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Thursday 14 July 2022

The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse -- William Saroyan

  The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse -- William Saroyan

Word Meanings:-

hallmark विशेषता ,  

tribe कबीला , 

pride गर्व

magnificence शान, वैभव, 

crazy सनकी , 

longing प्रबल इच्छा, 

comical मजाकिया , 

consequently परिणाम स्वरूप , 

pious पवित्र , 

stealing चोरी , 

vineyard अंगूर का  बाग ,  

orchard बगीचा , 

irrigation सिंचाई , 

ditches  खाई, नाली , 

streak निशान , 

descendent वंशज , 

enormous बहुत बड़ा , 

furious क्रोधित , 

impatient अधीर , 

capricious सनकी , 

vagrant  आवारा , 

awful  भयानक , 

parlour बैठने की खुली जगह, आंगन  , 

surrey घोड़ा गाड़ी , 

slamming  जोर से बंद करना , 

homesick घर की याद आना , 

peach आड़ू , 

robin एक पक्षी , 

barn खलिहान , सूखा चारा रखने की जगह,  

eagerly उत्सुकता से , 

swear कसम खाना , 

twin जुड़वां , 

suspicious शक्की,

better tempered सुधरे हुए व्यवहार वाला , 

fear- stricken भयभीत


Important VSA,s:--

Q1-Who is the writer of this lesson?

Ans- William Saroyan.

Q2- Who is the narrator of the lesson? How old he is ?

Ans- Aram-a nine years old Armenian boy.

Q3- What was the name of Aram,s cousin?

Ans- Mourad .

Q4- What kind of a boy was Mourad?

Ans- A crazy and lively boy of thirteen.

Q5- Which tribe Aram and Mourad belonged to?

Ans- They belonged to the Garoghlanian tribe of Armenia.

Q6- What was their tribe famous for?

Ans-For honesty .

Q7- Where they were living that year?

Ans- On the edge of the town, on Walnut Avenue.

Q8- What did Mourad bring with him one morning?

Ans- A beautiful white horse at 4 AM. morning.

Q9. Who was the most craziest person in Aram,s tribe?

Ans-His uncle, Khosrove.

Q10- What kind of a person was Khosrove?

Ans- An enormous man with the largest moustache in whole San Joaquin Valley.

Q11- What was the name of Mourad,s father?

Ans- Zorab.

Q12- What was the name of Khosrove,s son?

Ans- Arak.

Q13- What names were used by Mourad for the horse?

Ans- 'Vazire' and 'My Heart'.

Q14. Who was the real owner of that horse?

Ans- John Byro, an Assyrian man.

Q15- For how much time, Mourad was keeping that horse?

Ans- For a month.

Q16- Where John Byro met with both the boys with the horse?

Ans- When they were going to Fetvajjan,s vineyard in the morning.

Q16- What did the boy do at last?

Ans- They returned the horse to John Byro secretly.

Q17- Why did the boys returned the horse?

Ans- They were fear- stricken.

Q18- What did John Byro say about his horse to Aram,s mother?

Ans- The horse was now better- tempered and healthier.

Textual Exercise:-

Q1- Who were Aram and Mourad?

Ans- They were cousins. Aram was nine years old and Mourad was thirteen years old. Both of them were fond of horse - riding. They belonged to the Garoghlanian tribe of Armenia. 

Q2- What did everyone think about Mourad?

Ans- Mourad was the cousin of Aram. Everybody, who knew him, thought him to be crazy. But Aram didn't think so. He shared with Mourad his fondness for horse - riding. 

Q3- How does the narrator describe the tribe to which he belonged?

Ans- The narrator belonged to the Garoghlanian tribe. He says that it was a poor tribe . But these people were known for their honesty. Everyone trusted them without any doubt. 

He also says that our people took pride in the fact that they were honest in spite of their poverty.

Q4- How did the narrator feel when he realized that his cousin had stolen the horse?

Ans- The narrator belonged to a poor but very honest tribe. Everyone trusted them without any doubt. But when he found that his cousin, Mourad, had stolen the horse, he remained shocked. He thought it something disgraceful.

Q5- What happened when the narrator rode the horse alone?

Ans- The narrator, Aram, got on the horse and kicked into his muscles. The horse started running down. Then it began to leap over the vines. The narrator couldn't control the horse and fell down.

Q6- What do you know about Khosrove?

Ans- Khosrove was narrator's uncle. He was the craziest person in whole tribe. He was a big man with a powerful body. He had the largest moustache in that area. He was a short - tempered and irritable person. He would stop anyone from talking by shouting. 

Q7- Who was John Byro? How did he react when he saw the narrator and his cousin with his stolen horse?

Ans- John Byro was a farmer from Assyria. He was the owner of a beautiful white horse, that had been stolen by Mourad. One day, he saw narrator and his cousin with his horse. He was quite certain that it was his horse. It had exactly the same number of  teeth. But he didn't suspect that the two boys were thieves, because their tribe was famous for its honesty.

Q8- What did the narrator and his cousin do with the horse in the end?

Ans-John Byro had seen them with his stolen horse. The boys were alarmed and got afraid. So they went quietly and left the horse at Byro's farm.

Essay Type

Q9- What elements make the story," The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse" interesting?

Ans-It is the simple nature of the narrator, his Aram,and cousin, Mourad, that makes it interesting. The story gives a true picture of a certain Armenian tribe. They were poor people but they believe deeply in honesty. They are proud to have a high moral value. The two boys enjoy the riding of a stolen horse, yet we can't say them thieves. When they feel that they have done a mistake to steal a horse, they return it at last. The gentle humour of this story also increases our interest. Mourad's charming self confidence and Khosrove's craziness add their own interest to the story. 

Q10- Did the boys return the horse because they were conscience- stricken or because they were fear-stricken?

Ans- The boys in this story were innocent and simple. They didn't think that they have done anything seriously wrong . They simply wanted to enjoy the horse- riding for some time. It was a " borrowing" not a " stealing" for them. But when John Byro saw them with his horse, they got very afraid. He didn't suspect them of being thieves, but the boys were frightened. So they went quietly and left the horse at Byro's farm. It shows that the boys were fear-stricken.





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