिड़िया अपने पूरे परिवार की शक्ति का एक स्रोत है और कवि ने उसे उसके परिवार का इंजन कहा है। वह अपने नन्हे बच्चों का पेट पूरी तरह भर देती है । फिर वह ( और खाना लाने के लिए) तुरंत बाहर एक टहनी के सिरे पर बैठ जाती है। और  अपने बच्चों को अपना धारी दार चेहरा पहचान के तौर पर दिखाती है।

Stanza 4:-
Then with eerie delicate whistle- chirrup whisperings
She launches away, the infinite
And the laburnum subsides to empty.

( Eerie- डरी हुई, उदास , whistle-chirrup सीटी जैसी आवाज, launches away-उड़ जाती है, subsides to empty- ऐसे शांत हो जाना जैसे बिल्कुल रिक्त हो)

अपने बच्चों का पेट भरने के बाद सुनहरी चिड़िया बाहर आती है और एक उदास ,कोमल और डरे हुए अंदाज़  में  सीटी की तरह आवाज निकालती है। फिर वह दोबारा अनंत आकाश में उड़ जाती है। अमलतास का पेड़ फिर एकबार शांत और स्थिर हो जाता है।ऐसा प्रतीत होता है मानो इसमें कुछ भी शेष  नहीं है ।

Textual Exercise:-
Q1- Which month of the year has been mentioned in this poem? What has been said about the laburnum top? 
Ans:- The month of September has been mentioned in the poem. The laburnum top is silent ,quiet and still till the goldfinch comes and lands at the end of a branch.

Q2-What do you notice about the begining and the ending of the poem? 
Ans:- The beginning and the ending of the poem present the same scene. The laburnum top is all silent and still. There is no movement in the tree.

Q3- What is the goldfinch's movement compared to? What is the basis for the comparison?
Ans:- The goldfinch's movement has been compared to that of a lizard. She enters the thickness of the branches in a sleek manner. A lizard also moves in the same way. It's movement is alert and abrupt as like the lizard.

Q4:- What happens when the goldfinch enters the thick branches of the laburnum?
Ans:- When the goldfinch enters the thick branches of the laburnum, the whole tree becomes alive. The young ones of the goldfinch start chittering. There is a tremor of wings. The whole tree starts trembling with a thrill of extreme joy.

Q5:- Why is the image of the 'engine' evoked by the poet?
Ans:- We know well that an engine is a source of energy to run a machine. The goldfinch is also a source of energy for her family. She feeds her young ones to the fill. Again she flies for more food for her family. So, the goldfinch has rightly been called the 'engine' by the poet.

Q6- What do you like the most about the poem?
Ans:- This poem creates a very beautiful picture of an autumn afternoon. The whole picture comes alive and vivid before our imagination. The silent and quite laburnum top, it's yellow leaves , fallen seeds, the movement of the goldfinch, it's young ones--all has been described in a pictorial manner.

Q7- What does the phrase 'her barred face' , 'identity mask' mean?
Ans:- The goldfinch has a barred face. It looks like a mask. Her face serves as her identify.

Q8- How does the laburnum top look after the goldfinch has flown away?
Ans :- The laburnum top becomes all quiet and still. It  looks silent and sad. It seems as if it had become empty and nothing is left there.

Q9- What does ' machine' mean in the poem - The Laburnum Top?
Ans:- In this poem, the word ' machine' refers to the group of the goldfinch's young ones. When the goldfinch comes to her nest , at once the whole of her brood starts chittering together. A machine also works in the same way.

Q10- What kind of sounds does the goldfinch make when she flies away again ?
Ans:- She makes eerie, sad , delicate and whistling chirrup as it flies away. It shows her sadness to leave her nest.

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