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Thursday 21 July 2022

Journey to the End of the Earth :: Tishani Doshi

The Writer - Tishani Doshi

Tishani Doshi

This lesson is prescribed in the syllabus of 12th course , both in HBSE and CBSE.  The writer,  Tishani Doshi , is a well known name in this field . In this lesson . she describes the experience of her visit ti Antarctica , the coldest, the windiest and the driest continent in the world. She was a part of an educational  group, which consists 52 high school students , who went there  under the " Students on Ice " programme to know more about the Continent. 

Difficult Words :-
continent महाद्वीप
vessel समुद्री यान
heading आगे बढ़ना
ecospheres पारिस्थितिक मंडल 
expansive विस्तृत
profound भरपूर मात्रा में
immensity विशालता
isolation अलग थलग
geological भूगोल संबंधी
amalgamated एकीकृत
flora and fauna वनस्पति की विविधता
thrive   फलना फूलना
mammals स्तनधारी जीव
grasp पकड़ना , पाने का प्रयत्न करना 
evolution जीवन का विस्तार
extinction विलुप्त होना
crust कठोर सतह
circumpolar परिध्रुवी  
desolate एकाकी , निर्जन 
prospect सम्भावना    
circulatory परिसंचारी 
metabolic उपापचयी 
devoid of वंचित, से रहित 
perspective दृष्टिकोण 
midges छोटा कीट 
surreal अद्भुत , अति यथार्थवादी 
austral दक्षिणी गोलार्ध से सम्बंधित 
ubiquitous सर्व व्यापी 
avalanche हिम स्खलन 
calving बर्फ का टूटना 
consecrate अर्पण करना 
prognosis पूर्वानुमान 
barely मुश्किल से 
ruckus शोर शराबा , अव्यवस्था 
etch उकेरना , नक्काशी करना 
dominance प्रभुत्व 
unmitigated पूर्ण करना 
fossil जीवाश्म  
disrupt भंग करना 
crucial निर्णायक 

Textual & Important Exercise

Q1 - How long was the author's journey to Antarctica?
Ans- The author , Tishani Doshi, says that the journey began 13.09 degrees north of the Equator in Chennai. It involved crossing nine time zones, six checkpoints, three bodies of water and at least three ecospheres. She had to travel  over 100 hours in combination of car, aeroplane and ship. She visited Antarctica with  a group of 52 students under 'Students on Ice ' programme. 

Q2- What has been the result of rapid increase of human population ?
Ans- The rapid increase of human population has resulted in many problems. Natural resources have become limited. Limitless burning of fossils fuels has created a blanket of carbon dioxide around the world. It has increased the average global temperature. 

Q3- How were the Himalayas formed?
Ans- About a million years ago, India used to be a part of the southern supercontinent- Gondwana. Somehow it was pushed northward. It jammed against Asia. Its crust goy bucked and thus Himalayas were formed. 

Q4- What is unique and special about Antarctica?
Ans- Antarctica is the only place in the world which never had any permanent human population. It remains pristine in this respect. Secondly, it holds half-million years old carbon records. 

Q5- What was the aim of the 'Students on Ice" programme?
Ans- Its aim was to provide young students the opportunity to visit the ends of the the earth.  Thus they could understand the impact of global warming. Also they could develop a new understanding and respect for their planet. Thus as future policy-makers , they could help to save the planet from the present danger.

Q6- What do you know about 'phytoplankton'?
Ans- They are single cell plants and found in Southern Ocean. Through the process of photosynthesis, they supply food and oxygen for all the marine animals and birds of the region. But global warming can effect the activities of these plants and the life of all creatures depending on them. 

Q7- What is the best place to study the effect of global warming?
Ans- Antarctica is the best place to study of the global warming and its effect. Its receding glaciers and collapsing ice shelves tell us how real the threat of global warming is. 

Q8- Describe the author's experience of walking on the frozen ocean; Antarctica.
Ans- The author recalls her wonderous experience of walking on the frozen ocean. She says that the stark whiteness of the ice seemed to spread out for ever. There was a metre-thick ice pack underneath her feet. She was filled with wonder at the immensity and isolation of Antarctica.

Q9- Who was Geoff Green and why did he start 'Students on Ice' programme?
Ans- Geoff Green was a Canadian scientist. He started 'Students on Ice' programme , so that the students could get inspiring educational opportunities .Thus they could understand the impact of global warming. Also they could develop a new understanding and respect for their planet. Thus as future policy-makers , they could help to save the planet from the present danger.  

Q10- What are the indication for the future of mankind?
Ans- The indications for the future of mankind are not good. Human population has increased rapidly. We have destroyed our four principal biological system- forests, fisheries, croplands and grasslands. The threat of global warming is real. Climate change has become one of the most hotly issue of debate. These grave indications are not good for the future of mankind.

Q 11- Why do people  visit Antarctica? OR
Why Antarctica is the best place to know the past, present and future of the earth. Explain.
Ans- People visit Antarctica in order to know the earth's past, present and future. They visit it to understand the importance of Cordilleran folds. It is amazing to think that big chucks of landmass separated from it and formed the continents of today. No one can say for sure how the global warming will have it's effect on earth. The best place, where this effect can be studied, is Antarctica. This region has not been spoiled by man. It has a simple ecosystem. There is not much biodiversity here. Antarctica is the only place in the world which never had any permanent human population. It remains pristine in this respect. Secondly, it holds half-million years old carbon records. So Antarctica is the only and the best place to know the past, present and future of the earth. 

Rajender Tanwar
PGT English



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