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Sunday 10 September 2023

BIRTH : A.J. Cronin ( XIth ) HBSE CBSE

This lesson is included in XIth class syllabus ( both HBSE & CBSE) written by A. J. Cronin (Archibald Joseph Cronin (19 July 1896 – 6 January 1981) . This is an extract from his famous book ' The Citadel' . (published in 1937).

This heart-touching story is about a young doctor, Andrew Manson, who accomplishes an extraordinary feat with his efforts. In this story we see how despite the problems in his personal life, Andrew is dedicated towards his medical profession and through his meaningful efforts he succeeds in saving precious life. 
 Andrew Manson has just begun his medical practice in the small town of Blaenelly. This is a famous mining town in Wales ( United Kingdom) .  Andrew Manson has been an assistant of Dr. Edward Page. 

Word Meanings:-

excerpt  अंश 
burly  मोटा 
contemplation  विचार 
perceptive  आभासपूर्ण 
premonition  पूर्व ज्ञान 
stout  हृष्ट पुष्ट 
queer  अजीब 
lethargy  सुस्ती 
cinder  जलती लकड़ी ,अंगारे 
grate  चूल्हा 
obsess  परेशान करना 
morbidly  गलत ढंग से 
sordidly  बोरियत से 
shrewish  चालाक 
idyllic  सुन्दर 
broodingly  मनन करते हुए 
anesthetic  बेहोशी की दवा 
exertions  मेहनत , परिश्रम 
resuscitate  कृत्रिम साँस देना 
instinctively  प्रवृत्ति से  , 
ebbing  कम होता हुआ 
flaccid  कमजोर 
tallow  चर्बी 
haggard  थका हुआ , खुरदरा 
asphyxia  दम घुटना 
faltered  हड़बड़ाना 
consternation  निराशा 
whimpered  हल्के से रोना 
miracle  चमत्कार 
convulsive  हिलते हुए 
giddy  चक्कर आना 
exquisite  सुन्दर , अत्यधिक शानदार  
mucus  झाग 
iridescent  चमकीला 
blanched  सफ़ेद 
impale  चुभना 
huddled  दुबका हुआ 
scullery  बर्तन धोने की जगह 
pavement  पटरी 
oblivious  अनजान 

Imp. VSA's :- 
Q1- Who is the author of the lesson " Birth" ?
Ans- A.J. Cronin.
Q2- Who was Andrew Manson?
Ans- He was a young doctor, who has just started his medical practice.
Q3- Who was Dr. Edward Page?
Ans- Dr. Page was his senior doctor and teacher.
Q4- Where was Andrew's clinic?
Ans- In a small Welsh town of Blaenelly.
Q5- Who was Christine?
Ans- She was Andrew's friend .
Q6- Who was Joe Morgan?
Ans Joe Morgan was a stout man of fifty. He was a driller at a mine. 
Q7- Where did Joe Morgan live?
Ans- House No 12, Blaina Terrace.
Q8- What was the name of Joe Morgan's wife?
Ans- Susan Morgan. 
Q9- How long time had Joe Morgan and his wife married?
Ans- For twenty years.
Q10- Why did Joe Morgan come at mid night to Andrew Manson?
Ans- Because Morgan's wife was going to deliver a child and she needed a doctor. 
Q11- Why was Andrew shocked to see the child at the time of birth?
Ans- Because the newborn child seemed dead.
Q12- What did Andrew decide to do with the dead child?
Ans- He decided to make all possible efforts to revive the child.
Q13- What miracle happened?
Ans- By the endless efforts of Andrew, the child gave one heave, then another.
Q14- Who were Bramwell and Denny?
Ans- They were  Andrew's friend.
Q15- Why was Andrew in a desperate mood when Joe came to him?
Ans- Because he had a very disappointing meeting with his friend Christine. 
Q16- Who was Blodwen?
Ans- She was a very clever lady , who deceived Dr Edward Page.  

Textual Exercise-
Q1- Who is Andrew Manson?
Ans- Andrew Manson was a young doctor. He has just completed his Medical school. He has just started his medical practice in the small Welsh( UK) town of Blaenelly, a mining town. He was an assistant of Dr. Edward Page. 
Q2- What do you know about Joe Morgan and his wife?
Ans- Joe Morgan is a driller in a mine and lives in Blaenelly. He and his wife , have been married for twenty years. They were expecting their first baby after twenty years. Joe comes to Andrew Manson and requests for his services in the delivery of their child.   
Q3- What does Andrew find when he enters the room?
Ans- When Andres enters the room, he finds Morgan's mother sitting besides the patient, that is Morgan's wife. A stout midwife is also present there. There is still some time to childbirth.
Q4- Why is Manson shocked when the child is born? What does he do then?
Ans- After an hour of labour, the child is born. But Manson is shocked to find that the child is lifeless. It is still born. The mother was also in a very desperate condition. He can't decide whether to attend the mother first or try to revive the child first. At last, he gave the child to the nurse and attended the mother. 

Rajender Tanwar
Lect in English
GGSSS Kairu ( Bhiwani)

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